Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 101 Mysterious Magician (Subscribe)

The boundless wasteland is dead silent, all eyes are deep and dark.

One by one dead souls walked in the darkness.

A thick and turbid river suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking the way.

The dead souls instinctively stood by the river, staring at the not-too-turbulent river water, and a natural fear prevented them from taking a step forward.

"Is this the Acheron River, the river of pain?" On the black road, Apollo walked slowly on the bright golden light.

Staring at the rushing river in front of him, his eyes flashed.

At this moment, a small cloaked boat suddenly approached from afar, and at the bow stood an old man with gray hair on the temples and eyes, who moved the oars and slowly rowed the boat to the shore.

Inside the cloak, a tall and beautiful young girl with brown hair and clear eyes suddenly emerged. She was talking to the old man rowing a boat, but out of the corner of her eyes, she suddenly caught sight of a golden figure on the shore.

She pursed her lips abruptly, her beautiful eyes stared at her, and her white face was filled with both joy and resentment.

The boatman noticed this, and said with a hoarse smile: "This blond boy is the lover you think about all day long, and it's not bad to be "two four three". 55

He rowed the boat to Apollo.

Hecate jumped out of the boat like a cat and quickly jumped in front of Apollo, but when he was about to get close to him, he restrained his steps and said with a puff of cheeks, "Finally, you are willing to come to the underworld to see me, you ruthless bastard. guy." 5

She blinked her beautiful eyes and said again: "I heard that you are going to the stars at such an old age, Sister Astria must be very happy, right?

Apollo smiled and hugged her: "This is what Hermes told you? He has a bad relationship with me, and what he said can't be believed. 99

"Hmph, that person is indeed a slick tongue, but he shouldn't lie to me about this." Hecate stabbed Apollo fiercely in his eyes, but he couldn't help shrinking in his arms.

"I've never been to the underworld before, and I really don't know how desolate it is. You must have lived a hard life here all these years." Apollo looked at her fair and pretty face tenderly, which was stained with a little dust.

"Although the underworld looks desolate, it is actually better than the outside. There are not so many disturbances. The gods here are either busy all day long, or lazy to sleep, and they have no heart to think about other things. 35

As Hecate spoke, he noticed Apollo's gaze, and hurriedly brushed off the dust on his face, while tidying up his wrinkled skirt.

He said in a low voice, "I didn't know you were coming today..."

"Your charm can't be concealed by any dust or stain. I like your dirty look very much," Apollo smiled and stroked her head.

With shyness on his face, Hecate pointed to the side and said, "There are still people. 35

The gray-haired old boatman over there smiled softly: "The old man was born since the first generation of the gods, and he has been punting on this river, and he has seen countless ghosts. What a rare thing for little men and women like you.

Retaining Hecate's hand, Apollo walked up to him and asked, "Is your predecessor the Styx Dove Charon, the son of the goddess Nyx?"

"Don't dare to be called a senior by the deputy lord of the court, you'd better call me by my name." Charon's voice was still hoarse, and he summoned a young woman who should have been a young woman before her death and brought her aboard.

Apollo and Hecate followed suit.

Charon slowly paddled, and the black cloak boat slowly went to the opposite bank.

"Apollo, are you going to visit the goddess Nyx this time?" Hecate asked.

Apollo nodded: "They have all gone to the underworld, and they can't justify not visiting Goddess Nyx."

At this time, Charon next to him said: "My mother is still very easy-going and likes your excellent juniors, but don't pay attention to my brothers and sisters, most of them are not good things.

Halfway through, he added: "I'm not worried about you, it's them that you need to worry about with your supernatural powers, but I don't want to see them being taught by you.

Hecate chuckled lightly: "Among your brothers and sisters, Thanatos and Hypnos are actually pretty good, although one has a gloomy face all day long, while the other likes to sleep lazily.

"They were conceived by the mother alone, and the other brothers and sisters were contaminated with the dark breath of the father, and their personalities were more tyrannical." Charon replied.

"Then I don't know what kind of a god of darkness is?" Apollo asked.

