Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 97 Condensing the Starry Sky (Subscription)

Looking at Athena's eyes, Apollo kept himself calm.

The two goddesses were arguing, but it still affected themselves.

This is a theoretical proposition, but he doesn't want any cleverness.

Looking at the bright and moving Athena calmly, he gently took Artemis' hand and said softly:

"For other gods, I don't know how to judge this matter. But for me, Sister Artemis is the most holy and flawless existence in my heart.

Artemis' eyes suddenly filled with warmth, while his face was serious:

"Brother, you are too lack of skill to talk like this, you should tell the goddess of wisdom in a sincere tone that her intelligence and purity are the most splendid gems of Olympus, and no one can compare.

"How can a false lie hide from the eyes that symbolize wisdom." Apollo shook his head gently, "The goddess Athena is not such a superficial god.

"Then you are wrong." Athena looked at him faintly.

"Don't think that if you two go along and talk like this, you can make me not angry, I have always been very careful.

Having said that, she stared deeply at the golden figure in front of her with her bright eyes, and said calmly:

"I've always understood that for the two of you, each other is the most important thing. I once had a twin spirit, but it's a pity that he didn't have the chance to be born."5

31 At this moment, Apollo felt a heavy sadness in this goddess who always had a smile on her face, making people unable to see her true thoughts.

Artemis also fell silent, and pity appeared in his silver eyes.

Wisdom, power and depth, this is her impression of this sister.

She has been chasing after this figure all the time, wanting to be like her.

Independent, confident and strong, able to do everything he wants to do and protect those he wants to protect.

But she also understood.

Under this beauty full of wisdom and power, there is a heart that is even more fragile than her.

"What I want to cherish and protect now is that she has already lost these..." Artemis murmured silently.

Seeing that both of them were silent and sad, Apollo laughed and said:

"It's all the main god who dominates one side, don't be like a little girl. Come, I brought you some gifts from the ocean.

He grabbed the hands of the two respectively, took out the gold and silver coral bracelets, and put them on.

"You have a complete set of bracelets, right? How many goddesses have you given them?" Athena suddenly regained her usual confident smile, looked at her wrists that were caught, and asked with raised eyebrows.

"It's good to give it to you, why are you asking so many questions?" Artemis' face also changed to the usual arrogant and deserted look, and he glared at her.

"The two of them..." Apollo was speechless.

Whether it's my sister or Athena, they are all very talkative in front of him.

But when two people appear together, the speed of the overturning and transformation is now too staggering.

The two of them are destined to violate each other, obviously the relationship is still possible, but they just don't deal with each other when they talk.

"Perhaps this is also a sign of a good relationship..." he thought.

After the two stared at each other for a while, he interjected: "Athena, these bracelets were given to me by the goddess Amphitrite. Now that the ocean is unified, Poseidon is by no means an easy person to deal with. , To complete the plan in the future, you will need to help her plan more in the future. 99

"It's not just as simple as the Emperor of the Sea. I'm afraid Mother Earth will continue to intervene in the affairs of the ocean. You said that the first generation of God King was controlled by her?" Athena's face became serious.

"The layout and purpose of Mother Earth have a deeper purpose. You should already be the ninth rank of the main god now. You are very powerful, but you can't touch the original level. Don't think about it." Apollo carefully looked at Athena for a while. .

"The ninth order of the Lord God!" Artemis looked at Athena in dissatisfaction with surprise on her pretty cheeks.

"Put away this look, although I have always used the strength of the eighth rank of the Lord God to fight with you, it does not mean that I am not of a higher rank. 35 Athena smiled.

"Actually, as long as you don't touch the original realm, there is not much difference in the rank of the main god. The five primordial gods and the three kings with the authority of the god-king are the beings who can dominate the situation in this world."5

"Of course, there are more Apollo you now." She stared with a sigh.

The once immature god has grown into a great being enough to influence the world pattern.

"No one can really understand the five primordial gods. Among the three kings of the sky, the ocean, and the underworld, our Father God always has inexhaustible cards, and no one knows his true limit.

Hades, the king of the underworld, was even more profound and unpredictable, and he couldn't figure out the details. In fact, he was still the most simple and simple, who could see his limits and was easy to deal with.

