Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 160 The Aether Divine Body Consummation (Subscription)


Olympus shook suddenly.

Many gods looked at the highest part of the home of the gods in amazement, the majestic temple that symbolized the top of the power of the gods.

I saw the sea queen Amphitrite and several other gods walking away, and beside them, two bright rays of light collided, and the majestic power spread from the interior of the temple to all directions.

Through the layers of light and shadow, the gods saw the core of this power clash.

It was two terrifying figures filled with majestic aura, both holding spears.

One of them is surrounded by lightning, thunder and thunder, bathing in the bearing of a king, and his figure is like a vast sky, vast and boundless.

On the opposite side of him, there is a graceful figure with heroic spirit.

She holds a spear in her slender palm, her whole body is radiant with glory, and the splendid divine power spreads the golden splendor of civilization. The symbols of wisdom, war, art, textiles, navigation and other important components of the civilized world flashed one by one.

This civilized splendid picture scroll covers the sky and completely covers the violent lightning and thunder.


The two mighty forces impacted fiercely, and the void in the sky cracked inch by inch.

In addition to the horror of the gods, it is more surprising.

"Is it the God King and... Goddess Athena?" The gods exclaimed in surprise.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, has always been the best among the goddesses of Olympus.

She is powerful and wise, beautiful and graceful, and with a pure and friendly personality, she is the most perfect goddess with countless advantages.

And although it looks a little arrogant, it is often kind and approachable when getting along with every god.

And today, this goddess actually confronted her father, the king of the gods, in the palace of the gods. What is the situation?

The gods were amazed.


Spears clashed, sparks shot.

Zeus and Athena were imposing, exerting their divine power and authority to the extreme.

"My daughter, I will let you know that you are not qualified to challenge your Father God!"

Zeus roared endlessly, lightning roared all over his body, the waves of destruction shook the sky, and the spear in his hand was as bright as the scorching sun.

He was full of anger.

I hate that I didn't kill these damn sons and daughters in the first place, otherwise how could they fall into today's dilemma.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Only with the lightning in the hand, splitting a road and killing everything, can there be new vitality.

The king of the gods roared inwardly, the bright lightning exploded to the extreme, the blazing destructive power concentrated on the tip of the spear, and stabbed the beautiful figure in front of him fiercely.

And Athena's bright eyes also glowed with determination.

She thought of the mother in her memory, the younger brother who didn't have time to be born and see the world.

The hatred and coldness in his eyes became more and more intense.

In the end, it condensed into the most terrifying killing intent.


The wave of lightning's destruction and the heavy scroll of civilization were once again surging.

The sharp spear slashed through scary arcs in the void, like the boundary between life and death.

"My Father God, King of Olympus, your daughter has grown up and will take everything back from you."

A maiden of glory and beauty, with a solemn voice.

The heavy civilization map, with majestic oppression, tore the gaps in the layers of lightning and thunder, and stabbed the bright spear in its hand.


Zeus's shoulders froze, and a puddle of red blood spilled into the sky.

The bright spear was firmly nailed to his shoulders, and the mighty force from the front to the back, from the sky to the sky, mercilessly bombarded his body that had not yet recovered from his injuries.

Under the shocked gaze of the gods, Athena's delicate face was solemn, and her slender body erupted with unparalleled strength, pushing the king of the gods to fall onto the cliff of Olympus.


With the rock fragmentation, smoke and dust filled the air.

The bright spear pierced Zeus' thick shoulders, pinning him hard on the mountain wall.

"Father!" Ares and Hermes shouted in surprise, wanting to run to rescue.

Unexpectedly, a graceful silver-haired figure stood in front of them.

"You guys should play with me." Artemis looked at the two of them coldly, exuding a cold and powerful aura.

The silver bow and arrow aimed coldly at them.

Ares and Hermes trembled, not daring to take a step forward.

Over the years, with some help from Apollo, Artemis has made remarkable progress, and his strength has already reached the level of the eighth rank of the main god.

In the usual battles, neither of them are rivals at all.

Now even if the two join forces, they do not have the confidence to overcome this hurdle.

With the appearance of Artemis, the gods onlookers couldn't help but get excited.

"Could it be that the God of Light finally decided to replace the King of Gods as the new King of the Gods?

These gods are a little excited, and they don't think it's a big deal to watch the fun.

They looked up at the tall figure that was pierced by a spear and nailed to the mountain wall.

"The God of Light doesn't have to go out in person now, and the Goddess of Wisdom can defeat him alone. It's totally boring for such a god-king to do so. It might be better to abdicate early. Some gods muttered.

"I'm afraid this is impossible. Although the God of Light is still very generous, the grievance between them is not a day or two, not to mention Goddess Athena will never let him go.

