Greece brings evildoers

Chapter 352: Fooling, and then Fooling

On the Sea of ​​Oceanus.


The violent ether tide set off huge waves, and Ladon, who bore the brunt of it, had not yet approached the core area of ​​the typhoon. The bones in his body made a crackling sound under the terrifying power, and streaks of golden-red blood seeped out from under the dim scales. came out, forming a thin layer of blood mist.

Lorne, who was on the dragon's back, rowed the tip of his spear, tearing apart the huge waves and clearing the way for Radon.

"The sky is above all things. Your power is below, but my power is above..."

At the same time, he chanted the holy words, and the golden wheel that appeared behind him rotated to the twelfth position in the diffuse water vapor.

——The twelfth incarnation, the [eagle] that symbolizes the sky and thunder.

In the Battle of Typhon that year, this Demon Ancestor was defeated miserably by the thunder of God King Zeus.

As we all know, in the age of mythology, restraint is greater than the sky, and special attacks are made on the sun gods.

"——Thunder, that's it!"

As soon as the order was given, the sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and the arcs of light, like dragons and snakes swimming, converged into one, meandering and falling. After piercing through layers of huge waves and typhoons, they carried violent power and struck directly. Typhon subject.

In an instant, the Demon Ancestor screamed, arcs of light moved around his body, dozens of miserable blood holes exploded in his flesh, and his whole body trembled wildly.

The power of Zeus?

A familiar feeling came to his heart, and strong humiliation filled Typhon's vertical pupils. In anger, he immediately raised his arms, and the ferocious wind and violent tsunami turned into a huge storm hammer in his hands, carrying terror. The god of disaster bombarded the powerful enemy in front of him.

"I am the father of terror and the source of disaster. I am here to play the song of despair and declare the end of the world - Storm Hammer, giving all things eternal disaster!"

The roars emitted by hundreds of heads are varied: sometimes they are human speech, sometimes they are like a cow's roar, like a lion's roar, like a dog's bark, and the sound is like thunder, resounding in all directions.

Wherever the storms and raging waves passed, the world began to twist and crack, showing signs of returning to chaos.

"Die, little bastard!"

Typhon saw the trapped beast locked by him, the surrounding space was constantly being annihilated, the laws were constantly being decomposed, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face.

Its Storm Hammer is a god-killing weapon that the Earth Mother Goddess Gaia ordered the Cyclops to forge with the newborn light. Its power is not inferior to the [Thunderbolt] that Zeus is proud of. It is a powerful creation of the abyss and the divinity of the earth. , has the power to re-decompose the heaven and earth into chaos.

Even if a mere main god is not restricted by the destiny contract due to special reasons, his divine power can surpass those of god kings, but his essential power is destined to be incomparable with them.

Do you really think this king is afraid of you? idiot!

Facing the ridicule in Typhon's eyes, Lorne turned a blind eye, kissed the nation-building spear in his hand, and threw it out.

The sky and the earth suddenly lit up wherever the gun passed, and the raging typhoon and waves seemed to have encountered a coastal protective forest, making it difficult to advance.

Immediately afterwards, the dead branch-like spear fell into the sea, and the dark thorn-like lines seemed to be like living creatures, crazily crawling and spreading under the water, instantly covering almost the entire chaotic area.

A towering tree pierced the sky, ignited blazing flames, and turned into a giant pillar supporting the world.

Lorne raised his hand slightly, and a ball of blazing white flame emerged in his palm, as if countless mortal lives were reflected in it, praying and singing together.

One voice, thousands of voices.

The sheep are crying out for the salvation of the shepherd, and the world is praying for its own survival.

"The dusk has come, I will bring you light again, the branches will burst, and the world will be reborn!"

Accompanied by the low chants of the gods, the flames fell on the dead branches and spears, and the dazzling flames shot out. Lorne, with twelve golden haloes on his head, was like a king wearing a crown.

"——Brilliance, here we go!"

When he raised his hand slightly, he spat out the holy words.

The nation-building gun burned blazingly, like a torch lighting up the chaotic world. The blazing flames set off rolling waves of flames, sweeping in all directions. The foehn wind formed by the terrifying high temperature caused the surrounding space to violently distort, and forcibly dispersed the indestructible force. Typhoons and huge waves.

Under the light, the sea is burning, the sky is burning, and the world is burning.

And with every inch of light and heat that everything burns, the big palm tree formed by the nation-building gun becomes stronger, and it anchors and breaks down more chaotic masses on the sea.

——The dead branches of the big palm tree gave birth to the roots of a small divine world;

——The original fire stolen from heaven by Prometheus, the beginning of human civilization;

The two superimpose each other and depend on each other, forming eternal light and heat.

If you want to extinguish it, you can only crush everything in the world, cut off life, and make it no longer nutritious. Only then will it lose all support in that dead and desolate world.

But now, Typhon, whose power is restricted by the destiny contract, obviously cannot do this.

"Don't think you can defeat me, little bastard!"

Seeing that the attack was once again blocked, Demon Ancestor became furious, swung the storm hammer, and struck at the big burning palm tree on the sea.

