Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 138 Death and Sleeping God (Subscribe)

"You kidnapped Thanatos, the god of death in the underworld?"

Chiron looked at the old friend in amazement.

Finitine and Hercules in the back also stared, sizing up and down the middle-aged man who looked very knowledgeable in his clothes.

Only Phobos didn't look at all when he heard his name.

This middle-aged man is very famous in Greek mythology.

He is the descendant of Zephyrus, the Zephyr, the builder of the city-state of Corinth, known for his wisdom and discernment.

The most sensational thing I have ever done in my life was to offend the god-king Zeus, and being arrested by the god-king sent by the god of death, but with one mouth, he kidnapped the god of death.

After that, he deceived Hades, the king of the underworld, and lived to death in the world.

Therefore, after his death, he was imprisoned in Tartarus by Hades.

To push a heavy rock down a very steep mountain every day, and only by completing this task can one obtain liberation.

But whenever he was about to reach the top of the mountain, the stone would automatically roll down the mountain.

So he has to repeat this meaningless work every day, until eternity.

This is the punishment given by the gods for his tricks to deceive them.

To ridicule him, even if he has the wisdom to deceive the gods, he can only continue to do such mechanical things until he becomes numb.

Later the writer Camus made him more famous by creating a "Myth of Sisyphus 31 Phus" with his story.

"But how come Thanatos is also a powerful Lord God, will he really be kidnapped by a mortal and tricks of him?" The blond boy had doubts in his heart.

Sisyphus had already begun to tell his story.

"Sage Chiron, you should know that my city-state, Corinth, has always been short of water, and I have always had a headache because of this, and not long ago, I made a move that I deeply regret.

Sisyphus was haggard, he looked at Hercules next to Chiron, and said, "Is this the student of your son of Zeus?

Chiron nodded.

Sisyphus smiled bitterly and said, "You should also be aware of the character of the king of the gods, Olympus. He has relationships with many goddesses and women in the human world, and some time ago, I accidentally found him kidnapped. Igina, daughter of the river god Aesops.

The river god is the god in charge of water sources on land, so I was worried, and I used this as a deal to let him get enough water for my city-state, but I also offended the god king Zeus. 99

"And then he sent Death to kill you?" Chiron guessed.

Sisyphus said in a low voice: "Actually, it was his son Hermes who was eyeing me. This messenger of the gods also served in the underworld and had a very good relationship with the god of death, so he asked the god of death to deal with me. A mortal."

"And then you kidnapped the god of death?" Hercules looked up and down the king, who didn't look strong, and was full of surprise.

It doesn't look like a powerful demigod, nor does it look like a strong man who has cultivated vindictiveness to the level of the stars.

What's more, even if the stars return to their place, it is impossible to defeat Thanatos, the son of the night at the main god level, who is in charge of death.

"Don't look at me like that, I really don't have that ability, but I did bind the god of death." Sisyphus smiled wryly.

With recollection, he took out a card from his arms: "Some time ago, I met a mysterious magician who used a card called 'Tarot' to fortune me, saying that my destiny was destined to be with Death produces entanglements, and eventually sinks into the deepest depths of death.

"Then he gave me this tarot card numbered 0, and told me to take it out in case of death.

Under the bright sunlight, he turned over the card with a black swirl on the back, revealing an innocent young man in colorful clothes, holding a white rose in his left hand and a scepter in his right, walking on the edge of the cliff. There is a small white dog next to him.

"It is this card, when I opened it to the god of death, the god of death seemed to have lost the ability to think, and was tied firmly with the rope left by my ancestor Zephyros, the god of Zephyr.

"The Fool of the Tarot." Phobos stared at the card in Sisyphus' hand.

He suddenly remembered something.

In the world where the 'sun' potion in his body came from, many of the twenty-two ways of God correspond to the Tarot cards one by one, including the 'The Fool' who is known as the head of the Tarot.

And the Fool of Sequence 0 has the ability to fool all things, whether it is the wisdom of humans or gods, or rules and order.

He had thought about a question before.

Since the things in his treasure chest originated from the game copy, they can become exactly the same things as the game settings in this world.

Since things can exist, will those dungeon worlds in games actually exist on the other side of infinite time and space?

Suddenly, the blond boy's eyes narrowed tightly, staring at Sisyphus and asking, "Did the magician who gave you this card wear a dark cloak and a translucent mask?

"Hey, how did you know?" Sisyphus looked at him in surprise and added, "I asked him who he was, and he clicked the card with a chuckle under that mask.

"It's really..." The bright eyes of the blond boy stared at the 'The Fool' card with a deep abyss, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Finally caught your details!

"Hey, Phobos, you just promised to help him solve the trouble of kidnapping Death, this time we may have to face my father, the king of the gods.

Hercules leaned carelessly beside the blond boy.

The latter responded lightly: "If you are afraid, you can go back now."

"Who said I'm afraid, I'm destined to become the greatest hero." Hercules said with a muscular stamina.

On the other side, Finitine looked at Chiron walking in front, with a puzzled look on her beautiful cheeks:

"Teacher, it's not a problem for Phobos and Hercules. Why do you listen to Phobos? This time you have to face the real gods. 35

Chiron looked at her kindly, took a deep look at the blond boy, and said firmly:

"Trust Phoebus, he is the son of light, with a will from light.""

The group soon came to Corinth, the city-state of Sisyphus.

Sisyphus took them to his palace.

After turning around several labyrinth-like corners, they came to a dungeon.

"Death was locked in there by me. Sisyphus pointed.

Several people looked over.

In He Jian's dark dungeon, a long green rope was tightly tied to a young man with short white hair and a gloomy face.

"This is the god of death?" Hercules was the most excited, and wanted to rush over to 277 to take a look.

At this moment, the eyes of the blond boy in the corner suddenly lifted, and two fiery flames shot out.

When Chiron and the others changed their expressions, a swift figure suddenly appeared in the dark dungeon.

"Blonde hair, who are you, you can actually see my traces!" The man roared wildly, exuding a majestic divine power from his body, slamming over Finette and the others.

Finitine and Sisefston swayed and were about to fall to the ground.

"The power of sleep, you are the brother of Thanatos, Hypnos, the god of sleep!" Chiron cried out. Besides Phobos, only he and Hercules, with their strong bodies and deep fighting spirit, Still barely awake.

But also wobbly, about to fall asleep.

A brilliant golden light like the sun suddenly bloomed in the dungeon.

The blond boy was bathed in the blazing brilliance of the sun, illuminating the dark dungeon as bright as day.

This brilliance seems to contain the power of 'purification' and 'blessing'. After being illuminated, Chiron, Finitine and the others all woke up at once.

Under their astonished eyes, the blond boy was shrouded in the brilliance of the sun.

Then a blazing force condensed, turned into a long golden rope, tied the Sleeping God firmly, and threw it beside the white short-haired Death God in the dungeon.

At this time, Thanatos, the god of death, woke up in a daze, saw the long face of his brother Hypnos, and asked in confusion, "Hypnos, why are you here?"

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