Greece’s Roman Road

Chapter 158: Meet the Albanian Elite

"As long as the water in the swamp is drained, and then these forests are cut down, this land will be a very fertile farmland thanks to the humus of plants and trees over the years," Degorios encouraged everyone.

At eight or nine o'clock in the morning, the sun shines through the gaps in the woods and hits the ground in bunches. Unknown birds in the woods chirp softly. The cold wind blows, bringing bursts of chills.

Degorios looked at the busy people in front of him. This ordinary working life made the lieutenant's inner satisfaction almost overflow.

After the baptism of a war, the cruelty of the war left a deep imprint on Lieutenant Degorios' heart, and he felt inexplicably tired from his military career.

After hearing that his colleagues in the army were discussing the matter of organizing retired soldiers to reclaim wasteland, Degorios took the initiative to sign up.

Looking at the busy scene in front of him, Degorios thought of what he had heard from the army, about the government's idea of ​​establishing an agricultural cooperative - in order to adapt to the agricultural development under the new situation, establish a cooperative and independent relationship between small farms, production Sell ​​one-stop agricultural cooperatives, effectively use the limited agricultural resources in Greece, and improve agricultural production efficiency.

After the idea of ​​making achievements in the army gradually disappeared, and after a brief period of confusion, he felt that he had found another goal to fight for.

Shaking his head, he threw out the chaotic thoughts in his mind, gathered everyone together, and shouted, "Our agricultural cooperative of 500 people is established today, although we will not have to fight on the battlefield in the future, but here is the A new battlefield for our struggle in the future"

"Our group is the first batch of cooperative farms organized by the Logistics Department. Within this year, we will be able to receive 20,000 drachma of material subsidies, but we will depend on ourselves in the future."

"Everyone works together, and the land reclaimed will be equally distributed to the members"

"The 500 of us will be organized into a corporate farm to maximize everyone's benefits, unite, buy seeds and farm implements, harvest and sell them together. In order to make full use of the output of the land, we will also build a farm. farm, raising some pigs and chickens"

"All this output, including grain, meat and eggs, will not only supply ourselves, but will also be sold to the army stationed in the city of Vlora, and if there is enough output, we can even sell it at the market ourselves."

Most of the retired soldiers with Ancales are young people between 18 and 22 years old. They are at the age of vigorous blood. The lieutenant said that the company-style agricultural production makes everyone feel very novel - farming with traditional farmers A small plot of land, or the form of a tenant's lease of a landlord's land, is completely different.

After everyone's enthusiasm was mobilized, there was a busy scene in the swamp forest. A reclamation group of 500 people worked together. It only took one month to clean up about 50 hectares of trees and weeds. The silt water is pumped into the creek.

Under the command of Lieutenant Degorios, everyone transported soil from the mound to fill the depression in the ground.

On February 3, Ancales drove a gasoline tractor and entered the farm "da-da".

"Wow, what is this, a steam tractor? It doesn't seem like it. When a steam tractor is running, coal is added."

"Unseen Machine"

"Yes, yes, Angeles, what kind of machine is this, and where did it come from?"

Everyone was attracted by a machine they had never seen before, and gathered around the tractor, discussing enthusiastically.

Angelez, who was sitting in the driver's seat, showed off his face to everyone: "How about the tractor sponsored by the logistics department for our farm, it's much lighter than a steam tractor"

"What can this thing do?"

"Whatever you can do, it can dare, plough, sow, harvest, thresh, and as long as it is loaded with different farm implements, it can complete different farm work" Ancales happily showed off to everyone.

In fact, these are all repetitions of what Lieutenant Degorios said.

Constantine heard from the ambassador in New York that American farmers were using tractors for agricultural production, and he was one of ten tractors purchased from the American Hartball Company.

These tractors use a bedroom gasoline engine, the output power of the traction lever is 12.5kw, and the output power of the pulley is 22.1kw, which is habitually called the 17-30 type.

"With the help of this tractor, our farming is much easier. This guy can cultivate half a hectare of land in an hour," Lieutenant Degorios, who followed behind, said to everyone.

