Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 142 Mysterious Pallas (Subscribe)

"Forever, what's the matter with you?"

In the dungeon of the Corinthian palace, Finette walked strangely to the boy who was shrouded in golden light.

The beautiful brows frowned slightly. Ever since he captured Ares, he has been distracted. What is he thinking about?

The blond boy gently closed his eyes, returned to his senses and smiled and said, "I just crossed time and space and faced off against people in another place.

"Che, you are obviously not here, is it possible that there are two more of you?" The girl with pale blond long hair pouted.

The blond boy smiled: "Maybe there are countless me, everywhere."

"As much as you can brag, don't think that the god of light secretly helped you defeat the god of war, and you feel that you are very powerful. 35 The girl with pale blond long hair stared at him.

She has figured it out.

How could a demigod who was only born not long ago have the power to defeat the God of Sleep and the God of War.

It must be the deputy monarch of Olympus, the great god of light who helped secretly. Looking at the sun-like rays of light just now, it is the power of the god of light, which is too iconic.

"Hmph, don't you rely on the "two seven seven" father, thinking that this will scare me! The young girl raised her chin proudly.

Forpers didn't want to explain more to her.

In fact, after being promoted to Primordial Primordial, the divine body has long ceased to be pure material energy, it is a very abstract source, and the composition of the world can naturally be said to be ubiquitous.

It's just that the eyes of ordinary people and even most gods simply cannot understand such a level.

"Blonde-haired boy, quickly let me go, Uncle Ares, or you will accept the wrath of the king of the gods!" Ares, who was tightly bound over there, roared loudly.

"Hey, you are very tough!" Hercules laughed suddenly, leaned over to Ares, and looked up and down at the god of war.

"Who are you?" Ares glared at him.

Hercules patted his chest and said: "This uncle is the son of Alcmene who is destined to become the greatest hero, the disciple of Chiron, the common brother of Phobos and Finitine, the great Hercules.

"Son of Alcmene? How do I remember that she was the queen of the king of Thebes, but betrayed her husband and succumbed to my great father, and gave birth to a child for him!" Ares sneered.

"I'm that kid, you're still my elder brother, but I'm beating your elder brother now!"

Hercules' eyes were filled with anger, and he pulled out a wooden stick out of nowhere and hit Ares's head hard.

"Haha, a mortal wants to hurt the gods with a wooden stick, even if I sit here and make you knock tens of thousands of times, I will still be the same when you are tired... Ares laughed indifferently.

Unexpectedly, the dark wooden stick slammed heavily on his head, and his face was full of stars, and a big red bag suddenly grew on the top of his head.

"It's impossible, it's impossible!"

Enduring the pain in his head, Ares looked at the tall young man with short brown hair in disbelief.


Another stick hit him on the head.

Hermes roared angrily: "What did you just say, how about you when I'm tired?"

clap clap!

clap clap!

Under the eyes of Chiron and the others and the two brothers, the God of Death and God of Sleep, the dark wooden stick kept making intimate contact with the long face and head of the God of War.

Ares's face was soon covered with large bags and redness, and he was almost indistinguishable. His throat was also hoarse, and he could only stare at Hercules with fire-breathing eyes.

"Dare to stare at me, I won't kill you!" Hercules roared, and the dark wooden stick was raised again.

Under the reflection of the bright sun, Phobos' bright eyes fell on this dark wooden stick, and suddenly asked: "Hercules, where did you get this stick?"

The tall and sturdy young man with short brown hair turned his head, touched his head and recalled: "It seems to be given to me by an old woman named Atropos, and it is very easy to use, so I always carry it.

"Atropos." The blond boy's pupils shrank.

This is the eldest sister of the three goddesses of fate. The three goddesses of fate have almost never left the temple of the goddess of fate, but Atropos actually ran out and gave Hercules a stick?

While he was contemplating, Hercules then beat up Ares.

It seems that he will never give up unless he beats the god of war to his knees begging for mercy.

