Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 195 The Eye of Eternity (Subscription)

"Impossible, it's impossible...

In the world of fire, the beautiful figure of the rich woman is looming, whispering softly in the ashes.

The towering giant tree that covered most of the world, the roots were completely engulfed in the sea of ​​fire, the long roots were ignited, and they burned out one by one in the red fire.

The thick trunk, the trunk, and the huge canopy that almost completely covered the sky were all split in half by the burning mottled rust sword.

The majestic giant tree fell with a bang.

In mid-air, the blazing fire that destroyed everything gradually engulfed them.

Branches, trunks, crowns... all burn with fire.

In the shocked eyes of many gods and mortals, it quickly turned to ashes.

Everything is lit.

Only the rich woman was left sitting in the countless ashes, holding the light ball in her arms, looking at a loss.

The burning mottled rust sword wandered in the sky, and finally slowly landed on Apollo's right palm.

Surrounded by brilliant light, the blond boy held the rusty sword and walked towards her step by step.

At this moment, the rich woman in the ashes, her long yellow dress suddenly bulged, her plump and white arms stretched out high, and she let out a shrill roar.

"Apollo, I haven't lost yet!"

Tentacles crazily drilled out from under her skirt, dark, rough and long, swarming the vast land.

And at the back of the world, the rich mother river that was cut off by the burning sword, the river surged, extinguishing the flames burning there.

Waves of waves surged, and this treacherous river flowed rapidly again, and the meandering river water poured into the passageway at the back of the world, connecting with those ignited tree roots.

The pale face of the rich woman turned ruddy in an instant, and the earth and the rich aura were rich and thick.

In the splendid light, Apollo's golden eyes stared at her indifferently:

"I still want to resist, but you have no chance!"

Suddenly, the golden figure fighting with Gaia's real body in the endless chaos, the invisible giant eye above his head shot out rays of light again.

Time and space are frozen, and everything is distorted.

The plentiful river water that poured into the world suddenly reversed, and all of them retreated from this world.

"Apollo, what are you?"

In the chaos, Gaia's real body screamed.

Even her supreme being, under this eye, actually felt something called terror.

Opposite her, the group of stars intertwined into the universe, the splendid figure holding the bright golden book, with a smile on the corner of his mouth:

"It's called the 'Eternal Eye'!"

Suddenly, this invisible giant eye spanned the distance of time and space, passed through layers of chaos, and flew into the interior of the world from the channel on the back of the world.

Gaia tried to stop it, but was completely blocked by the universe of stars.

In the other two places in Chaos, Pallas and Nyx looked at the invisible giant eye, and their faces were full of solemn whispers:

"This is... a supreme artifact!


The invisible giant eye quickly flew into the interior of the world.

Its surrounding is full of rich eternal brilliance, indescribable great colors.

Every beat is like the breath of the universe, the pulse of the world.

Its existence seems to transcend time and space, the fate cannot be included, and the world cannot carry it.

Everything in front of it can be modified and usurped at will.

Just after passing through the world channel, it emits eternal brilliance, the channel connecting the world and the chaos outside is closed, and the rich mother river can no longer enter.

It floats to the ground, and the invisible light shines.

The tentacles that were like roots and vines seemed to be frozen in an instant, and then shattered into countless powders like glass.

In the blink of an eye, it rushed out of the ground.

The invisible great light reflects the vast world.

The pieces of tree trunks, branches, and crowns that had been ignited and dropped were also solidified.

It is then crushed into a powder like ice cubes or glass.

Whether it is the collapsed giant tree or the blazing flame, under its eternal light, they all disappear into nothingness in an instant.

The rich woman in the long khaki dress sat blankly in the pothole on the ground, holding the light ball in her arms and staring at the giant eyes.

The glamorous cheeks are full of disbelief.

And after the giant eye had wiped away the last trace of the giant tree, it quietly flew to the sky above the bright light, wrapping around the head of the blond boy who stretched thirty-six pairs of gorgeous wings.

Staring at it a few times, Apollo's heart is also full of solemnity.

This 'eye of eternity' was opened from the super-god treasure box that was picked up when it first broke into the Gaia Earth Temple.

Because of the series of battles with Gaia after that, his real body finally found a gap in the chaos to open the treasure chest.

In addition to the hundreds of Tianyuan Crystals, there were a total of two items in the Super God Treasure Box, both of which were marked as four-star.

The 'Eternal Eye' is one of them.

It transcends time and space, has the terrifying ability to modify reality and reverse all things, and is a truly supreme artifact.

Of course, to exert its full power, the consumption required is also enormous.

Even if he is in chaos, the etheric body becomes a universe by itself, and he cannot use it for a long time.

Otherwise, with another thing in the Super God Treasure Chest, Gaia's body could have been directly overthrown long ago.

"It is also thanks to Gaia that you opened the world channel, otherwise it will not be easy to send it in.

With this 'Eternal Eye', I can do something. Chaos, it is not my style to help you regain the world for nothing.

He whispered in his heart, Apollo's 'Eternal Eye' on top of his head, holding a flaming sword, thirty-six pairs of splendid wings were flaming, and the incomparable aura was sacred and supreme, approaching the rich woman step by step.

Looking at her indifferently, Apollo swung his flaming sword.

A blazing sword light with the power of destruction rumbled on the light ball that was beating in her arms.


The whole world shook, and the turbulent chaotic power penetrated everywhere in the world.

In the chaos, Gaia's body, who was originally fighting with the golden figure, changed wildly in an instant, and a majestic force of the earth poured out from his body, pouring into the world behind him.

Looking at her movements, the golden silhouette of the stars intertwined in the vast universe also stopped and did not stop it.

Take the opportunity to restore the divine power that was lost too much due to the use of the Eye of Eternity.

The four-star supreme artifact has great power, and the consumption is really terrifying.

With the return of the power of Gaia's body, the chaotic power of the riots in the world was suppressed again.

Looking at the gradually calming world, with the Eye of Eternity above his head, Apollo said indifferently:

"Even if you can maintain it now, when I destroy the six cores at the same time, can you still support it?

The rich woman in the long khaki dress looked at him and said coldly:

"You can't do it, even if you destroy the other five cores, you can't find the sixth core.

Even if you find it, you can't get past the terror that is guarding it, and destroy it!"

"Yes, then I want to see what the guardian of the sixth core is."

The golden eyes were lightly closed, and the ancient waves in Apollo's eyes were unhappy.

Suddenly, he raised the flaming sword and stabbed heavily into the body of the rich woman.

The blazing flame ignited her instantly.

In the red flames, this beautiful and rich woman screamed shrill and madly, and issued a vicious curse.

until completely reduced to ashes.

After ending her, looking at the devastated world, Apollo couldn't help but let out a sigh.

His expression immediately became sacred and solemn:

"The destruction of the old is the beginning of a new era.

"I will build a new home for the gods on this ruin.""

"Create a new divine court!" Chuan.

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