Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 197 The Queen of the God Court (Subscribe)

"Your Majesty the Great God King, we have caught a person, and we don't know what to do with it..."

Minerva was about to leave the top of the mountain when he saw several gods holding a familiar figure in front of Apollo.

Her white cheeks couldn't help being stunned, that was the former goddess Juno.

"You rebels, let me go!

The past god queen, who was tightly bound, struggled with a hiss, and her voice was sharp and full of viciousness.

She looked very embarrassed, but her glamorous face was still raised high, full of resentment and anger, and she stared fiercely at the few gods who brought her.

At the same time, with more malicious eyes, he focused on the golden sacred figure above.

Apollo also turned to look at her and chuckled softly.

The gods said:

"She was banned from divine power before, and she was guarded behind the temple of the king.

Later, Olympus shattered and the Temple of the God King collapsed, and it flew out. We just found her outside. "

Apollo nodded.

Before he could speak, Juno roared angrily:

"You rebels, there is only one king of the gods, and that is my husband.

Apollo, Minerva, when my husband returns, you will all be dealt with the harshest..."

"Then I'm looking forward to it. 35

Apollo smiled faintly and looked at the gods:

"Take her down and lock her up, wait for my sister to come over and let her deal with it. 95

"Let go of me, Apollo, you have the guts to kill me now!

Juno shouted bitterly, but was firmly held down by several gods and dragged down.

Looking at the way she left, Minerva sighed with bright eyes:

"The old times are buried after all, and the new temple will have a new look. 99

Staring into the sky, Apollo nodded.

At this time, Minerva lightly blinked and said, "You just said to leave it to your sister, are you referring to me? 55

"Obviously not.

Apollo smiled and stared at the bottom of the majestic mountain.

There was a graceful woman with bright silver hair, carrying a bow and arrow, and was surrounded by many gods.

Minerva followed his gaze, pursed her lips and said, "Sure enough, it's still a relative from a compatriot. 35

"I once promised her that I would leave the original queen of Olympus at her disposal." Apollo said sternly.

"The original god queen... Have you thought about the new god queen?" The bright-eyed girl suddenly asked.

"In my mind, there was never only one choice."

The blond boy's voice was calm in the shimmering light.

And on the mountainside of the majestic mountain, the silver-haired girl who was carrying silver bows and arrows, walking with joy, also seemed to have a feeling.

Holding her fair and beautiful face, she quietly and elegantly looked at the gentle golden figure in the distance, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Looking at the two people looking at each other, the bright-eyed girl in bright armor couldn't help but feel a little tasteful in her heart, and Yingying saluted:

"My esteemed God King, I will not disturb you and the Hunting Goddess.

Said to go down from the top of the mountain.

When she was halfway, she happened to meet the silver-haired girl who was oncoming.

The cold-looking girl with a silver bow and arrow on her back showed her a smile:

"Is it the goddess of wisdom, I have often seen you in my mind recently, you are really a wise, beautiful, pure and powerful goddess.

Minerva was startled by the girl's sincere compliment, and after a while, her unique bright smile appeared:

"It's a coincidence that you have often appeared in my mind recently. You are always so brave, strong, beautiful and beautiful."

The two beautiful girls praised each other right in front of the mountain top and chatted for a long time.

Apollo, who looked at the top, had a toothache.

When I didn't have amnesia before, I never saw their relationship so harmonious.

Now, one by one, I recall how close and caring sisters looked like in the past.

When Minerva finally left, the silver-haired Diana looked at the familiar golden figure above and quickly approached.

After a while, the girl's figure became even more tall and straight.

Against the backdrop of the silver-white short skirt, it is beautiful and elegant, exuding a natural fragrance from afar.

"Sister, you came so fast." He approached her in a low voice.

Looking at the handsome face as before, the silver-haired girl said seriously:

"I am very worried about you during this time, but I am also afraid that someone will use it against you.

So although I miss you very much, but I never took the initiative to find you, but now I don't need to worry anymore.

She stretched out her slender palm and caressed that gentle and handsome cheek:

"My brother, you must be very tired during this time? 35

"I'm always tired after a fight, but luckily I'm never alone.

Apollo looked at her softly: "I always have my sister behind you. 35

The silver-haired girl's cheeks flushed, and she suddenly said with confusion:

"I recently recalled a lot of images about us, and those scenes were so real, as if they had really happened. 39

"Or maybe that's our shared past." Apollo approached her softly.

"Well, there are also you in there, and they are all beautiful. 99

The silver-haired girl nodded, not too entangled.

For her, it was enough to look at her brother well.

But some pictures in those memories are really embarrassing.

The blush on the girl's cheeks suddenly increased again.

Apollo approached her with a smile and asked in a low voice:

"I don't know if that scene was included in the picture my sister remembered.

"Which scene?" the silver-haired girl asked weakly, her face deepening.

"That was the scene where I asked under the laurel tree in my temple, about the question of my becoming the king of the gods, the queen of the gods."5

Apollo said very seriously.

The girl's beautiful cheeks instantly flushed like a burning cloud, and she turned to stare at the sky for a long time.

Apollo was not in a hurry and walked slowly forward.

"Don't rush to answer, I've been waiting for this answer for a long time.

The day I get your reply is the day when the new god king and god queen of Olympus are coronated together.

In the bright light, the blond boy silently overlooked the boundless world.


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