Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 164 Glory belongs to Greece (subscription)

Dead silence.

The whole world is shrouded in silence.

Gaia's eyes did not contain the slightest emotion, and the illusory earth and sky behind him gradually resonated with the original earth and sky of the outside world.

The continuous power of the earth, sky, and ocean was absorbed into her illusory world, making it truly solid.

On the opposite side of her, the golden figure of Apollo flickered with brilliance, and the dazzling stars revolved and radiated, emanating boundless mighty power.

Countless stars form the vast universe starry sky, and the power of infinite ether sweeps all directions.

Whether it is a god or a mortal thing, there is only fear and horror on his face at this moment.

Looking at the two vast worlds, I only feel my own insignificance and lowliness.

Suddenly, Apollo and Gaia moved at the same time.

There is no fancy magic, and no artifact of any kind.

The boundless world where the earth and the sky are connected, the vast universe where the stars shine, bang together.


This is a real collision between heaven and earth, and the indescribable sound broke through the distance between heaven and earth in an instant, echoing in the ears of every living creature in the world.

The loudness of the voice and the grandeur of the scene deeply shocked the hearts of every life who saw this picture.

But for the warring two, it was just a light touch.

Gaia deeply locked onto the golden silhouette of the stars shining in front of him, with a dignified expression:

"Apollo, your strength is indeed beyond my expectations, but how can you compete with the vast world with just a few stars!"

Suddenly, she waved her hand.

The vast virtual shadow of the world behind him, the earth and the sky shook together, as if a giant waved his fist and smashed towards Apollo.

"Good come!"

Amidst the brilliance of the stars, Apollo drank softly.

The universe within the body roared, and hundreds of millions of stars shook at the same time, spreading out their arms in front of them.

307 Bang!

The fists clash, the worlds collide.

The terrifying aftermath instantly spread to the boundless world outside, even at the end of the darkest and deepest underworld, the realm of the abyss and the night, was shaken, swayed, and almost collapsed.

Tartarus' face was gloomy, looking at the two figures colliding in the distant sky, his palms could not help clenching:

"What a terrifying power, even if Gaia is almost at the highest level, what is Apollo's divine body, and it has become a world of its own, enough to compare with the highest power?

When he was shocked and puzzled, the gods of the earth, the vast sky, the underworld, the ocean and other places were full of shock.

For many ordinary gods, the duel between the main gods is already a big scene, and the power of the primordials to affect a part of the world is even more unimaginable.

But at the moment, this almost supreme collision, the fight between the world and the universe, is completely beyond their imagination.

Focusing on the magnificent picture in the void, their minds went blank.

Only a few powerful gods can maintain clear thinking.

On a remote island, Pallas, who looks unremarkable, looks at the distant sky, his eyes are full of solemnity.

He whispered: "In the current era, is a new supreme being born, I have to speed up the action."

Having said that, he suddenly looked deeply at Gaia, perceiving the illusory world in her that resonated with the outside world, and frowned, "She will not be preparing

And in Olympus, Zeus, who felt the shocking confrontation in the void, sweated on his face and clenched his palms in disbelief.

(dbee) "It's impossible that they are all beyond the original realm!"

The king of the gods is like a deflated ball, his eyes are gray.

If he still had a glimmer of hope before, he felt that he might not have the chance to make a comeback.

At this moment, witnessing the world-like supreme power of Apollo and Guyana, he fully understands that he will never be able to reach such a state.

In the face of this supreme greatness, the so-called king of the gods is always just a joke.

Boom boom boom!

The Apollo-Gaia collision continues.

The vast sky and the vast stars are constantly impacting, and the terrifying sound continues to shake the boundless world.

The fight between the two was faster than a hurricane, and more violent than a thunderbolt. Even the original gods such as Tartarus could not keep up with their speed at all.

It can only be seen that the two vast worlds are constantly colliding, endlessly.

I don't know how long it lasted.

Suddenly, Gaia staggered and fell into the void, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Her gigantic world, where the earth and the vast sky were connected, had opened several cracks at some point in time, which was shocking.

On the opposite side of her, the golden figure of Apollo is as old as ever, and the splendid stars are intertwined.

