Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 199 Creeping Devourer (Subscribe)

With the blessing of the ear of the world, Apollo 'sees' the tall figure hanging upside down in the heavy curtain, dark and degenerate.

He was walking cautiously in the blazing darkness.

Darkness and fiery, these two words should not appear together.

Generally speaking, darkness symbolizes gloom and coldness, while blazing represents flame, light, etc.

But what appeared in front of The Hanged Man at the moment was a huge black sun.

The dark flame is like the body hair of a terrifying monster, fluffy, cold and fiery intertwined, and it is sinister.

And in the black sun, surrounded by thousands of fluffy hairs like flames, there was a terrifying shadow.

It was a living creature, entrenched on the back of the sun.

It is impossible to describe his appearance, because it has surpassed the imagination of mortals.

If an ordinary mortal sees him, at first glance, his spirit body will shatter and he will go crazy and die.

Because of the mortal soul level, there is simply no way to withstand such a level of terror.

Just look at it and it breaks down.

Of course Apollo was not a mortal, so he 'saw' the appearance of that terrifying existence.

If I had to use words to describe it, the figure was a bit like a piece of meat that was constantly wriggling, covered with pitch-black fluffy hair.

This is not what He really looks like, just as the original God has transcended the level of matter and energy, and is an abstract concept.

The so-called external divine body 353 is only an insignificant part of the vast real body to the existence above the original.

Just like when Apollo was a mortal named Qin Qing, the four-dimensional creatures and five-dimensional creatures imagined by scientists on the blue planet.

Zero-dimension is a point, one-dimension is a line, two-dimension is a surface, and three-dimension is a body.

Humans are three-dimensional creatures living in four-dimensional space. If you look at them in three-dimensional space, you can only see one side of him, which is a picture, a piece of paper.

And looking at human beings in higher dimensions, the same is true.

It's a worm crawling and wriggling under the timeline.

Because of the lack of senses, mortals can only look at a very small side of the truly great existence.

This is precisely what protects them.

The human mind is limited.

They can't imagine the miracle of a triangle whose three angles do not add up to one hundred and eighty degrees, a cat that is both alive and dead, and who creates a stone that he cannot lift.

Because this is in their thinking, which is against logic.

What they don't know is that the logic they hold as truth is also created by a greater being, and it is a yardstick for all things to measure themselves, but it cannot limit the great itself.

Thinking has limits, don't think that you can do everything in fantasy.

If they encounter an existence beyond logic and common sense, they only need a look, and their thinking will collapse, falling into the eternal tangle of 'spear' and 'shield', and completely collapse.

A spear capable of piercing all shields, a shield capable of blocking all sharp spears.

What happens when the two collide?

There is no way to get an answer to this in common sense logic.

Because if the spear is broken or the shield is broken, it will never meet the definition of the sharpest and the strongest, if it is unscathed, it will also not meet the definition.

It's a paradox that never has an answer.

If you look at this mass of flesh wriggling on the back of the sun, you will see countless answers to these questions, and then fall into perpetual incomprehension and collapse.

This is what He really means by the name 'terror'.

Ugly and ferocious are not terrible, but the unimaginable unknown is the most terrifying.

This figure is such an existence, which is intertwined with countless paradoxes and anti-logics. His existence is the greatest irony of the common sense in the world.

He who is entrenched in the back of the sun and dyes the fiery black.

It is like a black hole abyss that will never go out, constantly swallowing everything in the outside world.

Whether it is matter or energy, time or space.

Tangible things or abstract concepts.

In front of Him, all things like food were chewed and swallowed.

But He actually had no mouth and no teeth.

Walking in front of him step by step, the tall figure hanging upside down in the dark curtain called out his name.

"The Creeping Devourer, it really is you."

In the dark (dbee) sun, the wriggling flesh suddenly made a 'sound'.

In fact, He does not have a sound organ, and he does not need to use the vibration of the air to transmit information, but pure spiritual power.

If mortal objects or low-level gods appear here, they will only feel countless babblings in their ears, and their spirits will collapse.

But the Hanged Man certainly understood what he meant.

"The servant of the former master of the star realm, you are not qualified to ask me about my affairs. 99

The Hanged Man sneered:

"Back then, when you Outer Gods were embarrassed and expelled into the depths of the universe under the glory of the Lord, you weren't so arrogant.

"In front of the 'Omniscient and Almighty', we are naturally just humble bugs.

But without the blessing of His glory, you are not qualified to let me face it. 35

"Hmph, how can you be greater than me, not just a pawn driven by the supreme mother goddess.

She asked you to sneak into this world, and you stayed here for countless years, but during this period, a god-king who had been incarnated for a while came, and you had to be overthrown according to the established script. "

The voice of 'The Hanged Man' was ironic.

As the head of the three pillars of the universe, the first king of angels under the seat of the omniscient and almighty who is in charge of the astral world.

Although he knew that the one in front of him was also one of the most terrifying among the foreign gods, he had no fear.

In the past, even their leader, the supreme goddess who reproduced thousands of descendants.

Under the divine light that sprinkled the universe all over, they all fled, shrank and crawled.

As the left hand of God, he believed that unless the Supreme Mother Goddess, the status of other outer gods could not be compared with him at all.

"A arrogant fool, if you didn't have the aura of the primordial sea on your body, I would definitely swallow you and let you be with the eternal darkness."

The shadow entrenched in the sun is mentally fluctuating, revealing an emotion similar to anger.

Because He noticed that the arrogant worm in front of him came with a tail.


The dark sun shook suddenly, and bursts of death-colored flames sprayed the void.

In the flesh where the fluffy hair like flames gathered, it seemed like a pair of eyes appeared, staring into the depths of the underworld:

"Blonde bug, you are the goddess who is the enemy of the mother goddess collaborator.

Since you peeped into my existence, the only destiny you have left is to be swallowed into your body by me and become a part of me. "

The muffled voice, carrying a majestic spiritual shock, slammed across the far distance of space, raging towards where Apollo was.

In the depths of the underworld, the splendid figure bathed in light suddenly snorted softly.

The splendid light pervades the sacred grand momentum, annihilating this spiritual shock.

At the same time, the golden boots under his feet flickered, and in an instant, he crossed the border between reality and fantasy and came to the back of the sun.


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