The original god king, the starry Ouranos, was forced to separate from Gaia, the mother of the earth, after being seriously injured with a flint sickle by Kronos, the god of his own god son, and incarnated into the heavenly dome.

But for countless years, Ouranos never gave up approaching Gaia again, even if he lost too much strength due to injury, his consciousness fell into a deep sleep, and the instinct of the sky still existed, so he needed Atlas, the god of Optimus, to carry the sky.

Herb guided Hermes to use the origin and body of Atlas to create the four heavenly pillars, standing at the four poles of the earth, compared to the unique Atlas, the four-square heavenly pillars can better remove the weight from the sky, so that the heaven and earth achieve a balance, and there is no need to worry that one day Atlas suddenly goes crazy and throws the sky and makes the earth suffer, which should have been a very perfect plan.

Who knows that Atlas is not crazy, Zeus is crazy first.

The mad Zeus sacrificed Aphrodite's Sky Godhead, awakening the sleeping consciousness of the ancient Heavenly Father Ouranos, and the chaotic consciousness of Ouranos, nourished by the divine power of the sky, became more awake.

The authority in the sky held by Ouranos is naturally much larger than Aphrodite, the stars are also within his control, the stars in the sky light up, under the control of Ouranos, the star magic array is operated in reverse, and the chaotic air flow that was originally isolated is absorbed.

Under the control of Ouranos, the gray air flow rushed towards the place where the four-square heavenly pillar supported the sky, and the heavenly pillar could not withstand this chaotic and disorderly force, and the indestructible pillar body instantly disintegrated and shattered.

The four-square pillar of heaven collapsed, the power of the four seasons contained in the pillar of heaven no longer relied on to flow around, the seasons on the earth were completely chaotic, the original unified four seasons changed, became chaotic, and there was a strange scene of flowers blooming in the east, hot as fire in the south, fruitful in the west, and rain and snow in the north.

The sky continues to crash down to the earth, and Ouranos, with the obsession in his heart, wants to reintegrate with Gaia.

But after sleeping for too long, he did not expect one thing, that is, there was one of the biggest variables in this world - Heber.

This otherworldly butterfly has already set off a huge storm in the world of Kaos.

Several primordial gods who were sleeping and digesting the supreme divinity of Kaos felt the abnormalities of heaven and earth, and opened their eyes at the same time, and the figures of four primordial gods appeared in the sky at the same time.

They looked at the starry sky and the collapsed four-square heavenly pillar, the chaotic air flow raging on the earth and causing many disasters, and their faces were naturally not good-looking.

I was about to do something, but I found that there was already a figure standing proudly between heaven and earth, it was Heber.

Having completely cut off contact with the half-body Pagos, she has changed back to her original appearance, with blonde hair and purple eyes, and she is extremely beautiful.

"Sky God Ouranos?"

Heber's gaze penetrated the sky, and at a glance locked the existence hidden behind the sky, Ouranos had no entity, his consciousness was attached to the sky, and he could flow to any corner at will, which was very difficult to capture.

But this is really not a difficult thing in front of Heber, who has the power of chaos.

I'm sorry, I'm invincible, you feel free.

The goddess's hand snatched forward, and the world seemed to stand still for a moment because of her action.

"No!! Let go of me! I..." Ouranos's ethereal consciousness turned into an entity under the urging of Heber's divine power, and was ingested by Heber from the sky into the palm of his hand, gently crushed, and dissipated into the invisible.

Encountering the monster of Heber, Heavenly Father Ouranos collapsed before he started his business.

"Shhh!" Several

primordial gods led by Gaia watched Heber lightly wipe out the consciousness of the former heavenly father Ouranos with only one hand, even the powerful heart of the primordial god couldn't help but feel a slight chill.

The goddess waved her hand again, and the control of the stars in the sky instantly fell into her hands, she controlled the stars in the sky, changed the large array that was reversed by Ouranos, and between the rotation of the stars, the chaotic gas that kept pouring into the world of Kaos finally stopped and was blocked out of the world.

"Several primordial gods, the Heavenly Pillar has been destroyed by Ouranos, and I can't find the right materials to make a new Heavenly Pillar at present, but I have an idea, I just need the assistance of a few to help me stabilize the world. Herb

turned her head to look at several primordial gods and said with a smile, she raised her hand to conjure a golden parchment scroll, carved her thoughts on it, and handed it to several primordial gods.

