Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 151: teach

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty One

After eating a meal, his mother went to the room to clean up the dishes and chopsticks. Then it was getting late and Mo He took the opportunity to take out all the gifts he had prepared.

When the glass lamp given to parents was taken out and activated by Mo He, the parents were surprised to see that the room was illuminated by the light of the glass lamp.

And then Mo He took out a set of colored glass cups, which looked particularly good under the light.

The parents really liked these two gifts, but they still unavoidably complained about Mo He's spending money, telling him that he didn't need to bring anything back when he went out, just take care of himself.

"Brother, brother, where are our gifts?" Mo Qing and Mo Liu looked at their parents' gifts, and now their eyes were shining, they immediately asked Mo He.

"Don't worry, I won't forget the two of you. Now, this is a gift for you. I have to study hard in the future!" Mo He said as he took out a gift for the two little guys. The two sets are exactly the same. Colored glaze pen and inkstone.

The two little guys held Mo He's gift, held them in their hands and loved them, and the family enjoyed themselves.

While Wuyou on the side saw the gifts in the hands of the two little guys, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes, but he sat quietly on the side very well-behaved, just watching in silence.

Mo He noticed Wuyou's expression, then reached out and took out a dagger from the storage bag and handed it to Wuyou.

"This is a gift for you. This dagger was the first magic weapon that he gave me when I followed your master to practice. It was only a low-grade magical tool at the time, and it was later refined into a high-grade magical tool by me. This artifact is of no help to me now, I will give it to you, and I hope you can practice hard in the future!"

Wuyou took the dagger in Mo He's hand, and a touch of surprise flashed in his eyes. He had never received a gift, and he had no magic weapon of his own. He originally saw Mo Qing and Mo Liu happy after receiving the gift. I was envious in my heart, but I didn't expect to receive gifts.

"Well, thank you, Master!" Wuyou said to Mo He, holding the dagger tightly. Although he did not show a smile, the few people present could feel that he was happy.

This was the first night after Mohe returned to Zi'an County. With no worries, Mohe stayed at home for one night. After the next morning, Mohe had breakfast, which brought no worries. , Ready to return to Wangyue Mountain.

Not long after he walked with worry-free, Mohe had already seen the misty and misty Mount Mochizuki in the distance. The clouds and mist covered the Mt. Wangyue strictly, but there were not many clouds and mist in the surrounding peaks.

When he walked to Mount Wangyue, Mo He looked back at Wuyou who was behind him and said, "Here, this is Mount Wangyue. From now on, you will practice with your teacher here. Let’s go to your master’s ancestral hall at the foot of the mountain. His old man puts up incense and will tell him about your entry."

Wuyou heard Mo He's words and looked at the misty mountain peaks in front of him. There was no special feeling, but he knew that he would be practicing here for a while.

Mo He did not directly go up the mountain with worry-free, but first took him to the ancestral hall of Dao Chief Qingmei at the foot of the mountain.

With no worries, he walked into this small ancestral hall, Mo He glanced at the burning incense on the table, and found that the number was even more than when he left. Obviously someone else prepared it, so he did this. The person responsible for the matter is most likely Su Bai. After all, before he left, the only person who had asked him was him.

Picking up six incense sticks, Mo He flipped his palm gently, lit the six incense sticks, and handed three of them to Wuyou.

"Master, my disciple came back from a trip, and on the way back this time, I came across a wise man and beautiful jade, who has already been admitted to his family. Let me tell you that your old man will be a member of the master's generation in the future!" Mo He Speaking softly, after finishing speaking, he inserted the incense in his hand into the incense burner, and then turned his head to signal to Wuyou.

"Disciple Wuyou, see Master!" Wuyou stepped forward and inserted the incense in his hand into the incense burner. He didn't have that many words, so it was just such a simple sentence.

"Let's go, let's go up the mountain!" After Worry-free worship, Mo He walked to the outside of the ancestral hall with Worry-free. When his heart moved, the fog on Mochizuki Mountain surged, and then the road to the mountain appeared. come out.

With worry-free, embarking on the familiar road up the mountain, Mo He felt that the aura on Mochizuki Mountain seemed to have become a bit richer than when he left.

Walking into Qingmei Temple, Mo He looked at everything he was familiar with, with a smile on his face, and said to Wuyou behind him: "We're home!"

Wuyou looked at the very ordinary Qingmeiguan in front of him, and then at the smile of his master, a smile appeared on his face.

Although it has been out for a few months, it has the effect of formation. There is no dust in the houses of Qingmeiguan, and there are no snakes, insects, rats and ants near here, so there is no need to clean.

