Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 130 I was born from the light, both holy and great! (Subscribe)

At dawn, the night has not completely faded away, and the distant sky is still gray.

In the corner of the Athens palace, the maids are busy.

Prince Pertus, dressed in decent satin clothes, stood silently at the gate of the palace, with a pair of brown eyes looking into the distance.

The Athenian prince just turned thirty this year, and his stature and appearance are very extraordinary. He is tall and slender, with sharp edges and corners. He looks like a king.

He is indeed just like his appearance, with a shrewd brain. When his father, King Erechtheus is getting old, he assists him in handling political affairs, and he does everything in an orderly manner, and is trusted by many ministers.

In the mouth of the people of Athens, he was called "Lion Heart Pertus", which means that he has a lion-like heart, majestic and capable, sturdy and brave, and also has a lion-like cruelty and indifference.

"His Royal Highness, your sister, Princess Kreusa, has given birth." An elderly maid reported to him.

"Is that evil seed of unknown origin finally about to be born?

Pertus patted his cuff slowly, his brown eyes looked at the wrinkled old maid in front of him, and said indifferently: "Passie, you have been staying in this palace for almost forty years, haven't you? "

The old maid nervously touched the corner of her clothes: "Reporting to His Royal Highness, I was just born and selected to enter the palace by His Majesty. It has been fifty years."

"Fifty years, it's really a long time. Speaking of which, my father and us were raised by you." Pertus sighed, but there was no expression on his face.

He suddenly stroked the ring on the thumb of his left hand, his clean fingertips rubbed the smoothness of the ruby, and said in a low voice:

"As far as me and my poor sister are concerned, you are the same as our mothers, and there must be no mother who would like to watch a beautiful daughter be stigmatized and raise a child who does not know her father alone.

The old maid was shocked and said suddenly: "His Royal Highness, I understand what you mean."

"Then be safe, I'm here waiting for your news." Pertus waved at her with a cruel smile on his lips.

The old maid Patsy hurriedly greeted several young maids, and walked quickly towards the remote courtyard deep in the palace.

In the small and cold courtyard, there are several midwives who are in charge of delivering babies at the moment.

As soon as they came to the yard, the old maid asked coldly, "How is the situation?"

Someone immediately replied: "It is estimated that it will take a long time to give birth."

"Is it still not born yet?" The old maid sneered and said to several midwives, "You all go back, I'll be responsible here."

"Lord Patsy..." Several midwives hesitated, but looking at the sharp eyes of the old maid, they hurriedly slipped out.

"Close the door, and don't allow anyone to come in~~." The old maid instructed, and walked into the inner room with the two young maids.

As soon as she walked into the room, this old maid with wrinkles on her face, her cloudy eyes could not help shrinking.

This room, located in the most remote corner of the palace, has always been the coldest place, and is often used to imprison the princess who fell out of favor.

Outside, it was obviously cold as usual.

But when I entered the house, it was filled with warmth.

"Could it be that who brought her a stove to keep her warm?" The old maid stared at the nursing maid next to her.

"There is absolutely no such thing. Since His Majesty the King ordered her to be imprisoned here, no one has ever come here to see her." The nursing maid hurriedly shook her head.

Then he hesitated and said: "According to our observation, the heat seems to come from her, or... from her stomach.

"Master Patsy, Her Royal Highness, the child she is carrying is not really a child given by the god of light, right? Otherwise, why would she be able to exude such heat before she was born." The guard maid tapped her forehead with her right fist. believers.


The turbid eyes of the old maid gave her a stern look: "What a great and sacred existence the God of Light is, how could he give her a child like this, as for radiating light and heat in her stomach, this is clearly the characteristic of the descendants of monsters. Born evil!

She stamped her feet angrily and walked into the room.

Under the reflection of the cloudy eyes, in the small and dark room, in front of the simple hardwood bed, sat a beautiful girl with a simple dress.

The long period of silence made the face of this noble princess look as pale as paper, and the rough clothes were even more incomparable to the luxurious dresses of the past.

But for some unknown reason, the girl lying on the side of the bed calmly exuded a peculiar charm that was more moving than before, with a pair of jewel-like clear eyes, bright and full of determination.

Slightly thin face, less delicate, but more tenacious, without makeup to set off, exudes a noble and holy temperament.

