“Nami, what's your island like?” Luffy asked.

“Why do you care?” A muscular man of average height with lightly tanned skin said while doing handstand pushups. Sweat dripped off his uniquely green onto his topless body as he spoke.

“Zoro, are you not excited? Nami mentioned her mom was a marine and even knows Rear Admiral Atlant” Luffy beamed with pride as he spoke about Atlant, his dream was to be like this Marine.

No one paid attention to the long-nose pirate wannabe sulking in the corner on the deck.

“Don't worry in a little while we will be arriving at Conomi island, Cocoyashi village is at the centre of it,” Nami replied, she looked up and noticed the fire relay warning had been lit, informing those currently not on the island about the danger. “Something is wrong!” She noticed the wreckage at the port but most importantly the bushy cheekbone on the jolly roger.

“Helmeppo, Coby, you haven't completed your training yet. So stay behind to guard the ship” Zoro stated after considering who the Krieg pirates were. Luffy carried Nami on his back, while Zoro picked up the mumbling Ussop.


Back at the square, the villagers now turn hostage were assembled while the pirates raided the houses and markets. The village didn't have much structure, most houses were either built with wood or brick. The square was a normal meeting point, used for events and markets. It was a large paved square piece of land right at the centre of the village.

It wasn't long before the pirates had satisfied their hunger. Now lust could not be hidden in the eyes of the pirates as they fantasied.

“Commander Gin, we have everyone here, there seems to be a lot of beautiful women on this island,” a pirate said with a noticeable bulge on his pants. He already had a teenage girl in his arms.

“Wait Hustle! Don't touch anyone until we find out who the sniper was. We lost almost half the crew in this raid. We need to give the Captain an explanation.” Gin said while standing in front of the hostages. This statement brought some calm to the pirates but couldn't stop the crumbling.

Gin paid no attention to the crew, turning to the hostages he asked “Who was the sniper?”

A determined silence was all that followed the question.

Bang! A villager fell on the floor dead. Gin still held the flintlock pistol in its firing position as smoke poured out of the barrel. “ I won't ask again, who and where is the sniper?”

Out of the crowd walked Nojiko, an average-sized young woman with light blue hair, eyes and tanned skin. She was wearing a blue t-shirt with a submarine design on it, blue trousers and purple sandals on her feet. “She was my mum and a former marine. She lived a full life, save many people, and was loved by all who knew her” Nojiko’s speech created a sombre atmosphere, Gin and the pirates although distracted by their lust could only sigh in relief knowing that the expert sniper was no longer a treat.

“Okay boys, have your fun! Keep this one for the Captain” Gin said with a grin on his face.

“Make way, Make way!”

“Delivery! Delivery for Bellemere-San”

The yelling coming from outside the square disturbed the pirates who were about to pounce on the women who were protected by a wall of men.

The disbelieve in their eyes could not be hidden as a slim, muscular, long-legged man with blond hair which was kept brushed over one side of his face covering a very distinct set of eyebrows came into view. His right eyebrow had a spiral at the outer end, while his left eyebrow had a spiral at the inner end. He was wearing a black, double-breasted suit with golden buttons. He wore a black tie on a turquoise long-sleeved buttoned shirt. They watched him walk into the square straight for the villagers held hostage.

“Sanji!” Nojiko yelled in surprise

“Nojiko-Swan! Your beauty has punctured my heart once again” Sanji stared into Nojikos eyes as he spoke, walking towards her. The scene was already looking like a soap opera. Some members of the Krieg pirates praised Sanji's bravery while others were enraged by such a disregard.

Growing up with a well-connected marine for a mother gave Nami and Nojiko an early exposure to the pirate's age. Bellemere had a regular check-in with a sea restaurant chef with one leg. No one knew this gentle chef was a retired pirate known to the world as Red Leg Zeff, this notorious pirate was known for his blood-covered boots. This delivery boy just happens to be his legacy disciple

“Nojiko-Swan, why are you crying?” Sanji was now taking time to scan the surroundings. Noticing his gaze, the armed Krieg pirates surrounded Sanji.

Someone whistled

“What do we have here, a knight in shiny armour has arrived to take our beauty? We the Krieg pirates are no longer revered, let's make an example of this one” hustle who could not hold it in any longer already drew his sword with his right hand and the girl restricted in his embrace.

In a flash, Sanji disappeared from his position beside Nojiko. This was followed by a Boom! Hustle could be seen flying out of the square foaming from his mouth.

“Collier Shoot! Relax Nojiko, your prince has arrived,” Sanji said putting his cigarette out.

Hustle flew into a wooden house outside the square, demolishing it in the process. The pirates were amazed once again, by the unconcerned delivery boy who was now charming the rescued teenage girl. No one knew that the commotion alerted a party of four who were making their way to the town.


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