Coby could only shiver in the corner, he remembered his village, his friends, his dream. How did it all go wrong? He had always looked up to the Sea Hero and yet the reality for him was that of a chore boy on a pirate ship. The pirates robbed the scared civilians of everything valuable as they made their way back to the deck to transfer their newly acquired wealth. At this point, Coby noticed a barrel remained intact in the already destroyed storeroom.

“Coby, are you slacking off again,” Poppoko said as he approached the storeroom. “Very good at least you know your place. You found a large barrel of beer for us brothers. Let us give you a hand.” Poppoko said as he shoved Coby out of the way.

The brothers gathered around the barrel and squatted in a position to lift it.

“3, 2, …...1” Heppoko counted, just as they were about to lift it the barrel burst open as arms and legs flew out hitting the brothers in their temple knocking them out on the floor.

Coby could not believe his eyes. ‘A person came out of the barrel?’

“Argh thank you for looking after me,” the strange person said. "I am really hungry, where do they keep the food on this ship? What is wrong with you? Why are you so shocked?”

“Who are you? Why were you in a barrel? You need to run unless you will be killed!...” Coby spoke as quickly as he could, but the strange person was not listening to him. Instead was munching on a pile of apples scattered on the floor.

“Excuse me, this cruise ship is being attacked by the Alvida Pirates. The three people you knocked out are part of her inner circle. I am afraid you need to run unless they will kill you.” Coby shyly.

“I am Monkey D. Luffy, nice to meet you. There is no need to worry about that, I am strong. I need to eat my fill before I continue my journey. Are you part of the pirates?” Luffy asked with his mouth full of  apples

“Yes, and No, they call me no-good Coby. Two years ago, I mistakenly boarded the wrong boat while on a fishing trip. Only to end up as a chore boy.” Coby told the series of events that led to today, his life and his plan to escape.

“See you already have a plan. How about it, I will help you escape and you give me a lift on your boat.” Luffy said with a smile, he didn't think much about Coby’s lack of resolve. 

“Have you heard of the Sea Hero?” Coby asked passionately. “I wish one day I could be like him. Not being afraid of what schemes and plans await, just charge head-on in the name of justice. Always making a difference in the lives of people around me.”

“Did you not hear about the recruitment post that is currently spreading around the world? I left my island looking for my Grandfather, I just got the news that he might require some help. That's why I am heading to Marine HQ in Marineford.” Luffy said casually

“Don't tell me you are related to Marine Hero, MONKEY D GARP” the fear level in Coby broke past its normal threshold. ‘I already introduced myself as a pirate!!! I'm in trouble now’ Coby thought before asking “Are you here to capture Captain Alvida?”

“No, I am not a marine. I just found out what my Grandfather’s job was a few days ago. No wonder he always wanted me to become a marine. I wanted to set off to become the Pirate King, but right now this upcoming war, something tells me that I have to fight in it.” Luffy said with a smile

“Pirate King!”

‘Intuition or Madness?’ Coby thought

“COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBY, who has come to catch me?” a voice yelled from the other side of the deck.

“Luffy, please hide!” Coby said quickly before replying “No one Captain Alvida, I was just talking to myself”

“Then did you hurt Heppoko, Poppoko and Peppoko yourself?” Captain Alvida asked.

“Hey, Coby! Who is the Fatty?” Luffy asked as he shoved another apple in his mouth.


To everyone present on the deck, time froze. The birds in the sky at this point also sensed the anger in the air flying far away from Lady Mary. The rough seas calmed down in expectation of what was to come.

“Coby, tell your friend there who the most beautiful lady on the sea is?” Captain Alvida asked, her anger could not be hidden as her already chubby face turned red.

“It is yo---” while speaking Coby took a look at Luffy who was looking ahead without care or concern. ‘I will trust in you, if anyone can get me out of this it has to be you’

“Not you, you Ugly Old Hag!” Coby screamed at the top of his lungs.

“HAHAHAHAHA well said, Coby. HAHAHAHA” Luffy could not contain his laughter as he rolled on the ground holding his stomach.

“Get him boys” a crewmate yelled as he ran toward Luffy.

“Since you all are coming at me, don't blame me for retaliating,” Luffy said as he used his Devil Fruit power.

