After using

Medusa's head to defeat the Golgons, the demigod hero Perseus returns home using the flying magic boots on his feet, and he gallops all the way, hoping to meet his mother as soon as possible and help her escape the harassment of King Naciriphus.

As he flew over the Libyan desert, the blood from Medusa's head dripped through the golden sheepskin sack, fell to the ground, and turned into a variety of poisonous snakes, and since then, Libya has been famous for its poisonous snakes.

Perseus flew over countless city-states, and finally, as he passed over Ethiopia, he saw a beautiful maiden tied up on the rocks towering over the sea.

The girl was wearing a purple long dress, outlining her graceful figure, her slender snow-white arms were bound by chains on the rough rock, her long dark green hair like seaweed fluttered slightly, and hot tears flowed along her beautiful and extraordinary cheeks, and the desperate and broken beauty suddenly hit the young man's heart like a sharp arrow.

Perseus landed on the rock, took off the invisible helmet on his head, looked at the girl in front of him and asked softly: "Poor girl, why are you tied up here?

Androda didn't say a word, just because she had never been so close to a strange man, let alone in such an embarrassing situation, Androda was ashamed and annoyed, she wanted to cover her face with her hands, cover her embarrassment at this time, but remembered that she was bound by chains at this time, waiting for death to come, sadness and fear welled up in her heart again, making tears flow from her eyes.

"Beautiful girl, please don't be afraid, I have no malice, I just happened to pass by here, and when I saw you bound to this cold rock, I wanted to ask if you needed help." The girl's tears made Pertheuston confused, and he hurriedly comforted Androda, explaining that he had no malice.

That hurried look made Androda, who was originally immersed in sadness, couldn't help but laugh, and a brief joy floated in her heart, but a moment later, the girl's face was sad, her eyes looked at the endless sea, so clear, so moving, but the source of her misfortune, about to become her grave.

"My name is Androda, I am the daughter of King Kevus of Ethiopia, and I will suffer today's misfortune because my mother, Cassiopea, once spoke unobtrusively, saying that I am more beautiful than the daughter of the sea god Nereus, that is, the sea nymphs of the ocean. The sea nymphs were furious, and they had fifty sisters, and they asked the sea god to issue an oracle declaring that, because of my mother's offense, they were about to launch a great flood to overwhelm the country, and they would send a sea monster to engulf everything on land.

At this, Androda's face once again shed heart-wrenching tears: "The oracle instructed: If you want to free the country, you must leave me, the daughter of the king, to the youkai to feed." The people immediately made a uproar, and they all asked my father to sacrifice his daughter to save the country. My father had no choice but to order me to be locked here. "

“...... Just because of a word your mother uttered in confusion, you are going to destroy the whole country, and you are going to sacrifice it?" At Androda's words, Perseus's heart struck again, and a fire of anger burned in his heart.

However, before Perseus could say anything, he heard a loud roar on the sea, and a sea monster emerged from the distant sea, floating on the surface of the water and swimming towards this side.

And in the Ethiopian city-state, the huge roar and figure of the sea monster also alarmed the attention of the humans in the city-state, the king and queen stood on the city wall, learning that their daughter was about to be in trouble, desperate, Queen Cassiopeya showed a painful look of guilt, but could not do anything, could not save her daughter.

"Androda, I'm Perseus, don't be afraid, I won't let this sea monster hurt you!" Perseus pulled out the Excalibur on his waist, and the iron-like Excalibur easily cut off the chains that bound Androda, he held a golden shield in front of Androda, the tall figure looked so heroic, the girl couldn't help but lose her mind for a while.

The sea monster had arrived, and it was like a fast boat, breaking the waves, the sea parted along its waist, and soon it was less than ten meters away from the rock. Perseus jumped, left the sea, and rose into the clouds, the golden shield in his hand glowing with the sun, attracting its attention.

The sea monster was immediately attracted to Perseus, and was very angry with this little bug who dared to provoke him, and immediately rushed towards him, and the flying magic boots at Perseus' feet took him up into the air, and then he was like a divine eagle, falling at a gallop, the divine sword in his hand flashed with a cold light, and was inserted into the sea monster's right shoulder with all his strength, blue blood sprayed out, and the sea monster suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar.

