Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 181 The past reappears, the light is undefeated! (Subscribe)

Thousands of thunder and lightning flashed together, Jupiter's tall figure fell from the sky, and the spear that burst out thousands of lightning flashed brilliantly, revealing unparalleled formidable power.

The king of the gods lowered his eyes, like dark clouds covering the sky, and said coldly:

"Apollo, today, whether it is the sky, the earth, the ocean or the underworld, there is absolutely no place for you, that's what I said!""

"If so, then I will smash your sky, your earth, your ocean, your Hades!

In the brilliant light, Apollo's thirty-six pairs of wings vibrated again.

The light in the sky dispels the dark clouds and shatters thousands of lightning.

Staring at this scene, the thousands of gods on Mount Olympus could not help but hold their breath.

The king of the gods and his son, who was named the 'God of Sin', confronted him again.

I'm afraid there won't be any room for this time.

Victory and defeat must be divided into life and death, which determines the future of the entire divine court.

It's just that he failed to win this son last time, but now "Three Four Zeros" easily defeated the mother and daughter of the Goddess of Justice on the other side, and their strength is even stronger.

Is he really okay this time?

All the gods have doubts in their hearts, and some people have even given birth to other thoughts.

Thinking that if Jupiter is defeated, perhaps Olympus will give birth to a new king, but the situation will be very different.

However, when the power of light and lightning touched.

In the depths of the steep peak, a deep darkness and death suddenly pervaded.

A tall and thin king with a dark robe and a face as cold as iron, holding a double fork, came cold.

"Pluto the Pluto!" The gods exclaimed his identity.

The indifferent and stern Pluto did not care about their shock, with two forks in his hands, one of which symbolized life and always symbolized death.

With the fork handle in hand, it represents his majestic vigor to control life and death and to dominate destiny.

The black lacquer robe fluttered in the wind, setting off his majestic figure and the supreme monarch who ruled over death.

The moment the figure appeared, the fierce light of death pierced through the empty space and stabbed towards the throat of the blond boy in the bright light.

Apollo's golden eyes were indifferent, as if he had expected it.

The fair-skinned left hand pressed down, bluffing with five fingers, and the magnificent bright torrent blocked the sharp fork tips.

The most holy and majestic power, tearing the curtain of death, purifying the rich darkness, and infinite light and heat sweeping the icy cheeks of Hades.

The dead monarch, the king of the underworld, who was holding the double fork, his iron-like complexion could not help changing, and he hurriedly turned around to deal with it.

At the same time, Jupiter in the sky thought he saw an opportunity, the lightning spear was raised high, and thousands of bright electric lights filled the void, like hundreds of millions of thin snakes coiled together.

With just the first blow, the king of the gods had brought out all his strength.

Countless thunders converged into one, like a powerful artifact that was the most violent and unpretentious, born only for destruction, and pierced into the light of the sky fiercely.

The gods were horrified.

"God, Hades actually came out to help the king of gods, Apollo just fought against the mother and daughter of the goddess of justice, and now facing the two kings joining forces, the situation is not good. 39

"Yeah, if it is to face the God King alone, I think with his strength to easily defeat the Mother and Daughter of the Goddess of Justice, there is hope of victory.

"But who would have thought that the Pluto, who was the most difficult to deal with in the past, was the first to arrive.

"It can be understood that they are brothers. In the past, they overthrew the ancient court together, but they all fought side by side."

Many gods expressed regret.

At this moment, the infinite thunder that pierced into the sky suddenly collapsed.

A huge roar shook the world.

The gods looked at them in amazement, only to see the bright lightning flashes, just entering the splendid field of light.

Just like the fuel of the fire, golden fireworks are ignited in the blink of an eye.

Thousands of lightning bolts, like thousands of fire seeds, ignited bunches of brilliant bright fires.

The brilliant light and heat, like a prairie prairie, ignited the entire sea of ​​thunder in an instant, and the brilliance spread directly to the place where Jupiter stood.

The majestic king of the gods, his face was extremely flustered, and he hurriedly shook the spear in his hand, bursting with divine power, trying to disperse the lingering fire of light.

But his actions only intensified the burning light.

One after another brilliant light, covering him like a shooting star.

At this critical juncture, Apollo suddenly raised his eyes in the bright light, looking somewhere in the void and said:

"Since they are all here, come out and die with your two brothers!"

Before the words fell, the empty void suddenly swept out layers of turbulent waves.

The blue waters like Wang Yang appeared out of thin air, covering Jupiter's body, blocking the spreading bright flames for him.

"This is Neptune Neptune, and he actually came!"

"The three kings gathered together to deal with Apollo?"

The gods looked in amazement at the surging blue ocean.

In the splash of thousands of waves, a burly figure holding a trident, with long hair flying, blue eyes showing the magnificent waves like the sea, has an unparalleled momentum.

The moment he appeared, Jupiter, surrounded by lightning, and Pluto, who was in the deep darkness, roared at the same time.

An invisible stalwart force formed awe-inspiringly from the three of them...

"Apollo is over. This is the status of the king that Mother Earth gave to the three kings to dominate the world in the past. Only when the three kings of the sky, the ocean, and the underworld join forces, can it be triggered."

"For many years, I thought that I would never see the three kings of the Divine Court join forces to fight against the enemy, but I didn't expect that there would be a day when the kingship would really be inspired.

"Hey, this young blond god is really a monster, but it's a pity that the three kings appeared at the same time, and I can't think of any reason to urge them."

Spirits from all over the world sighed.

The three kings of the sky, the sea, and the underworld have never been in harmony.

But at this moment, there is no sign at the same time, which is really incredible.

"If you want to blame, it's your fault, Mother Earth ordered, we can only choose to kill you!" The sea emperor Neptune, who was holding a trident, said to Apollo in an indifferent tone.

"If you are worthy of Mother Earth's attention, the three of us will join forces to kill you. Even if you die in battle, you will be proud of yourself." Pluto, the king of the underworld, said in a low voice, death and darkness surrounding him like a crown.

They and Jupiter formed a circle from three directions, and surrounded Apollo firmly.

The invisible 'personality of the king' forms a monstrous oppressive force, and the sky is full of light like the majestic oppression of thousands of towering peaks.

Seeing this scene, the three goddesses of timing who supported their mother in the distance, couldn't help showing their pretty cheeks.

They could already foresee the appearance of this good-looking blond boy being torn to shreds by the three kings.

"Stop talking nonsense, take him down!"

Infinite lightning intertwined, God King Jupiter had a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, and the cold 4.4 locked Apollo and made an announcement.

At this moment, there was a soft laughter in the bright sky.

"It's a familiar scene. I remember that I was surrounded by you like this before, but the lineup at that time was more gorgeous and your strength was stronger. 35

"What kind of thing is 'the status of the king'? It is very similar to the 'authority of the king of the gods'. Gaia really likes the things of others."

The three kings of Jupiter, Pluto, and Neptune frowned slightly, not quite understanding what Apollo said.

"Don't think, for to the dead there is no point in thinking too much. 35

Thirty-six pairs of splendid wings were spread out in full bloom, Apollo's whole body was full of light, and his golden eyes calmly glanced at the three kings surrounding him, and said solemnly:

"In that siege, I was able to defeat you one by one. But this time, the only thing waiting for you is..."

"Fall again!"

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