Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 127 The Erebos That Never Existed (Subscribe)

"Secret, what kind of secret?"

Aiming at the blond goddess who was not in a normal mood, Apollo was quite curious.

If it is true as Athena said, it was Pallas, the god of war strategy, who planned the death of Metis, and had this plan before Metis met Zeus.

The destruction of the entire Titan God Court is probably just a little incident of this secret.

Athena looked around vigilantly, and suddenly put it to Apollo's ear, and whispered: "I don't know much about that secret, but from some things left by my mother, it is related to fate and the god of chaos. Also associated with the goddess Nyx and her husband.

Speaking of this, she lowered her voice again: "One of them is very surprising. It says that the god of darkness, Erebos, has never really existed."

Apollo's pupils shrank suddenly.

Erebus, the god of darkness, never existed?

how can that be!

One of the dignified five primordial gods, the husband of the goddess of the night, he never existed, how ridiculous and funny is this?

I was in the Dark Temple not long ago, and I saw the tall and thin figure shrouded in darkness.

"No matter how ridiculous it sounds, I'm definitely not mistaken." Athena's face was serious.

Of course Apollo knew she wasn't the kind of joker.

Glancing at the clean and tidy rooms around him, he couldn't help recalling his experience in the dark temple, the tall and thin figure who hadn't said a single word from beginning to end even though he opened his eyes.

Could it be just fake, the real one never existed?

If so, what happened to Nyx, the goddess of the night?

Apollo thought a lot.

Seeing him in deep thought, Athena continued: "I just said that I suspected that Nikki was the eyes Pallas used to spy on me, do you not believe it?"5

"Actually, Nikki herself may have no problem, but sometimes, monitoring does not require her own willingness, and it can be done naturally." The goddess of wisdom was melancholy.

"In addition to my mother's matter, there is one other thing that may also be related to Pallas. I don't know if you have noticed that Prometheus, who is locked in the Caucasus Mountains, is in a very wrong situation."

"I've been paying attention to him for a long time." With a chuckle, Apollo thought of Chiron, the mysterious magician with the dark cloak and the translucent mask.

"The beginning of the conflict between Prometheus and Zeus, the gods are widely spread, you should know very well. 35

"He created human beings, but he was negotiating with Zeus about the sacrifices of human beings to sacrifice to the gods. He used cow bones to pretend to be the belly of a cow to deceive Zeus, which caused Zeus's dissatisfaction. thing.

"It sounds so absurd that the wise man of the gods, the great prophet, should try to deceive the king of the gods with such childish tricks.99

"But anything unreasonable has a reason behind it.

Athena's bright eyes, revealing the light of wisdom.

"I suspect that it was Prometheus, who was a mutual close friend of his mother and Pallas, who had discovered something faintly, and everything was also designed by Pallas.

"Later I secretly went to the Caucasus Mountains to see Prometheus, but I suddenly found that the prophet seemed to have changed."

"A person changed?" Apollo frowned.

"It literally means, he in the Caucasus Mountains seems to be no longer the original him." Athena's tone was cold.

"It's getting more and more interesting. Pallas, Prometheus, Erebus, Nyx, Fate, Chaos... Seemingly unrelated things are connected by a hidden thread."5

Apollo's golden eyes flashed with brilliance, as if to see through the mist of time and see through the truth behind everything.

But when his all-seeing eye looked at Pallas in the river of time, a small island far offshore.

The elegant and tidy middle-aged man was smiling and looking at the pretty daughter with wings before him, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The gods of the younger generation are really amazing, but at this level they still can't touch my essence. 35

A smile flashed on the face of the middle-aged man, and a boundless force melted into the river of time, erasing everything related to him.

At the same time, he sighed and said to the daughter in front of him: "It seems that the surveillance on her over the years has not only failed to achieve results, but has been discovered by her. She is indeed the daughter of Metis, she is just too unreasonable. Know how to be flexible, otherwise I wouldn't have to sacrifice her in the first place."

While he was whispering, the blond girl with pure white wings was bathed in the glory of victory, her eyes were constantly flashing golden splendor, and her face was full of pain.

Looking at her twisted face, the middle-aged man said lightly:

"This is the punishment for your unwillingness to obey my will, but it's actually okay, only the feelings that are exchanged with sincerity are the most valuable.

"You have been by her side for so many years, and although you have not achieved much, your sincerity has finally gained the same sincerity from her.

Even if she knows you may have a problem, she still can't bear to hurt you, which is a valuable bargaining chip. "

Having said that, the middle-aged man patted the blonde girl on the shoulder and said softly: "Go back, stay by her side, it is best to get close to the deputy lord of the court.

・・・・For flowers・・・

The blond girl's eyes flickered, and she lowered her head and flew outside.

Looking at the back of her leaving, the middle-aged man sighed: "It's such a cheap method, when did I become so mean?"

"Probably from when I was betrayed... How did they betray me?""

The middle-aged man suddenly scratched his head, as if he couldn't remember something.

"It seems that there are still many secrets hidden in this world. You can't slack off just because of promotion."

Out of the temple of Athena, Apollo had a deep look on his face.

He observed Pallas in the river of time, but the figure of the latter suddenly disappeared from the river of time without a trace.

This undoubtedly proves what Athena said, Pallas is very problematic.

"Erebus never existed... What secret does it hold?"


While contemplating, Apollo returned to his temple of light.

Aphrodite, who was wearing a long white dress, had been waiting at the gate of the temple long ago, her face was full of anxiety and expectation, and she suddenly pouted when she saw his figure from a distance.

"Hmph, I went to Athena as soon as I got back. What do you think of me?"

When she was muttering, Apollo flashed, appeared in front of her in an instant, and hugged her firmly.

"Probably will always wait for my wife at home." Gently stroked her beautiful long hair, he whispered in her ear.

Aphrodite's cheeks flushed red, and she pointed to the inside shyly and said, "Artemis is still inside. 35

Apollo looked over.

In the garden of the temple, under a tall laurel tree, stood quietly a girl with bright silver hair.

She was wearing a short skirt, revealing snow-white calves, carrying a pair of silver bows and arrows on her upper body, and wearing a dream-like crystal necklace on her chest, which set off the large-scale peaks and mountains.

The waterfall-like long hair was casually draped over the shoulders, but it did not affect the delicate and flawless cheeks. Under the cold eyes, the corners of the beautiful mouth were smiling, and through a short distance, they silently stared at him.

Apollo led Aphrodite and walked quickly to her: "Sister, you have made great progress recently, and you have reached the seventh rank of the main god."

"Who made me the elder sister of the Lord of Light?" Artemis smiled lightly, stretched out his white wrist, slightly tiptoed, and stroked Apollo's blonde hair.

Aphrodite looked at the two with a smile, and said, "Eros has been in trouble again recently, I'm going to teach him a lesson, you guys talk first."

She quietly left here.

Under the tall and straight osmanthus trees, there are only blond and silver-haired boys and girls, with their eyes facing each other, full of warmth.

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