Greece brings evildoers

Chapter 350: My buddy treats you as a relative, why are you trying to trick me?

In front of the great temple, Lorne looked at the goddess of wisdom surrounded by the stars in Athens in mid-air, and shook his head with a chuckle.

It has to be said that gods are not immune to vanity, and Athena quite enjoys the feeling of being in the spotlight.

After muttering to himself, he raised his eyes and looked beyond the Acropolis of Athens to the black typhoons that followed one after another on the Ocean of Oceanus, and his eyebrows gradually knitted together.

Typhon and Cronus are ready to take action?

Hopefully, it's not too late...

In the silent murmur, the shepherds on the square stepped forward, their figures blending into a bright light.



Boom boom boom!

Apollo stood proudly on the top of the city, pulling a golden long bow, and the muscles of his arms were knotted. He fired several arrows filled with divine power before completely shattering the parallel tsunami.

The sea water that jumped into the air fell like a downpour, and the ferocious sea beasts that were carried one by one also fell to the coast, villages and towns, and even the streets of the city-state.

These bloodthirsty beasts, as soon as they recovered from their dizziness, opened their bloody mouths, swung their heads and swung around and bit.

In the blink of an eye, several nearby houses, as well as people who accidentally got in close, suffered disaster one after another.

Suddenly, the trembling sound of broken beams, the muffled sound of flesh being torn, and the screams of human beings being chewed to pieces of bones and flesh, dying, could be heard one after another.

Looking around, the coastal area is filled with smoke and dust, and large pools of blood stain the dry land.

In the streets and alleys, humans as big as ants began to escape from their crumbling houses to avoid the sea beasts that had landed on the shore.

The atmosphere of panic and chaos spread uncontrollably among the crowd.

Bang! Bang bang!

At this moment, the metallic sound of weapons hitting shields rhythmically came from the avenue, giving calm strength to the panicked and worried hearts of the residents.

And through the gaps in the alleyway, the Spartans suddenly saw that the two princes they had urgently recalled yesterday were holding swords and shields, leading several groups of Spartan soldiers, scattering and swarming around, methodically clearing the people who fell in. The sea beast in the city.

"Team 1, release the throwing guns!"

"Second team, raise your shields, draw your swords, and clear the battlefield!"

"Third team, open the way and save people!"

"Priest! Where are the priests of the temple? Immediately repair the defensive spells on the outer wall. These beasts must not be allowed to enter the city on a large scale!"


Under the command of the two princes Castor and Pollux, the Spartan soldiers formed a phalanx, like rotating killing machines, dismembering and slaughtering the sea beasts along the way one by one.

Princess Helen, wearing a golden battle suit, led the priests and priests of the temple to perform long-range spell suppression and magic support.

Soon, the slimy body fluids of marine creatures and the smelly blood filled the air as the Spartan phalanx cleared them one by one.

The Spartans experienced the initial panic, gradually calmed down their uneasiness, and awakened the blood courage in their bodies.

One by one, the young and middle-aged men returned to their houses, took off their shields from the wall, threw spears, and carried their bows, arrows and swords. They spontaneously cleared out the fish that had slipped through the streets and alleys in small groups.

Even after all the monsters in the city were dealt with, the young and middle-aged people rushed out of the gate in high spirits and rushed to various disaster-stricken villages and towns to complete the hunt on their own initiative.

This is a city of warriors with strong folk customs, and the number of young people is 70% to 80%. Once it stabilizes and has a backbone, it can quickly transform into a powerful war machine.



"You are the quick-shooting silver!"

Artemis drew the bowstring fully and chanted solemnly. The silver-white arrows passed through the air to form a magic array. One turned into two, two turned into four, and turned into tens of thousands in an instant, forming a dense rain of light. Thousands of arrows shot from the deep mountains. The monster that escaped was crucified on the spot.

Immediately, the city gate opened, and the newly appointed Queen Atalanta drove the golden-antlered deer chariot given by her Lord God, leading twenty fighting nymphs who had grown up with her, as well as the divine blood imperial guards assembled in the city. Charge.

The group of monsters, which had already encountered a wave of arrows, was easily penetrated, divided and annihilated.

"The priests and priests immediately prepared a spiritual ceremony to summon the forest gods and water nymphs in the mountains. I want to know the types, quantities, and movements of all the monsters in the Arcadia Mountains! Once a formed beast's nest appears, mark the location for me immediately. !”

Artemis at the top of the city pulled her bowstring and gave a decisive order, and the priestesses of the Temple of the Moon started preparations non-stop.

The Hermetic alchemists, Dionysians, and Eleusinians in the city also scaled the city walls with ease, taking on tasks such as defense, magic support, and logistical treatment.

After experiencing the beast disaster, all this became commonplace for them.


As the holy place where Dionysus appeared twice, Dionysus has long been the main object of worship in this city.

Facing the huge waves rolling on the coastline, an overturned golden cup emerged from the sky. The scarlet wine turned into golden divine liquid and poured onto the ground, building a bright light curtain wall to reject the surging waves. outside.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the rich aroma of wine, the Nine Muses and the Three Graces came and together they composed sharp words, played high-pitched war songs, and struck down the sea beasts that fell from the waves and strong winds outside the city one by one. kill.