With the help of this tractor, the reclamation team can devote more energy to the breeding of pigs and chickens.

Moreover, the manure produced by pigs and chickens can also be used on farms to fertilize fields.

With everyone's help, everyone scrambled to install a steel plow on the tractor, eager to see how the tractor worked.


According to the plan, the Greek government will end the military rule in Albania.

Officials sent by the government gradually took over the cities of Albania.

Because King George was old and frail, he could not stand the pain of traveling by sea, and Albania did not have a train. Therefore, King George entrusted Constantine to visit Albania.

Therefore, on February 12, 1898, Constantine took the battleship Congo to Durrës, a port city in central Albania near the Adriatic coast.

After the Congo docked, I saw two rows of neatly dressed officers on the dock, waiting in full force.

After Metaxas saluted Constantine, he said loudly, "Your Highness is welcome to come and inspect."

"Long time no see, Metaxas" Constantine was also full of joy when he saw the old acquaintance.

"How is your second division doing recently? Is there any news here?"

Staying in Athens, the news about Albania is all second-hand news.

"After the army occupied Albania, it wiped out some bandit armed forces, and now it has been sorted out."

After the greeting, Constantine rode into Durres with the officers who came to greet him at the pier.

This city is not so much a city as it is a small town. The prosperity has nothing to do with it: on both sides of the street, there are some low-rise buildings made of stones, mottled and dilapidated, a scene of dilapidation.

The street was deserted, and the hooves of "da da" were unusually loud.

As we were driving, a flock of sheep approached us and stopped in the middle of the road. The baa baa sounded one after another, and the strong smell of sheep made people suffocate.

Behind the flock, a dark-faced shepherd with a tangled head and a whip in his hand drives the flock with a "crack".

Seeing that Constantine and his party were brightly dressed and riding a tall horse, they looked flustered.

With his left hand covering his mouth and nose, Constantine rushed his horse out of the flock.

Metaxas followed closely and said, "Your Highness, after hearing the news that you are going to visit Durrës, some Albanians have come to visit you. Do you want to meet them now?"

After asking the sheep, Constantine frowned and said, "Where are they?"

With the whip in Metaxas' hand, he pointed to the most conspicuous building on the street in the distance, and said, "There"

"Go and send people to the army camp," Constantine said to Metaxas.

Having said that, surrounded by the officers, they headed to the military camp outside the city.

Because the space in the city was too small to accommodate the 10,000-strong army of the first division, it was stationed on a plain outside the city.

There are only two streets in Durrës, and it takes a few minutes to get out of the town.

In front of the military academy, several Barbanian guests finally came to Constantine.

After the greeting, Metaxas introduced the identities of the people to Constantine one by one; Frioni, Toptani, Verrach, Farona, Jamali, etc.

"Your Highness, some of these people are big landowners in Albania, and some are nationalists in Albania," Metaxas whispered beside Constantine.

"Okay, let's talk about the official meeting later. Gentlemen, since you have come to the camp of the second division, you might as well follow me to review the second division." Constantine said without waiting for everyone to speak.

After several Albanians made eye contact with each other, they looked at Constantine who was already walking in front, and could only helplessly follow behind.

On the school field, the blue and white cross flag of Greece fluttered in the wind.

The soldiers of a regiment of the second division, fully armed, lined up solemnly, standing with their heads held high, their eyes straight ahead, rifles in their hands, and sharp bayonets. Under the sunlight, their eyes hurt from shaking.

From a distance, it looks like a rain of spears, shocking people's hearts.

As expected of the troops that have undergone the baptism of war, during the review, the chilling air came to the face, making people shudder.

Constantine led a few uneasy Albanian visitors to inspect this elite second division of the Greek Army.

"A few of you came to visit, what's the matter?" After entering the conference room in the tent, everyone took their seats, and Constantine asked first.

"Frioni, Toptani, Verrachi, and Farona are the big landowners representing Albania. The land owned by these big families together accounts for half of Albania's current arable land." Mei Taxus quietly introduced to Constantine.

"As for Jamali, although this man has been serving as an official in the government of the Sultan in Constantinople, he himself is a **** Albanian"

After hearing these words, Constantine already had some guesses about the purpose of these people in front of him.