"This... What a wonderful idea, so that the earth will no longer have to rely on the pillar of heaven to support the sky!

Several primordial gods glanced at each other, and they all saw shock and admiration in each other's eyes.

This goddess, one after another, whimsically, makes people have to be convinced.

"Don't worry, we'll do our best to help you stabilize the situation." Several primordial gods looked at Herb with solemn expressions and said.

"Then please. "

'Zoe. Herb

silently called the will of the world in his heart, and with the call of the goddess, a consciousness descended from the underworld, and the consciousness of managing the world attached to Herb's body and handed over his authority to the goddess.

The blonde goddess with purple eyes erupted with a power that looked at the world, and even the gods such as Gaia, who was a primordial god, couldn't help but feel a burst of pressure, because at this moment, Heber had absolute control over the world of Kaos, and the primordial gods in the world of Kaos also had to submit to her power.

Heber's figure disappeared into the world of Kaos, appearing above the sky covered with stars, and the chaotic air flow around her, but it could not do any harm to her.

The goddess with blond hair and purple eyes overlooks the entire world of Kaos, the sky, the earth and the sea, the underworld, the three realms are in a parallel state, the earth and the sea constitute the human world and the underworld is closer to the underworld, and the sky is high because of the rejection of the earth.

Ocean currents flow endlessly on the earth, until the end of the world, pouring down, scattered in the boundless chaos, and the world needs to constantly use yuan power to shape new ocean current resources, which is really a big consumption.

"By the authority given to me by the world, I am the Most High God, the God of Chaos, the God of Creation, and here I change the shape of the world, which shall not be witnessed or remembered by anyone who is not a god.

With Heber's words, the non-god creatures on the earth fell into a deep sleep, and the changes in heaven and earth and the surge of qi caused by this major change were not something that mortal beings could bear, forcibly watching and remembering this experience would only fall into madness because they could not withstand the huge amount of information, so Heber chose to shield their consciousness first.

Herb's body is constantly getting bigger, 100 meters, kilometers, 10,000 meters, millions, tens of millions, until it is bigger than the world, and the leader stars are like cute little balls in front of her, which look no more than the size of a baseball.

Herb stretched out his hand to carry the star Zoe out alone, and the fingertips of the goddess emitted a little shimmer, injected into this star, and the colorful leader star emitted a burst of light, and then shattered, turning into a star law around Herb's fingertips.

Losing a leader star, the star formation in the sky suddenly stopped, without the protection of the river around the world, the chaotic air flow surged and was about to invade the world of Kaos again.

Seeing this, the goddess Nix waved her hand, and the divine power of the night was unleashed, and the black curtain covered the world of Kaos, and the dark night curtain containing the supreme divine power temporarily blocked the chaotic air flow.

"Using Star Zoe as a template to create a new look of the world. The will of the world attached to Heber's body suddenly emitted a wave of joy, after all, this is its predecessor, although the Kaos world is very powerful, it still prefers its former self, because it met this goddess there.

Herb stripped part of Zoe's Star Law and threw it into the deep underworld.

"The underworld should be the core of the new world, located in the deepest part of the world, guided by the power of reincarnation, to maintain the balance of the world. "

The underworld at the bottom of the Kaos world suddenly emitted a violent vibration, and the soil of the underworld continued to shrink and curl, and the underworld shook the mountain.

The god of the abyss, Tartarus, and the god of darkness, Erebos, hurried back to the underworld, one to stabilize the seal of the abyss to prevent the god of sin from escaping at this time, and the other used the power of the dark god to constantly bridge the cracks in the underworld.

Finally, under the control of the laws of the stars, the underworld turned into a purple-black circular sphere, and everything in the underworld was wrapped in it, as the core of the new world.

"The earth is in the center, the abode of all living beings, based on the power of the four seasons, to support the vitality of the world. "

Another law of the stars was thrown into the earth, and the earth began to tremble and change, the position of land, mountains, forests, and rivers continued to change, and the earth slowly wrapped towards the underworld.

Gaia, the mother of the earth, has a crown of all things shining brightly, encompassing all the creatures of the earth, and this goddess steps on the earth, exerting stability, heavy pressure, strength and other forces to help consolidate the formation of the new earth.

