Pandora, the first human female created by the gods, after opening the ominous box of calamity, the former Pandora chose to end her life to escape her responsibility because she could not accept the catastrophe she had created with her own hands.

But what she didn't expect was that after her death, what ushered in was not tranquility and death, but another never-ending torture.

Her soul was trapped, sealed within this shell shaped by the gods, unable to escape in any way.

When the box opened, Pandora was the creature who faced the dark side of human nature the most, which infected her soul, and in that darkness, the dark side of human nature tormented her soul all the time.

It was a pain that could make people fall into madness, but every time Pandora felt that she was about to get lost, an inexplicable sense of crisis arose in her soul that prompted her to wake up and pull her back from the edge of madness.

Pandora didn't know if it was luck or misfortune, as a woman with all the talents, she even quickly found the knack in this state of repeated jumps, relying on this lucid will, she reached a certain balance with these dark sides, and even began to become faintly able to control them.

The only problem is that she is still trapped in this shell, sinking in the darkness, unable to be freed.

Until one day, she suddenly felt a strange power emerging from her body, a chaotic, scorching, extremely destructive force that made the dark side of her soul howl with joy, and they rushed to this force as if they had found their ultimate belonging, and merged with it.


Pandora seemed to hear the faint sound of a flame burning in her ears, and a force surged in her heart that flowed through her limbs.

The life force was revived in her body, and her intuition told her that she could escape the darkness in front of her.

So she opened her eyes, and her eyes were no longer as green as the shoots of spring, but scarlet with hatred and madness.

The scarlet black crystal at the heart, flashing with obscure light, countless knowledge poured into her mind, increasing her knowledge, she knew that this was a godhead, she seemed to be under the yin and yang, with the help of that strange power that suddenly appeared, ignited the divine fire, shaped the godhead, and became a goddess.

'You are the master of the dark side of the world, the goddess of sin. '

'You are the goddess of ultimate beauty, accompanied by calamity, the god of confusion. '

'You were born in conspiracy, perished in subterfuge, and resurrected in conspiracy, you are the goddess of conspiracy. "

Sin, confusion, conspiracy... Goddess?" Pandora sneered, how much dirt and filth was hidden behind those glorious gods, if this was God, then she would rather turn her back on the god name, "I am not a god, I am a witch who takes revenge on the gods at all costs, Pandora."

Pandora's words made the godhead in her heart emit a burst of black light, the scarlet crystal shattered, turning into a little star and merging into her black heart, the surface of the heart was covered with a layer of crystals, making it look like a magnificent black diamond, the divinity in Pandora's body suddenly dissipated, leaving only pure evil and magic flowing in her body.

"Pandora, mother called you. The Sphinx walked into the cave and saw Pandora sitting alone in a daze and whispered, her beautiful face showing a little doubt, "What are you thinking, so out of your mind?"

Pandora smiled lightly, exuding an indescribable tenderness and seduction.

Confusion that makes people lose their souls and unload the magic of their defenses....

"Okay then, tell me something, I'll help you." "

The Sphinx loves Pandora.

As the wisest of Typhon and Erkedena's many children, the Sphinx often felt a kind of loneliness in high places when facing his group of stupid and aggressive siblings, and the feeling of chicken and duck talking made the Sphinx have no common language with them at all, and even because of this, they called her false high behind their backs and isolated her.

Until the arrival of Pandora, the Sphinx can be regarded as encountering a creature whose intelligence is comparable to herself, she is too intelligent, no matter what the Sphinx teaches her, she can always master it in the first time, and even be able to draw inferences, in just half a year, Pandora's control of magic and magic has even faintly surpassed her.

This surprised the Sphinx, who irrepressibly loved and even fell in love with this intelligent creature, and regarded Pandora as her best friend in her life.

The Sphinx sometimes wondered if all humans were as smart as Pandora?

"Well, thank you, Sphinx. Pandora replied with a light smile when she heard this.