Several people were silent for a few seconds before waking up from the shock brought by the Greek Army.

Before anyone could speak, Jamali said first, "Your Highness, how does the Greek government plan to settle Albania?"

As a nationalist, after hearing the news that Albania was occupied by Greece, Jamali lamented the ill-fated Albania.

Now the Albanian territories, Albania and Kosovo, are controlled by the Greeks and the Ottomans respectively, which is even more unfavorable for Albania to strive for independence.

On the Albania issue, the two countries tacitly cooperate to suppress Albanian nationalists.

"Cemali has been an official in Constantinople for a long time, but he is indeed an Albanian nationalist who has been appealing to the Ottoman Empire to allow Albania to self-govern"

"He has been running for the cause of Albania's independence for a long time and is very famous in the Albanian region," Metaxas whispered beside Constantine.

"Mr. Jamali, isn't it obvious that Albania will be an administrative region of Greece in the future?" Constantine said of course.

"However, Your Highness, Albania is an independent nation. I ask you, Your Highness, to allow Albania to be autonomous, and we can pay taxes to the Greek government, just like the Greeks." Although he knew that Constantine could not agree, but, as a Albanian, Jamali still wants to try it.

"Allows the publication of books and newspapers in the Albanian language and the use of the Albanian language in education"

Hearing that the tax was paid once, several other Albanians, Frioni, Toptani, Verrachi, and Farona, glared at Jamali.

As we all know, Greece's tax system has been reformed, and taxes are paid according to a proportional system. In this case, those Albanians who have been looted by Ottoman taxpayers will not have to pay any money at all, because they do not have much income at all.

Big landowners like them will become the main force in paying taxes.

Of course, most of the Albanian people would cry with joy if they knew that the Greek government would collect taxes in this way.

For a long time, the taxpayers of the Ottoman Empire have been squeezing the people of Albania.

These taxpayers, after obtaining the right to pay taxes, levied taxes for their own interests. However, only a small part of them were turned over to the Ottoman treasury, and most of them went into the taxpayers' own pockets.

Jemali's suggestion was not discussed with a few people at all.

Several people were worried that Jamali's other suggestions would offend the Crown Prince Constantine.

"Mr. Jamali, in my eyes, there are no Albanians, there are only Greeks who converted to Islam and Greeks who believed in Catholicism and Orthodoxy, that's all."

"If you all come to meet with this intention, I'm sorry, I think I've made it clear." Constantine leaned back on the high-back chair, looking at these people coldly, not speaking .

Constantine's decisive refusal did not exceed Jamali's expectations.

Seeing the abnormal atmosphere of the meeting, Frioni quickly said, "Your Highness, our Frioni family has no such idea. We are willing to swear allegiance to Greece, as long as you agree to contract the tax-inclusive rights of Albania to us."

Jemali looked at his compatriots who were fascinated by the interests in front of him, betrayed the nation for money, his eyes were spitting fire, and he cursed them for being Let me reiterate that Albania will be Greece in the future An administrative region of the country, like Thessaly and Peloponnese, will of course pay taxes according to the Greek system," Constantine said solemnly to several people.

"In the future, the taxation of Albania will be done by the tax department of the Greek government, and there is no such thing as a taxpayer."

Seeing the representatives of the big landowners in Frioni with dissatisfied faces, Constantine tapped coldly: "I heard that several big families in Albania occupy half of the arable land in Albania?"

"from now on"

Just as he was about to say that Greece would gradually deprive these big landowners of their illegal land, Metaxas suddenly interjected: "His Royal Highness, the Catholics in Albania have a close relationship with Rome, and these Catholic churches have a lot of assistance. The funds come from Italy. The Catholic Church uses these funds to open schools and teach Italian education. It is difficult to say whether there is the will of the Italian government behind this.”

"Moreover, in southern Italy, there are still a large number of Albanians living"

"It's better not to push the local family forces in Albania, otherwise these people will jump over the wall and collude with the Italians, adding a lot of twists and turns."

"Today's Greece, just going through a war, it's best not to give Italy a chance"


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