Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 117 The fate that is about to come (please subscribe)

"You said you found a way to break the abyss of the mind?" Nyx's cheeks covered by the veil were filled with disbelief.

She just said before that there is no way to break the spiritual abyss unless it is supreme or 'hope'.

After a long time, Apollo said that he had found a way, and if it was true, where would she put the face of her dignified, old-fashioned god of the primordial.

Asteria and Hecate couldn't care less, they both believed in Apollo.

Hearing this, he immediately said with joy: "What can you do, quickly help Perseus and the others.

Apollo walked over to Perseus and Clius with a serious face.

These two powerful main gods looked at him with excited eyes.

Although the spiritual abyss in the body was suppressed and regained some sobriety, it was precisely the most painful.

Even if I lost myself before, I didn't feel it.

Now that he has his own consciousness and feels the constant erosion of the power of the abyss, that is the most painful.

"You need to cooperate with me so that I can guide you." Apollo said solemnly.

Both Perseus and Clios blinked, expressing their absolute cooperation.

"Okay, you have to recite my name reverently in your heart, believe me absolutely, and leave everything to me after that." Apollo said.

"When you read your name, I absolutely believe in you. How does this feel like being eroded by Tartarus? You don't want to use toxins to deal with toxins, right?" Nyx chuckled.

Apollo rolled her eyes at her.

The Holy Spirit of Divine Arrival can descend into the depths of believers' hearts and exert power, but the most basic condition is to have "faith"c

If he doesn't "trust" him, he can't do anything about it.

Fortunately, the two of Perseus were still very cooperative. They closed their eyes and recited the name of Apollo in their hearts.

The main god's self-hypnosis ability is still very strong, and Apollo soon felt an attraction from the depths of their hearts, and immediately used the gods to descend, and two illusory holy spirits entered their bodies.

"Spirit of light, walks in the hearts of all believers!"

"Smell like this?" When Apollo performed Divine Arrival, Nyx's beautiful cheeks covered by a black veil couldn't help but move.

She actually felt a unique "supreme" charm in Apollo.

"How is this possible!" Nix couldn't believe it.

In the cold and pitch-black palace, the iron-faced Lord of the Underworld sat high on his throne, indifferently watching the two kings approaching.

Hades sneered at the corner of his mouth: "You said you came to me to deal with Apollo together?

"That's right, you didn't agree before, but after experiencing this great defeat, you should understand that only the three kings of us can join forces to contain Apollo~ Zeus's face was full of chills, and his deep eyes were fixed on him. This long-familiar eldest brother.

Witnessed the shocking battle in the underworld.

Only then did the king of the gods realize that he had always been too ignorant of his taciturn brother in the underworld.

To accommodate the mysterious Elysee Paradise, he could actually reach half of the original level, and burst into combat power comparable to the real original.

Plus the power of Hades.

Even if he absorbed that power, he only had a 40-50% chance of winning.

Why, when the three brothers competed for the king, he was clearly the biggest loser, and he was sent to the desolate Hades alone.

But unknowingly, it became so terrifying.

What is his relationship with Tartarus, why does he want Persephone, is he still the original Hades?

These are the questions in Zeus' mind.

But neither Zeus nor Hades wants to care about these at this moment.

Because no matter how bizarre and powerful Hades is, there is still a more powerful threat.

"Apollo's strength is too unexpected. If we don't get rid of him now, at the speed of his progress, it won't be long before we overthrow the divine court we built and establish his own divine court! 35

"At that time, I'm afraid we won't even have the chance to imprison Tartaros. Witnessing the situation of Kronos and the others, no one will imprison the enemy in Tartaros again.

Poseidon's bearded face was full of solemnity.

Zeus continued: "Hades, I know that you want Persephone. As long as you get rid of Apollo, I will betroth her to you."

"Oh, if Apollo dies, I still need your betrothal?" Hades sneered, and his dark eyes glanced at the two brothers.

Then he whispered: "I know your thoughts, but Tartarus is impossible to help us. With the strength of the three of us alone, we may be able to defeat Apollo, but it is not easy to kill him in one fell swoop. things."5

"The Lord of the Abyss will not shoot?" Zeus and Poseidon looked at each other.

At this time Zeus gritted his teeth and said, "Then the three of us, plus the three hundred-armed giants!"