The heavy and huge tail stirred in the sea, churning the mighty waves and lapping the rocks towering over the sea.

"Ah!!" Androda hugged tightly, barely being swept away by the wave.

"Androda!" Seeing this, Perseus couldn't help but feel a little anxious, this monster has a huge body, every time it stirs the sea, it will set off huge waves, he has flying magic boots and is not afraid of this wave, but Androda is still below, she is just a weak human being, if she is swept away by the waves and falls off the rocks, she will definitely die.

Perseus was thinking, suddenly saw the gold parchment bag on his waist, his mind flashed, he quickly shouted loudly to Androda: "Androda, if you believe me, close your eyes, don't open your eyes until I let you open them!"

Perseus had now found the location of the sea monster, and he flew sharply in front of the sea monster, closed his eyes, and took out Medusa's head from the gold parchment bag around his waist.

The viper on the head of the Golgun banshee is dead and not stiff, still twisting and roaring viciously, Medusa's head opened its gray-blue eyes, lit up with a dazzling light, and the unmatched petrified magic power pervaded out, the sea monster is the bloodline of the danger of the sea, naturally knows the terrifying magic of Medusa, but at this time it has avoided it, and saw the eyes that represent death.

Its huge body began to petrify, but in a few moments, the hideous sea monster that almost brought disaster to Ethiopia turned into a huge stone statue standing on the surface of the sea.

After destroying the sea monster, Perseus retracts Medusa's head into the golden sheepskin bag, then falls from the air, tells Princess Androda that she can open her eyes, and picks up the unfortunate princess, steps on the wind with her flying boots, and sends her back to Ethiopia.

What he didn't know was that in the sea, Poseidon, the king of the deep sea, was looking at his departing back, his eyes gloomy. Perseus, the son of a god-king who had received his favor, now not only killed his lover Medusa, but also rescued the daughter of the queen who offended his wife (Amphitrite was also one of the sea nymphs).

And this kid was also cultivated by his old rival Athena, and it is hard not to suspect that she deliberately arranged to block herself, and Poseidon was angry when he thought of this.

Willful arrogance is a common disease of the Greek gods, and Poseidon, who is angry in his heart, does not care about Zeus's face at this time, and he is going to take this evil breath today! Poseidon raised the trident in his hand and was about to strike at Perseus, but the thunder on the ocean warned the sea god Poseidon.

"Zeus, this kid has offended my majesty many times, even if you are the king of the gods, you are not qualified to prevent me from retaliating against him!"

Poseidon looked at the sky with a gloomy face, his voice seemed to contain a storm, and the king of the sea was really angry.

“...... I will introduce the soul of this sea monster into the sky and turn it into a constellation, so that it will control some of the stars on behalf of the sea realm. "This sea monster is huge, and it can occupy at least six stars when introduced into the firmament, which is a lot of money, this is Zeus's concession to Poseidon, although he looks down on this brother, but if he really provokes the other party, it is still quite tricky."

“...... Hmph, I can leave him alone for a while, but he still needs to face my little punishment. Zeus' compensation was barely acceptable to Poseidon.

The stone statue on the sea shattered, and the soul of the sea monster was taken to the sky by the god king Zeus, and turned into a constellation of Cetus with a large mouth of blood and a serpentine tail.

For Perseus, a pawn, Zeus really laid a lot of books.

Perseus returned to Ethiopia with Androda, and the scene of the sea monster turned into a stone statue was seen by the people in the city, and the king and queen learned from their daughters that Perseus had saved his daughter's life, and immediately felt grateful to her, and the crowd cheered and embraced the hero Perseus into the city.

King Clepheus entertained Perseus with a grand feast, promising to repay Perseus by giving him everything he wanted.

Listening to the king's words, Perseus subconsciously looked at Androda who was sitting next to the queen, the young and beautiful princess felt his hot gaze, and couldn't help but blush for a while, and then she plucked up the courage to look at the young man, and the pulse and affection in her eyes were fully expressed.

Perseus was overjoyed, and he stood up and said: "Generous king, I do not need money, nor weapons and horses, I only ask you to allow me to marry your daughter, Princess Androda as my wife, I am willing to swear to Hera, the god of marriage, to guard the loyalty of marriage and defend the dignity of my wife."