"It's almost almost, you still have flaws and you can't compete with the perfect me, unless you really set foot on the highest. 99

Apollo glanced at her lightly, his tone calm.

"Ignorant junior, how do you know what is the real supreme, supreme is not just as simple as a complete world by itself!

Blood dripped from the corners of his mouth, but Gaia was not afraid to laugh, and her glamorous cheeks were full of madness.

Suddenly, a generally terrifying chill shrouded the hearts of all beings in the world.

Gaia's icy and crazy eyes stared at this boundless world, gritted her teeth:

"Apollo, you forced me.

The earth, ocean, mountains and sky of this world are all from me. Today I will take back all of them and let them return to me again. "

When her voice fell, whether it was Tartarus, Nyx in the underworld, or Pallas in the ocean, the complexion changed in horror.

The first two rushed out of the underworld in an instant, and the power of the boundless abyss and the heavy darkness enveloped Gaia violently.

"You can't stop me!" 5

Gaia laughed wildly, her snow-white arms raised high.

I saw the almost solid illusory world behind her, rapidly expanding in the blink of an eye, overlapping with the vast sky, the boundless earth, the galloping ocean, and the towering mountains.

In the blink of an eye, the world called 'Greece' shook endlessly, as if it had changed its owner, producing an infinite repulsive force, forcing Apollo, Tartarus, Nyx, etc., out of the periphery of the world. , into the chaotic void beyond the world.

Apollo's expression changed, and he abruptly picked up Phobos below, flashing illusory holy spirits on his body at the same time, overlapping into one.

The Holy Spirit looked at him and then at Phobos, and the three of them radiated divine brilliance at the same time, forming a whole.

God's Arrival, Trinity!

Sacred light sprinkled all over this shaking world, coupled with the surging etheric power, it stabilized the figure.

And people such as Tartaros, Nyx, Pallas, etc., were all forcibly sent into the chaos outside the world.

It also includes the mysterious magician and the Messiah from the foreign land, but the 'hanged man' disappeared without a trace for some reason.

And in the deep chaos, a vast will was suddenly awakened, and locked the shaking world with terrifying anger and icy cold, and let out a terrifying low roar:

"Gaia, how dare you invade my world!""

Chaos, the god of chaos, has awakened.

This world, which he named 'Greece', was the foundation of his high rank.

Although the world is made up of many primordials, the real master is still his Chaos, and the other primaries are just working for him.

At this moment, Gaia actually usurped the world that belonged to him.

The God of Chaos was extremely angry, and when he roared, he lowered the infinite power of chaos.

Gaia, who stands on the top of the world, has a sneer on her beautiful cheeks.

"Apollo, didn't you say that I cooperated with the supreme goddess of the foreign land? In fact, I didn't have a deep relationship with her at all before, and now it is the real cooperation."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a blue light flickering, opening a gap in the back of the world.

Immediately, a long and turbulent dark river flowed out from there and blocked in front of Chaos.

"The mother river of abundance, it is the supreme mother goddess who came here with the help of the dimensional watchman's ability!" The figure with a dark cloak and a translucent mask exclaimed.

In the vast and meandering and rich river, thousands of pieces of pitch-black meat suddenly appeared, forming a terrifying figure in the shape of a female goat.

It is the Three Pillars of the Exotic, the Black Goat of the Forest that the 'Supreme Mother Goddess' breeds thousands of descendants.

The moment she descended, on the back of the world that was usurped by Gaia, tentacles with roots like tree roots and vines appeared, wrapping the entire world in the blink of an eye.

Apollo, who temporarily stabilized his body and resisted the repulsive force of the world by means of the 'God's Arrival Technique', realized something, and his face was solemn.

Gaia laughed wildly: "Supreme Mother Goddess, lend me your power, and let the descendants of my bloodline know what it means to surrender to the 'Mother'. 99

Suddenly, the tentacles like roots curled up into Gaia's body.

It made Gaia's glamorous and plump body twisted and terrifying, and she smirked and controlled tentacles, covering the entire world.

"Apollo, I said you don't understand what is supreme.

"The so-called supreme is not only to have a complete world, but also to have its own god system.

"What I want to usurp is not only the world of Chaos, but also the pantheon he created.

"He named his world Greece, and my world should be called..."

"Rome! 35

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