The Qingmeiguan is so big in total, Mo He doesn't need to bring Wuyou to be familiar with this place. He just introduced the two green plum trees after the Qingmeiguan to Wuyou.

After going out for a few months, the two green plum trees are still exactly the same as when they left, and even the surrounding layer of water that looks like fluorescent light shows no signs of dissipating.

Because of this layer of moisture, the two green plum trees have always maintained a vigorous state. In this season, the leaves on the trees showed no signs of falling.

He moved his recliner out of the room again and placed it under two green plum trees. Mo He just lay down leisurely, and then looked at the sky through the gap between the leaves above his head, feeling just two words, comfortable.

Worry-free looked at Mo He who was lying there and looking at the sky. He really didn't know what he should do, so he could only go back to the room where he was going to stay next and start to organize.

Mo He's leisure did not last long. He just came back from a tour, and there are actually a lot of things waiting for him. First of all, worry-free.

Teacher, preaching, teaching, and solving puzzles! Having accepted Wuyou as a disciple, and has worshipped Dao Chief Qingmei, it is time to guide Wuyou to practice again.

During this period of continuous use of Moisture Spirit to help Wuyou heal, the loss of vitality in Wuyou's body has become normal. Although it has not fully recovered, normal cultivation has not affected it.

However, before meeting Mo He, the vitality in Wuyou's body had been lost a lot, and the remaining vitality was running out. Mo He was able to heal him, but he could not make up for the lost vitality. Those elixir that could replenish vitality and lifespan were not something that Mo He could obtain now, and could only be supplemented by cultivation.

A cultivator in the Divine Soul realm, with a lifespan of three hundred years, with worry-free qualifications, thinks that it will not take too long to reach this realm.

Calling Wuyou to his side, Mo He carefully checked Wuyou's current physical condition again, and then nodded to him and said, "Yes, you can start practicing again now. You have the cultivation base to enter the realm of Dao before. , Although you have stepped back to the Yunqi realm, you have already understood that Dao Yun. As long as you make up your cultivation base and step into the Tao realm again, it is only a matter of course. I will teach you the "Qi Mu Cultivation Method", or what you practiced before You can continue to practice the Yunqi realm cultivation technique!"

The "Qi Mu Cultivation Method" is not a clever Qigong method. During the period when Mo He was in Jingzhou, he obtained the Qi accumulation method cultivated by the residents of Jingzhou, and then combined the several exercises he had obtained. The method of accumulating qi has been revised again to make it more subtle. As for Mo He at that time, after reaching the late stage of the accumulation of qi, further compressing the realm of the spiritual qi in the body, that does not require special cultivation methods, but it needs to continue to settle for a period of time after reaching the late stage of the accumulation of qi.

Before entering the Tao, Mo He was very grateful for the benefits he gained after he had cultivated the spiritual energy in his body to the extreme by chance and by chance.

It is precisely because of this level that the spiritual power in one's body is deeper and more pure and condensed than those who have the same conditions as those of the casual cultivation.

The gap between San Xiu and those sect disciples is caused by the accumulation of such a small gap. Once the gap is widened, it is almost impossible to make up for it.

Passed the "Aoki Yangqi Method" to and learned about Wuyou's previous Qi training method, which is basically on the same level as the unmodified "Aoki Yangqi Method", nothing Reference value.

After receiving Mo He's teaching, Wuyou didn't hesitate to abandon the original cultivation method and began to practice the "Aoki Yangqi Method" taught to him by Mohe.

There is no need to worry about the dangers of cultivation in the Yunqi realm, and Wuyou is originally a monk who enters the Tao realm. Although his cultivation has regressed, his basic skills such as meditation and meditation have not been lost, as explained by Mohe. After practicing the exercises, he immediately entered the cultivation state.

Mo He was right beside Wuyou, watching Wuyou turn to practice "Aoki Nourishing Qi", carefully sensing the changes in Wuyou's body.

The original worry-free cultivation base was stabilized in the middle stage of the Qi accumulation realm, but because the injury had not fully recovered, the breath still felt a little vain, and it seemed that the cultivation base would still be at risk of lowering.

However, as the worry-free operation of the exercises, the aura in his body gradually lost the feeling of vain. Although the aura in his body did not start to grow when he first practiced the "Aoki Nourishing Method", it completely destroyed himself The repair base is consolidated.

Mo He looked at it and nodded secretly, saying in his heart: "Worry-free is worthy of the qualifications of innate gods. Even if you lose your innate divinity and your injuries have not fully recovered, you can still practice the "Aoki Yangqi Method" for the first time. With such an effect, it seems that it won't take long before he can return to the cultivation level of the Taoist realm!"

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