Androda, who had been secretly promising Perseus long before he stood up for himself, heard his promise and stood up and summoned up the courage to respond to his affection: "Hera, goddess of marriage, Aphrodite, goddess of love, listen to my prayers, I am only willing to accept Perseus as my husband." "

The brilliant golden star in the sky shone brightly, and their sincere vows touched the goddess who was resting in Venus, and Hera, the goddess of marriage, sent them the blessing of marriage.

Lang had a concubine intention, and both the king and queen were very satisfied with this heroic son-in-law, and immediately nodded and agreed to the marriage.

The wedding took place as scheduled, the gates of the palace were open, a sumptuous feast was set up in a golden hall, and the princes and nobles came to attend the wedding of Perseus and Androda, but the revenge given to Perseus by Poseidon in the deep sea also came, and he gave an oracle to his sacrifice to lure the king's brother, Phineus, who adored Androda, to make trouble at the banquet.

There was a sudden commotion in the vestibule of the palace, and there was a dull roar, and the king's brother Phineus broke in with a group of warriors, Phinius was Androda's uncle by blood, but he was unscrupulous, coveting the beauty of the princess and the property of the country.

The old king was defenseless, the troops brought by Phineus and the secret blessing of Poseidon, for a while the scene was controlled by the other side, and the warriors all hugged and formed a group with the wedding guests, surrounding the king and his wife and their new wife. Arrows are like flying locusts, shooting from all directions. Perseus leaned against a large pillar and parried his enemies, struggling to stop their advance, killing one invading enemy after another.

Seeing that it was about to be irreversible, Perseus resolutely stood in front of his newlywed wife, took up the parchment bag around his waist, and shouted to the people at the scene: "Everyone, my friend, close your eyes and turn away!

Perseus's words at this time were solemn like a king, making people can't help but give birth to a wave of reverence and surrender in their hearts, everyone at the wedding banquet hurriedly followed the instructions and closed their eyes and turned around, Perseus quickly took out Medusa's head from the golden sheepskin bag, and the petrified magic swept through, and all the people in the hall who opened their eyes turned into stone in an instant.

When Perseus put away Medusa's head, Princess Androda was horrified to find that her parents had also turned into stone statues, it turned out that the old king and queen, driven by horror and curiosity, opened their eyes and saw Medusa's head, and Princess Androda was suddenly sad and held her parents and cried.

Perseus looked at the terrified stone statue in the hall, this kind of power that can control his life and death with a gesture of his hands gave birth to a strange emotion in his heart, that is the pride of victory, a sense of condescension from above, is it a power comparable to the gods, is this the feeling of the gods....

"Father, Mother!" Androda's cry suddenly broke into Perseus's ears, the demigod hero suddenly snorted, he looked back and found that he had inadvertently made a big mistake, this absolute strength and superhuman ability made his heart irrepressibly begin to expand, pride and indifference began to erode his reason, he as a part of the human race, faintly began to wear out, it was Androda's cry that awakened him in time.

Perseus looked at his grieving wife, full of guilt, and he carefully considered the remedy.

A flash of light appeared in his heart, and the demigod hero closed his eyes and prayed reverently in his heart to the goddess who had helped him many times: "Elpis, the goddess of prayer and hope, please listen to my prayers and help me make up for the mistakes I have made."

With Perseus' prayer, the goddess holding the golden box appeared in the main hall, her mysterious purple-gold eyes looked at Perseus, the golden box in her arms shone with a faint light, and slowly spoke: "Young Perseus, I have heard your prayer, I will give King Clepheus and Queen Cassiopea a gift more glorious than the resurrection, and they will rise into the sky, turn into constellations, and protect and guard you on the earth." The

goddess waved her hand, and the butterfly-like birds flew out, kissed the kings and queens lightly on the foreheads, dragged their souls out, and rose into the sky, turning into the constellation of Cepheus and Cassiopeia.

As for where this star comes from, we have people in the underworld! Thank you to Persephone for her friendly sponsorship.

After doing all this, Herb looked at Perseus, his eyes were a little unfathomable: "Perseus, you who have experienced the unfathomable power of the gods, are you still willing to keep the part that belongs to humanity?

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