Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 217 The Primordial Sea (Subscription)

In the dark and deep chaotic sea, light and darkness coexist, and fantasy and reality are intertwined.

Forbes stared blankly at this magnificent sea, looking a little dazed.

He raised both hands.

In the right hand is holding the crystal-like invisible light ball, which is a time-space shuttle opened from the super god treasure chest.

It's what brought him here.

And on his left hand, the 'Hanged Man' spirit body left in the gray glove was violently rioting at this moment.

"This is the primordial sea, how could you be here? 99

The spirit body of 'The Hanged Man' was forced to take shape, and looked around the magnificent sea in disbelief, with shock.

He is all too familiar with this huge sea where light and darkness are intertwined, fantasy and reality coexist.

He himself was born from this huge sea and became the left hand of God.

But why, he and Phobos appeared in the 'Original Sea'.

Moreover, the 'primordial sea' at this moment is in a state of no owner at all.

Has your master fallen?

The Hanged Man does not believe this is possible.

Suddenly, his expression changed, as if he had thought of some terrible possibility.

"No, it shouldn't be like this!" He went mad. 31

Phobos gave him a pitying look:

"It seems that you also realized that this is not the time and space where we were originally, this is the time and space at the end of the second era of your world.

"An era of despair, ruled by many ancient gods, with many outer gods coveting them, and everything engulfed in eternal darkness.

It was not until the gods who embraced the characteristics of the 'sun' and the 'hanged man' at the same time, who emerged from the primordial sea, swept away many ancient gods, and ascended to the 'lord of the stars' and the 'all-knowing and all-powerful', that brought dawn to this world. "

Along with Phobos' voice, the illusory face of The Hanged Man became more and more ugly.

If Phobos hadn't lied to him.

This is the original sea, which accommodates the characteristics of the 'sun' and the 'hanged man' at the same time... doesn't it mean?

He looked at the gray glove on the left hand by Phobos in astonishment.

"So that's how the title of the so-called 'Left Hand of God' came from..."

He was insane.

As the 'Left Hand of God', 'Deputy King of the Kingdom of Heaven', and the head of the Eight Kings of Angels, the reason why he betrayed his Lord was to find his true origin.

He needs to know where he came from and why he walked out of the original sea together with the Lord.

And now, he finally understood.

But the truth is so cruel.

Suddenly, the surrounding light and darkness coexisted, the magnificent sea of ​​fantasy and reality intertwined, boiling.

A great force surged over Phobos.

The blond boy, who was light and dark, immediately sensed the original consciousness.

The 'Sun' and 'The Hanged Man' are all included in the five paths of God possessed by the 'Original Sea'. Any creature who possesses one of these five paths can come here to try to accommodate the primordial sea. .

At this moment, Phobos, who has two major pathways at the same time, just appeared here, and the power of the original sea actively poured into his body and spirit.

In a trance, Phobos felt that he was walking in chaos.

Hazy, dark and cold.

One day, he hated the darkness and said there should be light.

So there is light in the world.

He said that the sky and the earth will be separated, and the seas will recede beyond the land.

So the sky and the earth are opened, and the sea surrounds the vast land.

He doesn't like the dull, cold, lifeless world.

So create life.

Plants, animals, humans... everything was created in his mind.

Looking at the world full of life, he was finally satisfied, standing high above the sky, overlooking the vast land.

All things praised him as the 'creator', 'the only god', 'the supreme father'

Call the messengers he created angels.


In an instant, Phobos understood the authority of the Primordial Sea.

This world has three pillars and four worlds.

The three pillars are the primordial sea, the mother river of abundance, and the core of infinity.

The existence of accommodating the primordial sea can become the omniscient and almighty in charge of the astral world.

What is the astral world?

The astral world is not the starry sky, it is the gathering place of all the authority and symbols in the world, in other words, it is the central place where the roots of the world are formed.

The Lord of the Star Realm can use his own personality to urge all authority and power in the world.

This is also the fundamental origin of the name 'Omniscient Almighty'.

The other two pillars and the great existence transformed by the ten essences, even if they are powerful, can only motivate the authority and symbol of their own realm.

But the Lord of the Stars can use all authority in the world.

This is also the basis for the "Omniscient Almighty" to become the head of the three pillars.

Of course, the supreme goddess corresponding to the Mother River of Plenty is also the master of the material realm, and the space-time ruler corresponding to the Infinite Core also masters the spiritual realm.

The spiritual world and the material world are also one of the four worlds, with unique abilities.

The quantity and quality of authority and symbols cannot fully represent the strength or weakness of the pillars.

The sea of ​​chaos, the mother river of abundance, and the core of infinity are the three pillars, and the mighty power contained within themselves is the foundation of the three pillars over the vast universe, together with the outer gods and the old days.

In addition to controlling the star realm, the most important of the other great powers of the Primordial Sea is 'creation'


The creator of all things, the all-knowing and almighty God.

'Creation' is before 'Omniscient'.

Feeling the power of the original sea, Phobos suddenly raised his right hand.

Floating in the primordial sea, the mad and stunned 'The Hanged Man' seemed to sense something, and cried out in fear:

"Lord, forgive my sins!

I didn't mean to disobey you, please don't let me fall into eternal confusion..."

His face was full of fear and trembling.

But on the raised fingertips, a sacred and magnificent light has already descended.


Accompanied by a soft sound.

The illusory figure of 'The Hanged Man' froze in the void.

His confused eyes gradually became dazed.

Like a newborn baby whose memory has been washed away, pure and ignorant.

The illusory body gradually became real, turning into a tall, thin, tall, handsome young man.

Twelve pairs of pitch-black wings, revealing the monstrous holiness, slowly stretched out from behind him.

A deep depravity and darkness emerged deep beneath his divine appearance.

"From now on, you are the first angel under my seat.

I give you the name 'Left Hand of God' 400, representing my will and fighting the disobedient for me. 99

Looking at him with a smile, Phobos said slowly.

The young man with black wings respectfully knelt to the ground:

"Follow your will."

Looking at him like this, Phobos pursed his lips, feeling a little amused, and waved:

"I will continue to accommodate the Primordial Sea, you go to the nearby area to explore the situation outside.

"Praise you, great Lord.

The dark angel nodded and flew out respectfully.

Looking at the back of him leaving, Phobos suddenly sighed:

"Remember when the Messiah said that the 'Hanged Man' would get the answer he wanted, but the result would only make him more desperate."

"It seems that it is indeed a desperate truth."

"He was brought by me from the future, transformed into a dark angel with the power of 'creation', and then followed me to become the head of the king of angels."

"After I left this world, I had doubts about my own origins, determined to explore, and then went to the Greek world, and was finally brought here to be transformed by me."

"What a reincarnation!"

Phobos felt that this matter was a little weird. According to the truth, where did the 'The Hanged Man' come from?

His beginning is his end, and he is his source.

It's like an endless loop in endless time and space.

Compared to this, he didn't care that much about himself being the 'Omniscient Almighty'.

Before, he felt that there was something strange about the 'Omniscient Almighty' in the Messiah's mouth.

Now I finally figure it out.

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