Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 213 The inevitable number of Ananke (for subscription)

Amazing picture!

All the gods who saw this scene changed their color.

The second-generation god king Cronus, the original god who wielded power.

It was smashed into pieces with a single tap.

What kind of power is this?

This is not an ordinary thing, nor is it an ordinary deity, or even a master deity, but the primordial origin of the world!

A slap in the face kills a primitive.

Even Phobos couldn't help but stare at the dark night and darkness superimposed, deep black hair dyed with silver, graceful and graceful hazy figure.

It turned out that the so-called Erebos never existed, which was the meaning.

Just like the relationship between his Son and the Father, the God of Darkness is just an incarnation of the Goddess of the Night.

What is she, she is her own spouse?

Forbes originally thought that his father-son relationship was interesting enough, but he didn't expect Nixby to play.

Of course, for the existence above the original, the so-called form has long been an external illusion.

Their real bodies are the composition of the world, abstract things that are either illusory or real, and their external images can be changed at will.

When Phobos' thoughts flashed, the two of 'Hades' Tartaros hurriedly turned into dark rays of light and rushed into the depths of the underworld.


Aware of their escape, the hazy and beautiful Miaoman figure stared indifferently with dreamlike eyes, and a slender palm was shot again, exuding a rich and supreme aura.

While fleeing, Tartaros roared loudly, and dark vortices appeared on his body, like a black hole swallowing the universe, rolling up violently.


The slender palms slapped heavily on the black holes.

This is enough to make the world return to ruins, and the power of the abyss, where everything disappears, suddenly collapses one after another.

Tartarus seemed to be relieved.

"Prodognos, she is not in the most perfect state, probably fate has benefited from her roots, we still have a chance!

"If she was complete in the past, a single thought would be destiny, that is, a certain number, unless the supreme and irreversible.

Whoever wants to die will die immediately, but now she is only relying on her powerful divine power~~!

‘Hades’ also reacted, and the double fork pierced out of his hand, drawing the boundary between life and death, and the pale palm transformed into a ghost.

On the other side, the power of the abyss of Tartarus roared violently, swallowing the universe starry sky, and it was dark and dark.

Under the containment of the two mighty forces, the two roared fiercely, vomited blood, staggered out of a gap under the slender jade, and fled into the deepest part of the underworld.

"Don't stand there stupidly, don't chase after me!

Forbes was quietly watching the battle, and in the hazy dream there, a young and playful girl called to him.

"You are so powerful, you can solve it yourself, they are all seriously injured." Phobos was stunned and whispered.

In the hazy dream, the Miaoman girl with long silver-white hair fluttering gave him a white look:

"If I can catch up, why stay here?"

"Why do 'Erebos' sleep for so many years, because once the two bodies are merged, unless I recover, I can only stay here, otherwise I will lose my past world and god system."

The hazy and dreamy woman sighed and looked deeply into the endless void.

Phobos came to understand, she was obviously also a super-primitive Protoss Supreme, I don't know why she recovered from the chaos and divided into two parts.

She must have had her own world and god system.

And now...

"In Moros, in order to hide from Chaos, I stripped away most of my authority and roots, the most important of which was to become Moros."

"Fate used to be my most important source, and he, who was in charge of fate, also mastered my world and pantheon, so that he could compete with Chaos.

The hazy and dreamy woman explained.

"So your eldest son came this way."

Phobos felt familiar, and his own origins were similar.

Do the top gods like to play this tune and be their own parents?

"Otherwise, do you think that Thanatos, Hypnos and the others are the same, because of my split authority.

Otherwise, how can I have so many children by myself, and I am not Gaia, I will have children by myself. "

The hazy dreamy woman gave him another look.

Phobos felt that her attitude was very strange. It was obviously a mysterious and powerful ancient god who had returned, but she spoke like a young girl to an old friend.

Just when she thought so, she suddenly stretched out that slender jade hand again, standing in the center where the night and darkness overlapped, and photographed it from the air.


All things in the void were shattered, and Tartaros and ‘Hadis’, who fled in a hurry, were drenched in blood and dying.

It's only a little short, and these two powerful primordials can be ended in one fell swoop.

"Even a little girl is a violent little girl."

Forbes was a little terrified, even if the strength of this woman came from his holy father, it might not be the enemy, it was terrifying and scary.

And that's not all she is.

What is her status in the super primitive god race?

Seemingly aware of his thoughts, the hazy dreamy woman raised her chin tall:

"々, at that time, I had many names, such as the inevitable number Ananke, the creative destiny Hemamene, the natural law Adrasthea...

"But these are not my real names, but I don't want to tell the same person twice my real name, you can just call me Ananke for now.

Forbers felt that her last sentence was a little strange, but more attention was attracted by those names.

"It must be determined that Ananke..."

Athena was walking on the ground in her bright armor.

This dignified and beautiful Goddess of Wisdom rarely had a sign-like smile on her flawless face.

Instead, he looked solemn and serious.

She has been searching the earth for a long time.

Today, she finally found her purpose.

What appeared in front of her was a desolate and secluded valley.

It's a dirty, messy corner, overgrown with weeds. (screaming)

Even mortals are unwilling to live in this place.

"The god-king who once ruled the universe, can only hide here now, to meet the arrival of death?"

Athena sneered at the deepest part of the valley.

There was a burly figure with fluffy hair and a dirty body.

He looked haggard and full of confusion, and collapsed in the weeds with his hands on his knees, as if he was waiting to die in despair.

If it is placed on the side of the road, passers-by will think that this is a sad rich man who lost all his fortune at the gambling table and became a homeless man.

In fact, he is indeed a gambler who has lost everything.

He once ruled the court of God and owned the whole world.

Hearing the familiar voice, Zeus slowly raised his head.

"Athena, did Apollo send you to kill me?

"Now you are no longer qualified to be regarded by him, and it is I who want to end your ridiculous life.

The goddess of wisdom raised the spear in her hand.

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