“Gomu Gomu no Mi (Rubber Rubber Fruit): Gatling Gun”

Punch after punch, a series of punches that looked like after images filled the deck, heading in the direction of the armed pirates. 

“They are just childish tricks, get him,” Captain Alvida said as she took a step back.

In a matter of seconds, the entire crew was knocked down or off the boat into the sea.

“It looks like you have the power of that cursed fruit.” Captain Alvida said as she curiously examined Luffy.

“Yes, I am a rubber human. I ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi (Rubber Rubber Fruit)” Luffy said as he pulled his cheek, showing off its elastic nature.

“Very well, but that won't stop me from clubbing you to death.” Captain Alvida shouted as she swung her Club vertically downwards at Luffy's head.

“Head Explosion Attack”


“I told you! I am a rubber human. Attacks of this kind do not work on me.” Luffy said with a compressed head which bounced back into its original shape.

“Gomu Gomu no Mi (Rubber Rubber Fruit): Rocket”

He threw both his hands backwards, stretching them past the ship until they reached the maximum elasticity. Before releasing his control, he sent them flying at Alvida who was trying to retrieve her oversized club. The power generated by this attack was immense as Captain Alvida who was hit by the attack could only be sent flying into the sky with no one knowing where her landing point was.

“Ok Coby, where is that boat you mentioned,” Luffy said with a smile.

“Excuse me! Are you even human? This is the first time seeing anyone with such powers" A young lady peeped out of the cabin as she spoke. "My name is Nami, I am a trainee navigator on this cruise ship. Would it be possible to come with you off this ship? I heard you have a boat, that is perfect. I may not know much about shipbuilding but as a navigator, I can tell that this cruise ship will not be making it to the next island.” a pretty orange-haired young lady with a short hairstyle with curled strands over the left side of her face. She was wearing an orange mini-skirt with two white rings on each side, and a shirt with short sleeves that covered her shoulders. "I had heard of the Devil Fruit before when I tried to research into the Sea Hero, never did I think I will meet someone who possesses this power myself."

“Nice to meet you. I am Monkey D. Luffy, He is Coby a former pirate” Luffy replied

“Are you by any chance related to the Marine Hero Monkey D. Garp?” Nami could not help but ask.

“Yes, that is my grandfather!” Luffy replied, the group of 3 boarded a small boat, leaving behind the still terrified Ailvda pirates.

“Luffy, everyone around the world should have seen the summary of the previous events distributed by News Coo papers. Most importantly everyone should have heard about the two new forces battling for the seas. Celestial Navy and the Marines! There have been rumours of recruitment happening all over the world by these two forces. Many people are currently making their way to sign up.” Nami shared with Coby and Luffy all the information she had gathered during her trip from her island to improve her navigation skills; she ended up as a trainee navigator working on the Lady Mary. “My guess is you are also heading to sign up,” she asked Luffy, it was safe to assume the trembling Coby was roped in by Luffy.

“I won't say sign up, but I am going there to help my grandfather” Luffy replied.

“There should be a marine base close to our current location. According to the map I drew of the East Blue, we should be heading to Shell Town where the famous Captain Axe-hand Morgan is” Nami said as she examined her map.


“What do you mean my father is gone” a lanky, average-size young man with a distinctive cleft chin and light blonde mushroom-shaped style hair yelled. He was wearing a flashy purple and orange suit.

“Helmeppo, Please I am telling the truth. Your father and all his Lieutenants left the base in the middle of the night and have yet to return. We found this letter on his table addressed to you.” The marine petty officer said with respect.

“What did you call me, I told you to address me as young master” Helmeppo replied

“Sorry, Young master” the petty officer corrected himself

Useless Son!

I have gone to show the world that your father is Great. You are to take care of yourself. The son of I the great, Axe-hand Morgan cannot be a weakling.


“Go now and release the prisoner, Go to the village and make some amendments, give out gifts if possible.” He said in a hurry.

“Are you sure Young Master,” the petty officer was confused about the sudden change of heart? Everyone in the town knew Helmeppo’s cruelty, he even arrested a bounty hunter for attacking his dog. He made a bet of one month behind bars as punishment. He had not only starved the bounty hunter but he had also planned an execution just before the time agreed was up.

“Why are you still here! You know what! go and appease the town with the other officers. I will see to the prisoner myself” Helmeppo said as he ran toward the training ground where a prisoner was hung to a wooden stake.


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