"No, there are not enough plates of the earth to wrap the underworld. Gaia's face changed, she gritted her teeth, her body emitted an earthy yellow divine light, and the land continued to spread, wanting to wrap the underworld.

Seeing this, Herb took out the Ocean Origin that had killed Pentheus in his hand, and this thing gave half to Amphitrite, and Herb still had half in his hand.

The origin of the ocean is put into the earth, the ocean territory representing the concave surface of the earth continues to expand, the world yuan force urges the generation of seawater, the territory of the ocean continues to expand, and after a long time, the earth and the ocean cooperate to wrap the purple-black underworld, forming the second layer of the new world.

"The sky dome is the top, the stars are the core, guarding the world against chaotic airflow. "

Herb put the last copy of the law of stars into the sky incarnated by Ouranos, which is a pure dome, some are the interweaving of heaven and qi, and the heavenly dome is manipulated by Herb to form layers of clouds and layers to wrap the earth in it, forming the third layer of the world.

The world of Kaos has completely turned into a sphere form, just like the former leader Star Zoe, which looks like an enlarged version of Zoe.

But before it was over, Herb raised his hand and took out the origin of Ochanos, the river of the world, and raised his hand to throw it into the bright stars.

The origin of the river around the world and the brilliant stars have a wonderful law reaction, Okeanos is the law of ocean currents that guard against the invasion of chaotic gases outside the world, and the stars are born with the same purpose, two forces with the same purpose, like the same pair of the most perfect lovers, smoothly entered the marriage hall and achieved a perfect fusion.

The stars that were originally scattered in the sky merged with the origin of the river around the world to form a vast galaxy in the shape of an elliptical disk with a huge disk structure.

This huge galaxy slowly rotates, the spiral arms are like a beautiful river of light, countless stars suspended in it, constantly capturing chaotic gas, transforming into strands of vitality at the core of the star.

Herb raised his hands, covered the dome with his hands, and gently threw the world of Kaos into the brilliant galaxy.

"Go ahead. A smile bloomed on the goddess's face.

"Buzz~" The world consciousness attached to Heber's body emitted a wave of joy and descended on the world of Kaos again.

A roar sounded, and the world of Kaos slowly rotated, replacing the original leader star Zoe, becoming the head of the leader stars and the core of the galaxy.

The nebula rotates, the spiral arm constantly ingests the chaotic air flow to nourish the world, and the world also feeds back the stars with the yuan force, forming a perfect virtuous circle.

Seeing this, Herb breathed a sigh of relief, her huge body continued to shrink, fell into the magnificent galaxy, and returned to the world of Kaos.

As soon as it arrived, colorful clouds appeared in the sky, the stars in the sky were constantly twinkling, and the earth was full of flowers.

Endless glory emanated from Heber's body, dazzling but not dazzling, this was the world's reward and praise for her, in the world of Kaos, there were no gods who could shake her status.

Several primordial gods also appeared beside Heber, they looked at the world care on Heber's body that was so strong that the gods were desperate, their faces no longer had jealousy, but they seemed a little relaxed, and the primordial gods sighed in their hearts, as if helpless, but also as if relieved.

With her in the world of Kaos, they are destined to make it difficult, and they have completely abandoned the idea of fighting with them.

With these valuable experiences, they believe that it is not difficult to create a mature world of their own.

"Your Majesty Heber, we are also planning to say goodbye to you this time, we plan to go to the Sea of Chaos to find the realm of time and create our own world. Nix, the goddess of the night, said to Herb as she held her husband, Erebos, the god of darkness.

"That's right, Tartarus and I are also going to leave, and we have finally gained freedom, and we also want to go to the Sea of Chaos to see if we can find other worlds to visit." "

Gaia, the mother of the earth, finally got rid of the shackles of Kaos, to be honest, she still has a little shadow about the creation of the world, and plans to travel to the Chaos Sea first to find traces of other worlds.

"Well, I will keep several imprints of this world forever, and if you feel tired outside, you are always welcome to return." Herb smiled and said to the primordial gods, "I will also be traveling to the Chaos Sea in the near future, maybe we will meet again then." "

...... Don't meet each other, don't when my world loves you more than I do, then there will be no place to cry.

Everything has settled, Gaia has returned the creatures included in the crown of all things to the earth, and after several primordial gods handed over some authority, they officially left the world of Kaos and walked hand in hand towards the Sea of Chaos.

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