"What is this, you are my confidant and my sister, help you deserve." The sphinx-faced monster said with a grin.

They came to the cave where Erkedena was, the mother of all demons lying on the throne carved out by her children, her huge speckled snake tail slowly wriggling, the end of which trembled slightly, making a palpitating rustling sound.

"Here you are. Sensing Pandora's arrival, Erkedena opened her bright eyes, she looked at Pandora, felt the surging magic on the other party, and Erkedena's delicate face showed a satisfied expression.

Originally thought that he just picked up a beautiful human shell and wanted to use it to lure Zeus into a trap, but he didn't expect that after fusing the blood of himself and Typhon, the other party burst out with such amazing potential and transformed into a powerful witch, which made Erkedena a little reluctant to let Pandora be cannon fodder.

Erkedena even wondered if humans had such potential, and later went to capture a few to experiment with, but unfortunately, although those humans can also transform into monsters, none of them can be as powerful as Pandora.

It seems that people are still different, after all, Pandora has been dead for so long and the body can still remain incorruptible, and those humans can't do it.

"Pandora, my daughter, you have powerful magical powers and unparalleled beauty, and the heavy task of saving the father of all demons is entrusted to you. I have asked your brothers and sisters to find out the news, the king of the gods will soon come to earth, this is a good time for you to seduce him, I want you to coax him, let Thunder leave, when the time comes, I will rely on the power of it to return your father to the world!"

Pandora sneered when she heard this, let her and seduce Zeus to let Thunder get rid of it?

A light smile appeared on Pandora's seductive face, and her scarlet eyes looked at her 'mother', and the magic of confusion quietly unfolded.

"My wise mother, in order to rescue our father, I think our plan should be more elaborate, although I have the beauty that can seduce the god king, but with the blood of Typhon, the magic power in my body is too obvious to hide from the eyes of the king of the gods. Fortunately, my mind is still smart, please give me half a month, after half a month, I will give you a satisfactory answer.

Her words were like flowing honey, exuding an extreme sweetness, intoxicating, even the mother of ten thousand demons could not help her soft words, unloaded her guard, her expression relaxed, thought for a moment, and nodded.

"Well, I'll give you half a month, and after half a month, if you can't give me a satisfactory answer, then you know the consequences."

Erkedena's gaze deepened, and she glanced meaningfully at Pandora's heart.

Pandora doesn't change color, do you mean the blood spell that was placed in the heart when she resurrected me?

However, the purpose of himself and the other party is the same, both to take revenge on the king of the gods, then the other party's power can also be used.

Pandora smiled lightly and bowed her head gently: "Please rest assured, my mother, it was you and my father who gave me a new life, and my loyalty to you will never change."

"Well, okay, you guys go out first, let Hydra go and catch me a few more humans." "

“...... Be.

Pandora went out of the cave accompanied by the Sphinx, who looked at Pandora, hesitated for a while, but said softly: "Pandora, are you really sure, that is the king of the gods, his strength and wisdom..."

Pandora cut off the Sphinx's words, and her gaze seemed to pass through the mountains and forests, to the still murky sea, and to the three tall, strange-looking goddesses on the Attica Islands, where the waves were crashing.

"I'm sorry, Sphinx, I have to go out, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you to guess the puzzle for the rest of the time." "

Ah, can't I go with you?" The Sphinx's tail suddenly drooped, and the beauty's face showed a little grievance.

Pandora smiled lightly and did not speak, and the Sphinx knew that this meant to indicate rejection.

"Okay then, then you'll come back early when you're done. Seeing that Pandora was unmoved, the Sphinx gave up the struggle and muttered in a low voice.

"Okay, I will. The

black-haired witch cast a spell and disappeared into the mountain stream in the blink of an eye.

The Sphinx sighed, stretched his front paws and stretched his body, his face full of boredom.

