Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 125 Destiny Moros (Subscription)

At the end of the boundless world, under the ancient spinning wheel, the silk threads that were woven out were glowing red and woven into a monstrous web.

This invisible giant net closely covers the heads of every life in the world.

Whether it is a mortal thing or a god, whether it is an ordinary lower god or a powerful main god, or even the original god who made up the world.

All life and even the dead are shrouded in the great net of fate.

For a long time, this giant red net has maintained a dead silence, silently entangling everything.

Apart from being poked around occasionally and affecting individual fates, there are few unexpected situations.

But today, this vast giant net suddenly trembled.

A red silk thread, flashing with a strange light, trembled in the depths of the world.

Beasts, mortals, gods... all living things gave birth to an inexplicable terror in the depths of their hearts.

In the battle outside the Underworld, the king of the gods, who was lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment, suddenly had mottled red dots on his body.

Zeus looked at himself in astonishment and reached out to grab these red dots, but as soon as he opened his hand, his whole body seemed to be shrouded in a vast world, and the enormous pressure grabbed his throat, making him breathless.

Under the surprised gaze of the gods, Zeus held his head in his hands and rolled on the ground in pain. His usual majestic cheeks were full of fear and distortion at this moment.

"Those who blaspheme destiny will eventually be strangled by the tentacles of destiny." Under the khaki light, the incarnation of Earth Mother seemed to sneer or sigh, and suddenly pointed to the crystal jade bottle in front of her with a vague palm.

A few drops of emerald green liquid were poured out of the crystal jade bottle surrounded by the rich aura of life, and it fell on the top of Zeus's head.

The pain on the face of the king of the gods was relieved a lot, and he lay in the soil and took a deep breath.

Golden eyes stared at him indifferently, Apollo whispered: "Gaia, your power can only relieve his situation, but it is impossible to really rescue him, let me give him a complete end."

The flaming sword was lifted up and aimed at Zeus.

At this time, a deep night fell, and the sky was shrouded in stars, and Nyx's beautiful figure, shrouded in a thick black dress, appeared beside Apollo.

"Apollo, you really shouldn't kill him now." The Evernight Goddess looked at him with pleading eyes.

Staring at the vast sky, Nyx said softly: "The power of the God King is too closely related to fate, and now that fate has initially awakened, if he is alerted again, that terrible disaster will come immediately."

"Oh, then I'm curious about how powerful fate is." Apollo's golden eyes flashed.

Nix sighed helplessly, the beautiful cheeks covered by the veil came close to his ear, and the faint fragrance came out, she said softly:

"You should know the speciality of Dionysus. His predecessor was a taboo that should not have appeared in this era. Now most of his remaining power is in Zeus. Once Zeus dies, that power will alarm Chaos. eyes~~

"Chaos Chaos, must not wake up now!

Apollo's pupils shrank.

Although Nix's voice was light, the information revealed was incomparably astonishing.

Chaos Chaos, the head of the five primordial gods, the father of night and darkness, the oldest and most powerful primordial god.

It has mysteriously disappeared for a long time and has never been seen.

Now it is not difficult to speculate from Nyx's words that he is also in a state of sleep or seal.

And Nyx, as His daughter, feared His recovery.

Thinking about the state of Erebus, the god of darkness, there is no doubt that there is a huge terrifying secret hidden in it.

Just as he fell into contemplation, the great web of destiny trembled again.

On a barren island in the depths of the ocean, an infinite amount of magma and flames suddenly erupted, causing huge waves.

In the interweaving of waves and magma, tall and terrifying figures drilled out from the depths of the island.

In terms of appearance, these figures are not much different from ordinary giants. There are males and females, and their skins are as red as blood, which is the same color as the red of fate.

These red giants walked out one by one in the scalding magma, their blood-like skin was filled with terrifying suffocating aura, and their bodies were ancient and ruined.

It was like a terrifying monster that came out of an ancient ignorant epic.

Their eyes are also red, but without any emotion, whether it is greed, tyranny, laziness or piety, excitement, joy.