"Hundred-armed giant, Zeus, are you finally willing to use this hidden power?" Hades was a little surprised.

The hundred-armed giants are the three children of the first-generation god-king Uranos and the mother of the earth, Gaia. Because they are too grotesque, they were forcibly stuffed into Gaia's body by Uranos when they were born.

It was also this incident that detonated Gaia's hatred for Uranus, and later the Twelve Titans overthrew the first-generation Divine Court.

The three hundred-armed giants were stronger than most of the Twelve Titans in terms of pure bloodline strength, and they reached the power level of the high-ranking gods early on.

Played a major role in the Twelve Titans' campaign to overthrow Ouranos.

But when Cronus became the god-king, he hated the three brothers as well, so he locked them up.

When Zeus fought the Titan war, Prometheus, his wise man, advised him to rescue the three-headed giants.

Sure enough, Zeus thus got the allegiance of three powerful hundred-armed giants, and only then did he have the capital to compete with the Titans.

After the end of the Titan War, Zeus also refrigerated the hundred-armed giants and placed them on the periphery of Hades to prevent Hades from rebelling.

Over the years, this power has never been used.

"But even if you send them, it's not more than the combat power of the ninth-order three main gods, which won't have much effect on the battle at the original level." Hades said solemnly.

But Poseidon laughed: "Of course a simple hundred-armed giant can't control anything, but a hundred-armed giant is the son of the earth, standing on the earth, he has endless power.

I have already visited Mother Earth. Although she can't take action directly for some reasons, she will bless the power of the earth on the hundred-armed giants.

In this way, their combat power can reach half the original level, and with the three of them as one body, the combined combat power is not inferior to any of the original gods.

"In this way, we have three and a half of the original combat power." Hades touched his chin, feeling that the plan is very feasible.

He could naturally see the great increase in Zeus' strength, which was by no means inferior to himself, and even had the authority of the king of gods.

And although Poseidon is only the top god, but also has the authority of the sea emperor, he can fight with the original, which is half of the original combat power.

With three hundred-armed giants, such a lineup would be able to surround a veteran like Tartarus, and the odds of winning were high.

"々. Well, we can work together to do this game." Hades nodded, "I will ask Tartarus to teach you how to deal with the 'pollution' power against the authority of the god king, so that you will not be afraid of Apollo's The power to weaken the authority of the god king, even if the three of us join forces to synthesize the complete authority of the god king, the power will be even more amazing.

Hearing this answer, Zeus and Poseidon were satisfied.

The reason why they have to find Hades is to get a way to deal with the power of 'pollution', otherwise the authority of the god king will be targeted, and the situation will be really passive.

"In this way, Apollo will definitely die this time!" Zeus' eyes showed strong confidence.

He couldn't think of anyone else in this world who could save Apollo.

The ethereal and unknown Chaos God? Or a more mysterious fate?

Thinking of fate, Zeus's originally excited face suddenly turned cold.

With the power to accommodate the predecessor of Dionysus, he has gradually felt that the immersed fate may be awakened at any time.

Fate is terrible, he knows better than anyone.

Only by destroying Apollo, and then after defeating Poseidon (the king's) and Hades, and obtaining the complete authority of the god-king, could he have a chance against fate.

Otherwise, the day when fate comes, is his doom.

Watching Zeus and Poseidon leave, Hades had a sneer on his face: "The short-term alliance formed because of a common enemy, I don't know how long it will last."

"As long as you can kill Apollo and get the sacrifice, all this is not a problem." Tartarus's low voice echoed.

Hades said solemnly: "Don't underestimate Zeus, he is not a simple character."

"Being able to become the king of the gods is naturally not an ordinary god, but it is a pity that he has already been completely caught in the giant net of fate, and he is destined to not live long. 33 Tartarus's voice reveals a trace of memory.

"Fate, how much do you know?" Hades asked.

"Fate, that's really long ago..." Tartaros was about to say something when his voice suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" Hades frowned.

"Someone has broken through the abyss of my heart that I set on Perseus and Clios!" Tartarus gritted his teeth.

"Didn't you say no one can break it, criminal?"

"But an accident happened," the voice of the abyss master was full of anger and fear, echoing in the faint hall.


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