Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 183: The King's Blood (Subscription)

The golden eyes lifted lightly, overlooking the void.

Sweeping the three kings who were so imposing because of Gaia's power, Apollo said indifferently:

"Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, show your strengths.

This will allow you to end your life with less regret!

"Arrogant! 99

Holding the lightning spear tightly, Jupiter's voice was louder than the surrounding thunder.

Feeling the great power pouring into the body from all directions, the king of the gods Meiyu welcomes back his confidence.

The icy eyes ignored the bright light, and the thunder and lightning shrieked from his majestic body.

"Apollo, I said before that today, no matter the sky, the earth, the ocean or the underworld, there is no place for you to live in the whole world."

"Now, this sentence will be more truly confirmed!"

Accompanied by the resounding sound of his voice, one after another huge lightning flashed out suddenly.

On the other side, the two kings, Neptune and Pluto, also rolled up in a monstrous atmosphere.

Boundless ocean waves and water curtains hang in the sky, surging waves, and waves shake the boundless world. It is necessary to turn heaven and earth into a kingdom that belongs to the sea.

Darkness is the robe, death is the seat, the icy prongs draw the boundary between life and death, and the ghostly aura lingers in the realm of life.

Thunder, waves, and death, the three supreme powers are intertwined again.

The invisible terrifying pressure is like a vast world, crushing the vast light from thousands of directions.

But in the moment when the three of them shot, the golden boots of Apollo's feet flickered, leading him through the space of fantasy and reality.

In just a blink of an eye, a splendid light shrouded in invisible power suddenly emerged from behind Jupiter and other three kings.

Thirty-six pairs of splendid wings burn with divine brilliance.

The fierce and powerful force first bombarded Jupiter's vest.

The king of the gods looked horrified, and the lightning spear tried to defend.

But the splendid torrent of light is faster than the wind and dazzling electricity.

In a hurry, Jupiter only recruited part of the Thunder Sea.


As the grand light swept through, the fragile dazzling thunders collapsed one after another.

The blazing power hit Jupiter's chest.


The king of the gods bleeds into the void and staggers to the ground.

At the same time, the same majestic force swept toward the dark death and endless waves.

The lord of the ocean and the king of the underworld struggled to roar, urging extreme divine power to fight against the light in the sky.

But the triangle lacks one, and the king does not exist.

The splendid light and splendor fell, like a colorful rainbow hanging low in the sky.


The lord of the underworld surrounded by darkness and death, the double fork symbolizing death and life roars endlessly, waving the deepest king's color in the light.

However, only a crisp sound was heard.

The splendid light is like a giant hammer banging, and there is no heroic force.

To control life and death, to dominate fate, is just a lie after all.

The pitch-black double fork was torn apart like rotten iron and copper, and at the same time its tall master was swept away by the embarrassment.

"Jupiter, Pluto~~!

The ocean king holding the trident looked horrified.

At the last moment, their brothers were still full of confidence.

With the mighty support of Mother Earth, which enemy in the world cannot be defeated?

But the magnificent light swept away, and the two brothers retreated in embarrassment in the blink of an eye, and the battle was completely defeated.

All this is changing too fast.

Not only him, the gods watching the battle also couldn't react.

And the more flamboyant splendid light is already violent.


The void shook and the waves roared.

The splendid golden torrent shrouded the boundless waves in an instant.

The monstrous light and heat quickly spread to the blue king holding the trident.

Neptune looked horrified, trying to summon all his divine power.

Layers of turbulent waves rolled up and rolled over and over, countering Tianyu.

But under the magnificent light, the terrifying tsunami that could easily overturn the mountains and drown the steep peaks was just a random splash of water from the roadside stream.

The splendid sacred wings vibrated and stretched, and the magnificent light seemed to stretch out a giant hand to beat these waves down.

"It's impossible! 9

The burly figure of the Ocean Sovereign, with a frightened expression, trembled as he watched the magnificent light approaching the sky inch by inch.

Under the watchful eyes of the gods, the ocean lord made a move that was completely unexpected.

The sky was covered with light for a moment, and the slender trident was thrown out, rolling up layers of monstrous water curtains in the void.

Neptune is not trying to rely on this to resist the spread of the flood of light.

The tall and burly King of the Sea, when the trident left his hand, suddenly turned around, turned into a white wave, and rushed into the infinite sea.

He escaped!

run away...!

Looking at this scene, all the gods were dumbfounded.

One of the three kings of the divine court, the king who dominates the ocean, escaped in the battle.

To know that his two brothers can still...

Thinking of this, many gods then looked at the god king and the underworld king who fell in embarrassment under the torrent of light.

However, they found that the two great kings, who did not know when, were also carrying weapons and fled to different directions.

"What's the matter!"

The gods could hardly believe their eyes.

If ordinary gods run away in battle, that's all.

You are the three kings of the divine court, the rulers of the sky, the ocean, and the underworld, and an example of thousands of gods.

In the battle to kill a young god, he fled in embarrassment.

All the gods felt a deep shame.

Of these three kings, Pluto is fine.

The other two, after ascending the throne, were known for their brutal extravagance and chaotic private lives.

But this can also be attributed to personal style, and it has nothing to do with whether it matches the identity of the king.

At least as kings, they have always been brave.

But just today, under the gaze of so many gods.

They threw away the last of their bravery.

In the same face of the irresistible blazing light, the mother and daughter of the Goddess of Justice fought to the end and did not retreat.

And the three kings of them are not even as good as the three goddesses and three weak girls.

So embarrassing!

The gods were all blushing, unwilling to believe that this was the king who ruled them.

"々, you still have such virtues, but escaping is never where the vitality lies.

In the bright light, looking at the three figures fleeing in three directions, Apollo sighed lightly.

The golden boots under his feet flickered with light, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

the edge of the land.

The sea emperor Neptune, who fled at a high speed, breathed in the familiar salty sea breeze not far ahead, and his frightened face finally calmed down.

Looking at the back, he exhaled:


"He should be going after Jupiter and Pluto, and I am temporarily safe here.

After speaking, he cursed with lingering fears:

"Mother Earth wants to destroy him, and if she doesn't do it herself, she wants us to die.

Speaking of who he is, I don't believe that a god who was born less than 20 years ago can...

"You can think about your doubts quietly and slowly after death." A gentle voice suddenly came from behind Neptune.

Neptune's body trembled, and he looked at the past minister in amazement.

I saw a rich splendid light spread out on the blue sky, like a kingdom of light covering the world.

Living at the top of this country is a handsome and sacred golden figure.

He looked at himself expressionlessly.

Then, a light engulfed it.

"Do not!"

Neptune let out a terrified cry.

Then the sound gradually became lower, and finally disappeared between the sea and the sky.

Looking at the King of the Sea completely covered by the splendid bright flames, Apollo said indifferently:


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