Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 134 Pandora's Curse (Subscribe)

In the main hall of the Royal Palace of Athens, Kreusa, who was wearing a gorgeous princess costume, stared at the shrewd old man in front of him with an elegant smile.

"Sage Chiron, it's great that you can teach my children. I have heard your story from the bard since I was a child." Perth, said respectfully.

Looking at the handsome blond child below, Chiron hurriedly said: "It is my honor to be the teacher of the son of light, I praise the light, and I am willing to entrust his son to me. 35

Half-man, half-horse, with his hoofs bent, he squatted down graciously and looked at Phobos' handsome face, and said softly:

"I have had many students and disciples, most of them have achieved extraordinary achievements, but I believe that you will be the greatest of all my students."

When he spoke, King Erechtheus, who had been sitting silently above the palace, said:

"Sage Chiron, children should be cultivated from an early age. My daughter's child is growing too fast. You should bring it to teach you earlier. It's better to set off today."

His father's words made Kreusa's face change, and he said puzzled: "Father, Phobos is indeed growing very fast, but there is no need to be in such a hurry.

She was full of doubts.

Since her return, her father, Erechtheus, has reinstated her title of princess and treated his children almost like royal heirs.

But she was always in words, urging her to leave Athens quickly and enter the Church of Light as the 31st Virgin Mary.

And now he urged her children to leave with Chiron.

Also feeling that something was wrong with the king, Chiron smiled and raised his head and said, "The place I live now is not far from Athens, if the princess misses her child, she can come and visit often.

As he spoke, he led Phobos to the outside.

Kreusa reluctantly stroked Phobos' head, pinched his cheek, and said softly: "My child, you were born less than ten days ago, and you will leave my side and follow Chiron. Sage, you have to be obedient and take care of yourself."

Phobos nodded obediently, but his golden eyes swept across the Athenian King Erechtheus above.

After his son and Chiron left, Kreusa came to his father with an anxious face: "My esteemed father, something must have happened, please don't deceive your daughter."

Looking at his daughter's beautiful eyes, the king sighed:

"My daughter, it's not that the father is ruthless and wants to separate you and your children, it's just that we in Athens are about to usher in a huge disaster, and you can only survive the disaster if you leave early.

"A huge disaster?" Kreusa opened his mouth in surprise, as if thinking of something.

Erechtheus nodded solemnly: "That's it!

Phobos followed Chiron to the outside, his little face thoughtful.

Chiron's old face was also thoughtful.

At this time, a beautiful girl with pale blond long hair came forward, it was Finette, the daughter of her mother and sister.

She changed out of the capable training clothes and put on a long white one-piece dress. She was slender and graceful.

The long pale blond hair, tied into a braid, is delicately placed on the top of the head, making the girl's height look close to that of an adult, and setting off the beautiful face as delicate as porcelain is crystal clear.

Seeing her from a distance, the maids and guards in the palace stretched their eyes.

"His Royal Highness Finitine has become more and more beautiful, so that he has the style of His Highness Ketonia. 35 Several older maids whispered.

At the mention of the name Ketonia, all of them had regrets on their faces.

"It's all those damn Thraceians who invaded our country. In order to defeat them, His Majesty the King can only save Athens by sacrificing His Highness Ketonia to the gods." The maids and guards gritted their teeth.

Listening to their words, Phobos frowned and suddenly looked at Chiron: "The sacrifices here should be gone directly, which god has such a unique taste, does not want the chastity of a girl, but likes to use her as a sacrifice?

The half-human half-horse sage shook his head: "I have lived for so long, and I know almost all the gods. Most of them are savage and rude. It is very common to occupy girls, but it is said that they like to use girls as sacrifices. , but never heard of it.

Phobos couldn't help but think of another reason why he had chosen Kreusa as the Mother of the Son.

In addition to her being a virgin who devoutly believed in the light, because of his other body, she felt a strange breath in her, which seemed to be very close to fate.

Otherwise, in fact, there are still many virgins who devoutly believe in the light.

Suddenly, his golden eyes were aimed at the girl with pale blond long hair in front of him.

In a trance, he saw a ray of fate again.

"Her name is Pandora!

"Although I lied that I sacrificed your sister to the gods, I actually sacrificed the box in her hand in exchange for the victory of Athens.

The old face of Erechtheus was full of pain.

Kreusa was stunned, staring at his father.

"Pandora, the most perfect woman who was created by our ancestor, Hephaestus, the god of fire, blessed by the gods and brought eternal disaster to mankind? The box in her hand, isn't that..." The girl's face was full of fear .

"That's right, it's the box that symbolizes disasters and nightmares!" Erechtheus lowered his face, clenching his palms tightly.

"My daughter, do you know why I put you in the depths of the palace before? Not only because you are unmarried and pregnant with a child, but also to protect you!"

"When you sacrificed your sister to that box, that woman once told me that the price of saving Athens was not just her life, but our entire family!"

"It's a curse!"

"You and I are going to die!"

Erechtheus suddenly opened his eyes wide, with a strange horror on his face.

Kreusa bit his lip and murmured: "I don't believe there is such a curse, after so many years, we have all lived well, and I have more Phobos. 35

Erechtheus collapsed on the throne as if he had been drained of his strength: "I used to be lucky, but when I went to Athens this time, I heard a message.

"Imarad, king of the Thraceians, had not yet died, his father Omorbos. I killed his son, thinking he was already dead, but he crawled back from hell.

"He threatened to take revenge on me. His father was Poseidon, the emperor of the sea. He was preparing a festival and begged Poseidon to come to Athens."

"Just the other day, I had a nightmare.

Dreaming that I was pierced through my chest by Poseidon's trident!

And all my children, except you, were all submerged by the monstrous sea!""

"That dream was so real, like a clearly visible future.

So my child, please go to the Church of Light quickly, it is the place where the God of Light is sheltered, and the Emperor of the Sea cannot hurt you. 39

The old king looked at his daughter kindly with grief.

Kreusa bit his lip, tremblingly said:

"Since that's the case, then Father, go to the Church of Light with me to avoid it for a while.

Erechtheus shook his head firmly, his body was burning with splendid golden fighting spirit, and the starlight was almost condensed in the sky.

"I am the king of the people of Athens. If Poseidon were to kill him, he would surely come with a boundless flood and bring disaster to Athens. How can I put down my people and run for my life alone?"

"What's more, this is the punishment given to me by fate. This curse cannot be avoided. Even if Poseidon is avoided this time, it will come to us in other ways in the future."

‘It’s better not to worry about the calamity of fate in the midst of panic. Your father would rather choose to fight the god of the sea head-on to see if his trident is as powerful as the legends say. "5

"After I die, please engrave the name of 'Poseidon Erechtheus' on my tombstone to represent that I have fought against the god of the sea!

The old king, standing tall from the throne, with wrinkled cheeks, is full of pride and perseverance.

Finally, staring at his daughter, he said softly: "Originally, I wanted to use your uncleanness as an excuse to remove you from the royal family after your child was born, to see if I could escape this curse.

But now that you are really favored by the God of Light and have His protection, you should not be shrouded in this curse.

"Don't blame your brother too much, if I guess right, he also knew that this curse exists from nowhere, so he has been worried that this curse will come in an unknown form.

"From the moment he learned of your mysterious pregnancy, he stubbornly believed that this was how the curse came, that your child was a monster of calamity, destined to destroy the entire royal family and even Athens.35

"It's a cowardly guy who doesn't dare to face the challenge of fate.

"As his father, I will let the world know that the Athenian royal family has inherited the heroic bloodline of the goddess of wisdom, and we are not afraid of any enemy!".


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