"This is retribution. I learned the word 'retribution' from a sage among mortals. It means that if you do bad things, you will get bad results." road.

"Have you heard their words, all the gods are looking forward to the end of your era, so that they can surround the new god-king.

In the sky, Athena calmly looked at the king of the gods who was struggling on the mountain wall in a soft tone.

Zeus' eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at the indifferent girl in front of him. He gritted his teeth and said, "If it wasn't for me falling from the beginning, if it weren't for the fact that I was in Thrace, when Apollo seized me, he sealed my power as a god king. You can't beat me unless I'm still injured.""

"So what, now your life is in my hands." Athena quietly glanced at his pale and haggard face.

"Then do you really dare to kill me?" Zeus roared like thunder, with madness in his eyes, "As long as I die, fate will come immediately, can you bear such consequences? 35

"Hey, then you might as well try to commit suicide, you will definitely die with me." Athena smiled.

Zeus clenched his palms tightly, looked into her eyes, and said nothing.

Athena then said lightly: "I know you too well, the so-called king of the gods, in the final analysis, is nothing but a coward who only uses strength and cruelty to cover up his frailty.

You crave power and try to obliterate everything that threatens you because you are afraid.

How can you have the courage to commit suicide like this. "

The goddess of wisdom laughed and pulled out the spear nailed to Zeus.


The icy spear tore apart the fuzzy flesh and blood of the king of the gods, and the bright blood poured down the earth like a fountain.

Zeus tilted his body and fell into the valley below, glaring upwards in the dust.

Athena smiled lightly: "Don't worry, you still have a lot of time in your last days, and now Olympus actually still has your supporters, I will first remove them one by one, and finally leave you alone in despair. to the end.”

・・・・Seeking flowers....

"Then leave Hera to me." The cold figure of Artemis appeared beside her.

"My younger brother is generous, but I hold grudges very much. When I was very young with him, Hera had persecuted us, especially him, many times. I want to settle it with her. girl with a very serious expression.

Athena nodded to her.

Looking at the lively gods from the beginning to the end, the goddess of wisdom said with a smile:

"The ocean is in our hands, and Olympus is ours too, when are you ready to promise to be his queen.

In my opinion, he doesn't want to become the new God King for a long time. He just wants to wait for you to promise him, so that the same person can complete these two things. Otherwise, the dignified God King will have no God Queen for a while, and it is not good to say it out.

"Don't talk nonsense.

Athena's straightforward words caused Artemis' cold cheeks to turn crimson.

Deep in the Temple of Light.

Thousands of starlights interweave and flicker, forming galaxies and rivers, rotating non-stop and densely packed.


Apollo's golden figure gradually faded, and a huge cross-shaped pillar was supported in the boundless starry sky.

The moving stars finally ceased to be all burning gas, and gradually produced low-temperature land and the ocean that was the cradle of life.

It is conceivable that after countless years, the lowest-level microorganisms will be bred in them, and then plants, animals, and even intelligent creatures will evolve.

These beings with infinite curiosity will create a splendid civilization, which may be magic and fighting spirit, or it may be artifact technology.

And no matter what kind of civilization, they go to the end, they will reach the final source, and then ask a question.

"Where did the universe come from?"

At that time, they will see a pair of open golden eyes.

"Is this the perfect state of the etheric body, without any turbulence, affecting the outside world."

"Because I am the world, and I am the universe, perfect, with all the power in the body."

Apollo opened his eyes and looked at himself.

The final step of the etheric body, he thought that there would be a very amazing movement, but the reality is that it seems to be a matter of course, and it is completed like this.

Simple and smooth.

"Then I can do some things next, hey, the system has refreshed a super god treasure chest?

Apollo looked at the map page.

Low-level treasure chests, intermediate-level treasure boxes, high-level treasure boxes, god-level treasure boxes, super-god-level treasure boxes, and supreme treasure boxes are his known system treasure chest divisions.

Among them, the super god treasure chest he only saw one by one, and in the deepest part of Tartaros, he has not been able to get the opportunity.

And now, a new super god treasure chest has been swiped.

The location is—

"Earth Mother Temple!

Apollo blinked his golden eyes and decided: "Then go to Gaia first to see if she is really related to the foreign goddess."5

Suddenly, he frowned.

The body of his Son, Phobos, returned to Pandora, where the mysterious woman gave him his ninth mission.

The content of the mission is: "Heart of Uriah, Lord of the Mountains."

PS: The number of words in this chapter is ok, the fee for publishing the manuscript today, I went out to make waves, and there will be more tonight, and tomorrow I will enter a new big story.

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