This is also why the sea is used as a breakthrough.

"Hades..." Apollo Lingjue suddenly moved.

Carefully recalling what he knew about the lord of the underworld, regardless of whether Zeus and Poseidon had dealt with him, only the lord of the underworld showed all kinds of things that were incompatible with his two brothers.

Doesn't look like a real brother.

"If you really want to talk about the complicated situation, the Hades is the most difficult place in the world to understand.

Three of the five primordial gods are in the underworld. The first and second generation gods have never been able to infiltrate the underworld, and there has never been a master of the underworld.

Hades was the first person to open up the underworld when Hades entered the underworld. No one knows what happened to him. 35 Athena Road.

Apollo nodded, thinking about taking time to go to the underworld to observe and observe on the spot.

There is also a god-level treasure chest there. In addition, you must also look at Hecate, and visit Nyx, the goddess of the night, to learn more about the level of the original god.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, they exchanged goodbye with Athena about the future situation of Panhai and what happened to Dionysus.

Aiming at the back of Athena who was leaving alone at dusk, Artemis' face suddenly softened.

"Our sister is really a very unique god." She described it like this.

"Sister?" Apollo listened to Artemis' name to Athena, surprised and not surprised.

"Of course I can't admit it in front of her, otherwise I'll be crushed. But it must be a wonderful thing to have a sister like her." Artemis said seriously.

"She is indeed excellent," leaning on Artemis' shoulders, Apollo's golden eyes stared at the gradually emerging night, "but in my heart, you will always be the best.

Under the slowly rising silver moonlight, he gently hugged her.

Feeling the warm breath on his body, Artemis' cheeks flushed, and he stood dazedly under the moonlight and starlight.

The vast starry sky is still the same forever.

One by one bright stars, in the vast sky, rotate as always, exuding dazzling brilliance.

After returning to Olympus to live for a period of time, to adjust the state to the best, Apollo stepped into the starry sky alone.

Among the stars, an elegant and demure figure appeared in front of him with a smile.

Apollo stepped forward and hugged her, sniffing the delicate fragrance, "Astria, your beauty will always be as dazzling as the stars."

"I like your boasting about my words."

Astraea smiled and sat with him, looking at the bright stars.

"Some time ago, a strange thing happened in the starry sky. Father God was inspecting the starry sky recently, and he won't come back until later. Astria told him.

"Strange thing, what is 243?" Apollo asked.

"I'm not very clear, anyway, Father God met a mysterious god, and after the fight, the opponent disappeared quickly." Astraea's expression became slightly serious.

"Being able to fight against the Lord of the Stars, at least a high-level Lord God, suddenly appeared such a god?" Apollo was a little wary.

Astria said: "I don't know the opponent's strength very well. He suddenly appeared in the starry sky, had a move with God Father, and then escaped, unable to determine the specific rank. Maybe it's just an ordinary Lord God, but he has a similar Hermes' special authority like 'travel' runs quickly.

She didn't care much about it, and leaned on Apollo as gently as she fell asleep, closing her eyes like a baby, her long eyelashes shining brightly under the starlight.

Apollo enjoys this quiet moment, Astraea can always make people's heart become as quiet as the stars, which is her unique charm.

After a while, the aura of Astraios, Lord of the Stars, finally appeared in the starry sky.

"Respected Vice-President of the Court of God, welcome to the starry sky as a guest." Asterios said in a calm voice.

Seeing this young blond god again, there was some sigh on his face.

Obviously not many years have passed, but the other party has changed a lot.

Fighting against Zeus, slaughtering Typhon, deputy monarch of the court, pacifying the ocean... All these achievements made Astrios, a veteran god who lived in seclusion in the starry sky during the Titan court, sighed and shocked.

The last time we met, as the ruler of one of the gods, although he did not obviously despise the gods of the younger generation, he had a solemn attitude.

"Lord of the stars, I need you to gather the power of the stars again." Apollo said straight to the point.

Without saying anything, Asterius nodded and summoned many star gods.

After whispering a few words with Astraea, Apollo silently prepared for the quenching of the stars.

Prepare for the baptism of the power of the stars, and the etheric body condenses the prototype of the starry sky.

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