At the same time, the stars were setting. Phaedra, the fourth daughter of King Minos, led dozens of Dionysian madwomen and a group of Dionysian believers. They came from Ares Mountain and scaled the city wall to assist the Thebans in garrisoning the defense line.


Hermes, the god of commerce and fraud, stood on the top of the city, raised his staff, melted rocks, built a barrier, blocked the huge waves from the sea, and caused the Corinthians to cheer.

Hearing the praise like the waves, Hermes smiled with satisfaction.

Their king Sisyphus deceived the god of death and was the smartest and most rebellious human being.

Their folk customs were famous for cunning and eloquence, and were spurned by the surrounding city-states;

Their business was prosperous and developed, and they were good at trading and communication;

This was the city-state that was most suitable for him to develop into a holy land besides Arcadia.

And after such a long period of hard work, his own faith finally took root here.

One by one, Hermes' alchemists walked up the city wall in the crowd and worship of the Corinthians, and began to construct the spell in an orderly manner to clean up the sea beasts thrown ashore outside.

Seriphos Island.

The goddess of love Aphrodite and her lover Adonis piled up foam on the coast and promoted plants, barely blocking the overwhelming waves on the sea.

Although it was difficult to deal with, for the two gods, this level of attack was still within their ability to resist.

And city-states such as Eleusis, Calydon, Thrace, and Etna Islands also began to gather troops to deal with the disaster under the call of their respective main gods and blood heroes.

But not all city-states' prayers were answered.

At the same time, Thessaly.

Caenis raised her arm shield with her left hand and smashed a flying fish with serrated teeth, causing its brain to splatter. She threw her right spear forward, whistling and nailing a tens-meter-long sea snake to death. She pulled off the kelp on her head with some disgust and started forward.

The King of Thessaly, who was driving a bronze chariot, stopped the reins after getting rid of the last sea beast in front of him.

Telamon, who was acting as the co-pilot, jumped out of the car, pulled out the spear with the sea serpent core inserted in it, and threw it back into Katniss's arms.

"The battle is not over yet, don't throw your weapons around."

"Tsk, you don't need to teach me this, how about the sea?"

Katniss took the spear casually, looked at the foggy sea, and asked impatiently.

Telamon looked at the Oceanus Sea where the waves were gradually softening, and spoke with a little relief.

"It's not a big problem. Fortunately, these sea beasts and floods were not allowed to enter the city, otherwise Thessaly would be in trouble."

"Should we thank His Majesty the Sea King?"

Katniss snorted coldly, her eyes swept across the mermaid prince Triton who helped calm the waves and remove the sea beasts on the top of the Thessaly city, and the mecha god Ares who was responsible for vigilance beside him, and looked at the other two empty seats, frowning and mocking.

"They didn't do what they should do, and they made us beg outsiders. Why don't we just change the temple to worship Poseidon?"

"Don't be rude to the Father God!"

King Admetus' eyelids jumped when he heard this, and he quickly scolded in a low voice.

However, the hot-tempered Katniss didn't care about her blasphemy and continued to mock.

"You treat him as the Father God, but he doesn't treat us as his subjects!"

"The Father God must have his deep meaning for doing this..."

"What deep meaning is there? He obviously doesn't want to care about our life or death!"

Kainis interrupted her own king who wanted to save Zeus's reputation without any hesitation, pointed to the empty position on the top of the city, and scolded him without any hesitation.

"See, he even called his son back, and you expect him to show up?"

"Isn't the matter resolved? Don't worry so much..."

Telamon on the side hurriedly tried to smooth things over and ease the atmosphere.

Caenis rolled her eyes at Telamon and snorted unhappily.

"We blocked the tsunami this time, but who knows if there will be another one? We can't always have to look at the faces of Poseidon's family, right?"

Just as the hero of divine blood was complaining, a dull roar came from the Sea of ​​Oceanus. Under the spreading thunderstorm clouds, a new typhoon rolled up dozens of layers of huge waves and rolled towards the entire Peloponnese Peninsula.


Telamon and King Admetus looked at Caenis, whose words had come true, with resentment in their eyes.

This crow's mouth is really not good but bad.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I'll help you!"

Triton on the wall stepped forward, decisively picked up his artifact conch, and played it with all his strength.

The Temple of Poseidon is professional in dealing with tsunamis.

And as long as Thessaly can resist this crisis, the belief of Poseidon, the god of the sea, will enter Thessaly and it will become a foregone conclusion.

Such a great pass, Zeus gave up just like that, it was a waste of natural resources.

Triton mocked the uncle God King's pattern in his heart, while imagining the praise from his father Poseidon after he conquered this territory, and played the conch more vigorously.

However, the dark blue ocean divinity that the mermaid prince fully activated was instantly torn apart when it touched the red and black typhoon.

In the series of thunderstorms, a huge monster with hundreds of dragon heads and a body as black as ink showed a hideous and terrifying outline in the dark clouds and wind.

Triton, who was attacked by the backlash of divinity, felt a sweetness in his throat and his pupils shook violently.


The main gods and heroes of the city-states who also sensed the terrifying aura also changed their faces.

The demon ancestor is going ashore!

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