In a trance, the old maid Pasey felt that she had come to the temple of the goddess of wisdom, and saw the goddess Athena, who was known for her independence, self-improvement, and pure wisdom.

"No, how can she be compared with the goddess Athena, she is just a dirty woman who has been defiled!" The old maid told herself.

Suppressing the thoughts in her heart, her turbid eyes showed cruelty, staring at the girl's swollen belly.

"Patsy, what are you doing?" The girl felt the maliciousness in her eyes, and her slender hands crossed her stomach vigilantly, stroking it like a rare treasure.

"His Royal Highness, what do you want me to say about you." In the dark room, the old maid found a chair and sat down, sighing.

Her cloudy eyes looked at the girl at the head of the bed, she lowered her voice and said, "You were originally the most noble princess of Athens, the representative of purity and beauty, and the most perfect lover in the hearts of all princes.

But you have betrayed the holy goddess Athena, conceived sinful offspring for unknown monsters, and installed them with blasphemous words on the head of the great god of light.

I have watched you grow up since I was a child, I never thought you would become like this!"

Kreusa curled up and frowned: "I'm telling the truth, as long as my child is born, everything will be clear."

"Wait until he is born?" The old maid sneered and stood up, "No, such an evil species should not have a chance to survive in the world, I am here to deal with him, as long as he is born, I will let him return to Hades' arms. "5

Kreusa's beautiful face was full of shock, staring at her: "You are offending the great God of Light, and you will be punished by God! 99

That said, she suddenly felt a burst of pain in her lower abdomen, intense light and heat spread through her body, and her pretty cheeks could not help frowning.

"She is about to give birth, you will deliver her." The old maid instructed the two young maids beside her with a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

"It has always been you who offended the God of Light, but I want to see what kind of divine punishment that wicked bastard can give me!"

While the old maid was laughing, the production of Creusa over there gradually started.

The two maids nervously delivered her.

The old maid looked coldly at the sky outside with a grin on her face.

I don't know when, the vast sky has faded from the curtain of night, and the sky is full of pale gold fish belly white, and the bright dawn shines through the clear and pure void, bringing warmth and hope to all beings on earth.

"々. What a beautiful day!" Patsy murmured, but something was wrong.

Dawn seems to have come a little early today, and it is far more splendid than usual.

It was like being stared down by the great god of light.

Just then, a baby's cry came from behind.

She turned her head sharply, with a chill on her old face: "It was born, come, give me the child.

The midwife over there replied: "I was born, a beautiful little boy with blond hair..."

"Can you pretend to be the son of the God of Light if you are golden?" The old maid sneered, rushed to Kreusa, and snatched the child from the maid's hand.

"Let go of my child!" cried Kreusa.

However, the old maid fluttered in the air, and the blond baby held by the midwife maid suddenly floated in the air, opening her bright golden eyes, revealing a divine brilliance.

Creusa and the two young maids were stunned.

Only Passie stepped on her old body, suddenly pulled out a knife from her cuff, and shouted fiercely: "Sure enough, it is the descendant of monsters, and it will fly when it is born!

At this moment, her heart was actually full of panic, but she knew that she (Zhao Zhao) had no way out, so she roared and stabbed the baby in the sky with a knife.

"Mortal, how can the brilliance of the Son of God be offended by ordinary things?" The golden baby's tender eyes glanced at her indifferently, and suddenly a pure white flame emerged from the void.


The knife pierced by the old maid only stuck to a little bit of that flame, and turned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

She was stunned and ran back in astonishment.

But the flames had already shrouded her body.

"No, the great god of light, please forgive me..." Before she could finish her plea for mercy, she was completely swallowed up by the pure white fireworks and turned into ashes.

The two midwifery maids were stunned, fell to their knees in fear, worshipped the golden baby floating in the air, and chanted the name of light.

The golden baby, shrouded in brilliant light, ignored them and looked at the beautiful girl on the bed with a smile with bright eyes.

The tender voice made a solemn declaration: "I was born from the light, and I was born on the earth through your pure body, bringing glory and splendor. Both holy and great, my name... Phobos!"

Before he finished speaking, the vast sky was completely covered by the infinite brilliant light, and the melodious music lingered in the void.

It was as if the world was celebrating the birth of some divine and great being.

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