"Pandora is not there, it's going to be boring again, it's better to catch a few humans to play with, ask them a few riddles, and if you can't answer them, eat them hee-hee." "


Above the Attica Islands, the disaster brought by Typhon made the island now a mess, mud, seaweed, and the corpses of the sea tribes were covered with the island, and the Nemeses hovered on the island, looking at the scene below, and their hearts were even more angry, but the culprits of all this had long been sealed in Sicily, and they could not find each other for revenge.

Nemesis, the collective name of Nemesis, is a total of three.

These three goddesses, speaking of which are still very related to Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, to some extent, they are actually Aphrodite's sisters, because these three goddesses are the goddesses born after the male symbol of Ouranos in the starry sky was cut off by the second god king Kronos, and the blood sprinkled mixed with the power of the earth, they inherited the Father's hatred of Kronos and became the three goddesses of revenge.

Born from resentment, these three goddesses are also very strange and ugly, they are tall, their hair is composed of hideous long snakes, their eyes often shed blood and tears, their backs have scarlet huge bat wings, and they hold torches, snake head staff and poisonous viper whips, they look more like banshees than goddesses.

Alekto, the goddess of restlessness, hates the goddess Mecaeira, and pays tribute to the goddess Tisiphone.

When Pandora's figure appeared in the Attica Islands, the three goddesses immediately sensed her arrival, waved their bat wings, descended from the sky, and their blood-weeping eyes looked at Pandora together, shining with a dark and obscure light.

Pandora is undoubtedly beautiful, her beauty is personally shaped by the skillful hands of the forging god Hephaestus, the charm is given by Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, the magic of confusion gives her unparalleled seduction, and the three ugly-faced goddesses can't suppress jealousy, anger and predation in their hearts when they see each other's amazing beauty.

The goddess of jealousy Mecaela looked at Pandora's face, the snake's hair hissed, and her gaze was like the venom spewed out by a poisonous snake, full of jealousy and the desire for destruction.

Tisifone, the goddess of retribution, looked at Pandora with bright eyes, lustful lust under her eyes, and snake hair gushed out greedily, wrapping around Pandora.

The goddess's fingers caressed Pandora's exquisite face wantonly, and asked the witch in front of her in an ambiguous tone: "Beautiful witch, do you have any needs when you come to our residence?" In

the face of Tisiphone's teasing, Pandora looked very calm, her red lips hooked a light smile, and said softly: " It is rumored that the three goddesses of vengeance will listen to the hatred in the hearts of living beings and help them achieve the purpose of revenge, in exchange for the world's yuan power to achieve promotion, the greater the hatred carried by living beings, the more you gain, I don't know my hatred, are the goddesses interested?"

"What a strong smell of hatred. Alektor, the goddess of restlessness, said with wide eyes, her snake hair standing up in shock from this hatred.

Tisifone and the two sisters looked at each other, and the snake hair retreated from Pandora's body. Good fellow, what is this witch doing with each other? This hatred is the strongest that their sisters have seen in thousands of years.

"Who is the other party, and what hatred do you have with him?" Although very moved, the Nemesis decided to ask first before deciding whether to accept the list, after all, they had already tasted the bitter fruit of not being able to complete the revenge.

They are goddesses born from the hatred and curse of Ouranos against the second god king Kronos, and they are born with the obligation to avenge their heavenly father, but before they can find a chance to take revenge, Kronos has been overthrown by Zeus and beaten into Tartarus.

That place was not something that a few of their little gods could go, which also led to the failure of this revenge mission, and it was also the reason why they had been unable to promote for many years.

This hatred in Pandora is too strong and too tempting, if you help the other party complete revenge, then the yuan power from the performance of the priesthood is undoubtedly very rich, and they even see the hope of promotion.

"The object of my vengeance is Zeus, the king of the gods, and the words of hatred... Probably the feud of extermination.

Pandora's jade white fingers played with her seaweed-like black hair and said nonchalantly.


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