The fierce picture made the brothers Death God and Sleep God terrified, for fear that this treatment would also be their turn.

The Sleeping God wailed directly: "Brother Phobos, for the sake of Deputy Lord Hecate and our mother, please spare our brothers, and I will surely let you have a good dream every day in the future."

Rolling his eyes at him, Phobos walked over to them, squatted down and said, "In the future, listen to your deputy, don't be fooled by Hermes with wine, or let you taste the taste of sticks."

He pointed to Hercules next to him.

"Mmmm!" Sleeping God and Death God nodded hurriedly like chickens pecking at rice.

At the same time, they all gritted their teeth: "The bastard of Hermes, we will settle the account with him when we go back. Back then, the God of Light tore his wings, and this time our brother will let him taste it again.

This voice made the winged black-haired youth tremble, who was squatting in the corner of the palace to observe carefully.

"Damn Thanatos, Hypnos, you know to scare me with my wings, I won't save you! 35

This secretly lurking messenger of the gods seems to have found some reason to convince himself, his wings flicker gently, and he is about to leave here.

Phobos, who was under the palace dungeon, suddenly flashed.

I saw a ray of light flowing, and a golden figure instantly appeared behind the messenger of the gods, and the white palm stroked his supple wings.

Hermes shuddered, staring at the golden figure that suddenly appeared behind him.

For a split second, he remembered what could be called the most tragic day of his life for him.

At that time, it was also a figure with blond hair who brutally tore off his wings. The pain was unforgettable to this day...

Why does the person in front of him look so much like him?

Hermes instinctively wanted to launch the "travel" authority to escape.

"I advise you to be good. If you teleport in space now, your body can leave, but these supple and beautiful wings will remain in my hands." The blond boy smiled brightly at him.

This smile was full of unfamiliar and familiar feeling to Hermes, which made his heart shudder.

After hesitating for a while, the messengers of the gods laughed dryly and said, "I actually just passed by here, this blond brother, don't get me wrong.

"Have you heard of Dionysus, the god of wine, who is the best winemaker in the world, and I can get you the fine wine that he brewed by himself;

Do you still know Hephaestus, the god of fire, the most outstanding craftsman among the gods, I have a very good relationship with him, and I can ask him to build a palace for you.

Hermes was full of ingratiating expressions, and his dark eyes looked at the pair of white palms that were holding his wings tightly, full of pity.

The golden eyes did not change, the white palms were lightly strained, and the tingling sensation on the back made Hermes' eyelids twitch.

"Don't talk nonsense, I know who you are, are you here to save Ares and the others?"

Hermes' face was full of hesitation, and his eyes suddenly sharpened. A golden rod of snakes appeared in his hand, and he slammed into the hand that was grasping his wings.

"It seems that you still need to clean up." Phobos sighed under the brilliant light.

Suddenly a blazing light, Xiong Lie covered Hermes, the blazing high temperature and light and heat, the blink of an eye made the coiled snake golden rod become hot.

Hermes screamed and dropped the weapon.

At the same time, scorching light balls like small suns slammed on him.

bang! bang!

These little suns were like burning bombs 4.4, and they exploded in series as soon as they came into contact with the messengers of the gods.

Hermes originally wanted to launch the 'travel' power to teleport away, but before he had a chance to exert his strength, these blazing suns carried violent light and heat, running through his divine body.


His left wing was directly hit by a small sun, which opened a big hole, and Hermes could hardly stand up in pain.

And then a dozen or so little suns exploded beside him.

In an instant, one of the dignified twelve main gods of Olympus, Hermes, the messenger of the gods, collapsed to the ground with a blackened body.

The thick light and heat turned into chains, binding him.

A golden figure emitting a brilliant light approached step by step.

Hermes was terrified.

At this moment, a force shattered the chains that trapped him.

Hermes looked over in surprise, and saw an unremarkable middle-aged figure in a secluded corner.

He recalled for a moment before he remembered who the other party was.

"Pallas, why are you here!"

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