Since this tree is blocking typhoons and waves from landing, then remove it first!

Almost at the same time, Lorne raised his empty right hand, and countless light and heat gathered in his palm, turning into a blazing sword of flames, slashing at the menacing Demon Ancestor Typhon.


The fierce flames, the violent explosions, and the splashing flames were like burning meteorites falling from the sky, burning and flattening dozens of nearby islands one after another. The high-temperature soil turned into hot magma, overflowing and surging, and the sea surface was boiling violently. Thousands of sea beasts and monsters died on the spot, and the cooked corpses floated on the sea in groups.

This originally vibrant sea area seemed to have turned into a lava hell with thick smoke.

The aftermath of the fierce battle between the two sides quickly swept across the sea and headed straight to the shore.

As soon as they came into contact, the several magic barriers that Loen had set up along the coast shook violently, and then they shattered one after another like soap bubbles that were lightly poked.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the beam of light with residual power violently tore open the city wall engraved with dense spells, and raged all the way to the hinterland of the Peloponnese Peninsula.

The roar of the explosion was deafening, the blazing flames spread everywhere, and the melted rocks turned into boiling hot slurry.

Looking around, the earth was full of gullies, the forests were burning, the rivers were steaming and drying up, the mountains collapsed, and the screams and wails that came one after another seemed so insignificant in the doomsday catastrophe, and were soon dispersed by various noises.

The gods who were responding in the rear saw the aftermath of this horrible battle and couldn't help but take a breath, and their faces gradually became a little ugly.

Although they had long known that the fate contract had weaker restrictions on the old gods, the current situation was too unfavorable for them, the new gods.

What's more, the one who took action now was only the demon ancestor Typhon...

At the same time, on the Sea of ​​Oceanus.

The aftermath dissipated, and a large area of ​​water vapor was steaming. The ancestor of all demons on the sea surface staggered back, and several heads disappeared, leaving only charred marks burned by the flames. Obviously, he was seriously injured.

Correspondingly, Luo En was also injured in the fight just now.

However, it was just a crack in the tiger's mouth and two scratches on his face, which was far less miserable than the explosion of several heads of Difeng.

"So what if you beat me? You still can't kill me!"

The demon ancestor with the hardest mouth in the body snorted angrily and tried to save his dignity.

Luo En didn't waste words and raised his right hand again. The light wheel behind him rotated synchronously, shooting out brilliant light bands and lighting up the stars in the sky.

The eighty-eight constellations lit up one by one, and echoed each other from a distance, expanding a large star ring composed of dense light patterns above Luo En's head. The bright starlight was like an inverted Milky Way pouring on the big palm tree on the sea, making the light and heat emitted from it more blazing and dazzling.

——The power of the sanctuary, Athena can use it, and so can he.

Feeling the divinity and destructive power of the strange tree rising sharply, Typhon's heart was beating wildly and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.


At this moment, a dull rumble came from the depths of the Peloponnese Peninsula. Typhon, who was timid in his heart, suddenly showed ecstasy on his face and burst into a happy grin.

"Stupid, you've been fooled!"

Lorne looked back at the smoke-filled Thessaly and the towering figures climbing up the ground one by one, and nodded thoughtfully.

"The Giants? It seems that they still don't give up on Thessaly."

"There's no way. That's the ancient battlefield site of the Titan War. The underground is buried with rich Titan divinity. It is the most suitable place to build the altar of the old gods. If you want to regain power, that is the only way for the Giants!"

"Well, thank you for telling me such important information."


When Typhon heard this, his face was stunned.

"Thank me? Did you know that the leader of the giants this time is Kronos, and the nine Titans he awakened!"

Lorne nodded, and then asked casually,

"Then what?"


Seeing the opponent's indifferent reaction, Typhon, who was waiting to see the enemy break through the defense, was a little crazy.

"Peloponnesus is attacked from all sides, and Thessaly is about to fall. Aren't you worried at all?"


Lorne smiled and spoke word by word.

"Do you think I won't be on guard against the Titan God King when I see that only you show up?"


Hearing this, Typhon was shocked at first, and then shook his head repeatedly.

"Impossible! You can't have other helpers to withstand the attack of the giants!"

Then, the demon ancestor on the sea seemed to think of something, suddenly realized, widened his ferocious vertical pupils, and sneered at the opponent in front of him.

"You must want to trick me into retreating, and then go back to Thessaly to help! Dream on! As long as I hold you back here, Thessaly, the lost glory and theocracy, will be at our fingertips!"

"I advise you not to always think that you are the smartest one, and don't trust people you shouldn't trust..."

Looking at the re-energized Typhon, Loen chuckled and shook his head, speaking meaningfully.

"Guess how I know your attack plan?"

Just as Typhon still sneered in doubt and regarded these words as bluffing, a silver thunder exploded over the Peloponnese Peninsula, and a familiar breath descended on the top of the city of Thessaly.

This scene made the demon ancestor's face change drastically.

And at the moment when the other party's mind was swaying, the giant sword with starlight and flames gathered at a lightning speed and slashed towards Typhon's head.

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