Bright red eyes, the only thing that exists is cold.

The icy cold that destroys everything you see.


These giants stood side by side on the ocean and stepped out of the sea step by step.

There are gods out of the ocean to stare at them.

But just after a glance, the giants noticed it, grabbed the god and tore it into pieces.

The bloody scene terrified the gods.

But these red giants exuding an ancient atmosphere, with joy in their eyes, approached the land step by step.

The terrifying murderous intent locks on the gods through a long distance.

They seem to be born to slaughter the gods.

"Guigantes, after so many thousands of years, I still see them again."

In the abyss and hell, Tartaros let out a long sigh, and the shadowy figure walked out of the dark vortex, standing beside Gaia.

Together with Gaia, they protect Zeus, Hades and others, and do not give Apollo a chance to kill them.

Apollo also restrained the blade in his hand, muttering the name Tartarus spit out, "Gigantes!

He is not unfamiliar with this name.

In Greek mythology, this is a special kind of giant with a mysterious origin and a powerful strength to compete with the gods.

The war with Cygantes was the greatest war of the Greek gods after the Titan War.

At first, the gods were no match at all. Later, Hercules, known as the greatest hero, participated in the battle and helped the gods defeat the Decantes.

Having been in this world for so long, Apollo had never heard of the existence of Guigantes, nor did he feel that a demigod could defeat an enemy that even the gods could not fight.

But now the Decantes have appeared.

The golden eyes stared at the past, the red-skinned giants who stepped out of the magma, stood side by side on the turbulent ocean, filled with suffocating energy, and erupted with monstrous might.

Under the 'eye of omniscience', Apollo saw countless red threads of fate entwined around them.

These lines are like manipulating puppets and puppets, controlling their behavior and bringing them infinite power.

"々, they are all servants of fate." Nix said softly.

Her beautiful palm opened, and a dark night shrouded the heads of the giants who stepped out of the island.

An invisible force drove them back to their original island.

Looking at the changing environment, these Guigantes shouted, and weapons such as long-contradictory cards appeared in their hands, slamming the night sky in the sky.

However, I saw the stars twinkling, and the heavy night was like a dark curtain, completely covering many giants.

At the same time, a soft serenade was played in the night, and the low-pitched tune was like a slumber, lingering in the ears of the Guigantes.

The movements of the Guigantes suddenly became sluggish, as if they were dozing off.

At this time, Gaia also waved his palm gently, and the formation of the island where the magma erupted suddenly cracked open, and many vine roots came out, binding the Guigantes from the ground.


The Guigantes instinctively woke up from their drowsiness and shouted fiercely.

The low roar shook in the hearts of the gods, and Hera and other gods felt terrifying fear in their hearts.

But under the mighty power of the earth and night, these giants were completely unable to break free, and could only keep roaring in place.

"It seems that the strength is very general." Apollo said.

Nyx shook his head: "This is because fate is only initially awakening (the king's), but these Guigantes are closely connected with him, and every movement of theirs is a thread of destiny, which will accelerate The awakening of fate."

"We can only try to trap them. If we kill them directly, it will cause fate to wake up completely and return to the world in an instant. 39

"In the future I see, there is only one who is born with a close connection with destiny, is destined to complete the twelve great feats of destiny, and becomes the only greatest hero who ascends to the throne of God in the form of a demigod. Under this circumstance, kill the Guigantes." "Is fate really as terrifying as you say, after all, he is just a god." Apollo's golden eyes pierced through the giant net that covered the entire world.

In the layers of bright red, he saw the spinning wheel weaving destiny, and in the source of the spinning thread, there was a human-shaped outline in a daze.

"I once asked you the truth about your fate and your eldest son whose name was erased, and you said that there is only one answer to these two questions.

"Because your eldest son is the god who is in charge of destiny!"

In Apollo's low voice, Gaia and Tartarus looked at each other, and at the same time spit out the taboo name that should have disappeared completely in history:

"Fate Moros!"

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