"My father, he is similar in temperament to his mother, he likes to be quiet very much, and even his mother sometimes goes out for a walk, he never likes to deal with outsiders. 39 Charon recalled.

"It's strange to say that since the second generation of God's Court, the Father God has appeared less and less, and I rarely even feel the existence of his breath. 35

Apollo's eyes narrowed at his words.

I wanted to ask a few more questions about Erebus, the god of darkness, but Charon shook his head:

"There are five rivers in the underworld, namely the 'River of Pain', the Acheron River, the 'River of Sighs', the Kocutos River, the 'River of Water Scorpions', the Pirifolegotong River, and the 'Forgotten River' Lethe River and the 'River of Abomination' Styx, I'll only take ghosts across the river of pain.99

"As long as you cross five rivers, you can reach the Elysee paradise of Hades, which is the end point of the dead.

You bypass the Elysee, go deeper into the realm of darkness, meet my mother, and ask about God the Father. 359

"Only mothers know God the Father best in this world. 39

Seeing that Charon didn't want to talk anymore, Apollo had to stop talking, and leaned on Hecate to scan the dark river around him.

The golden eyes suddenly fell on the young soul who was taken aboard by Charon.

Because she was staring at him with eyes that seemed excited.

Apollo became interested, and a ray of light appeared on his body.

The warm rays of light shone on the female soul, her eyes suddenly became much clearer, and she prayed frantically: "The great god of light, you are the brightest star in Olympus, you are..."

Apollo interrupted her: "It seems that you are my believer..."

The female soul hurriedly nodded and said: "Yes, I am from a city-state near Delphi, and I often go to your Temple of Light to receive the teachings of Priest Tekasha. I am your most devout believer.

"I've long heard that you have a wide range of beliefs among mortals. I didn't expect that any dead soul you encounter will be your believers." Hecate said with a chuckle.

He asked again: "You look less than twenty years old, why did you die so young?"

Originally, because of seeing the gods she believed in, her emotions were eased, and she was full of pious female souls, and her face was instantly filled with excitement.

She roared sadly: "It's because I was too greedy to make that wish to that magician.

"Magician?" Hecate became curious.

At this time, the young female ghost said intermittently: "I was originally a very ordinary girl in the city-state. Not long ago, I met a wandering magician on the street. He said that I could make a wish to him, so I made a wish. To be the most beautiful girl in the city."

"Not long after I got home, I was surprised to find that my appearance suddenly changed completely. The original high bridge of the nose was gone, and the skin on my face became even whiter than the king's delicate princess."

"I was very happy, but when my parents came home, because of the change in my appearance, they mistook me for a thief who ran in, stole their daughter's clothes, and beat me out.

The corners of the young female soul's eyes moistened.

He continued: "Then I had to wander on the street alone. I was already afraid, and I wanted to find the magician, but I met robbers on the side of the road. They coveted my beauty, so they wanted to defile me. 35

"I had to flee desperately, to the edge of the cliff outside, and accidentally fell down and broke my leg.

At this time, instead of being rescued by a handsome prince, as in the fairy tale, I was happy from then on, but starved to death under the cliff.

She was very aggrieved to finish the story of her 4.4.

Apollo and Hecate looked at each other, but saw boredom in each other's eyes.

The structure of the story is too simple, the plot changes are boring, and there is no attraction at all.

Seeing their expressions, the young female soul burst into tears: "When I was dying, the magician appeared in front of me with the same look, saying things are too boring."

"He also said that he had prepared a philosophical line, ready to appear at the top of the story, and used that line to push the story to the end, but I was too stupid and screwed up the story he was going to direct. "5

"He was wearing that translucent mask and dark cloak, his eyes were full of disgust, he turned around and left."

Hearing this, Apollo's eyes suddenly changed, and he asked in a low voice, "You said he was wearing a translucent mask and a dark cloak?"

The young female soul nodded, "That magician is so mysterious and weird, I should have paid attention to it from the beginning. 39

She was still regretting it, and Apollo's eyes were shining brightly.

PS: Sorry for being late.

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