Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 162: farewell

In life, parting is inevitable, parting between relatives, parting between friends, parting between lovers, and parting between familiar people.

It is rare to have a confidant in life, but no matter how good a confidant is, there are always a few who can always be with each other.

The appointment of Su Bai came a little faster than expected. On the tenth day after Mo He knew the news, the appointment of the imperial dynasty came down. Su Bai is indeed on a peaceful footing, with the promotion of Su Clan behind him. With strength, Su Bai suddenly surpassed several levels and took over the position of the noble house.

It's just that even though he surpassed several levels at once, the place Su Bai needed to go was not so good. His new place of employment was in Haizhou.

Haizhou is the front line of the battle between the Human Race and the Water Vein Dragon Race. It can be regarded as one of the most chaotic places in the entire dynasty and one of the most difficult places to govern.

The area of ​​Haizhou's entire prefecture is extremely large, eight or nine times the area of ​​an ordinary state, and this area is still expanding. All the human races have been engulfed step by step during the battle with the water vein dragon race.

Haizhou is divided into more than ten prefectures, and the population is very large. Moreover, there are a mixture of fish and dragons, a hundred disciples, disciples of various sects, various disciplines, etc., there are many powerful people, and the local people are also strong and strong, because of the big Most people in Haizhou are the descendants of those soldiers in the army, or the descendants of criminals who have been sent to the army. The environment has created the sturdy folk customs of Haizhou. It is really not a thing to want to take over the honor of any government there. Easy thing.

However, Su Bai's appointment has been down, so he can't change it anymore. He went to the mansion where he took over the palace, located a little behind Haizhou, and with the help of Jinhou Su Clan, he should be able to hold the scene.

Soon after, the news that Su Bai was about to be transferred and left spread throughout Zi'an County, and the people in Zi'an County were very reluctant.

Although Su Bai has only been here for more than two years, he has done a lot of practical things to make the lives of the people a lot better, and everyone is very reluctant to leave such a good county honor.

Especially the local women waiting to marry in Zi'an County, there are many women who are in tears. After all, the county honored Su Bai is the absolute best husband-in-law candidate in the hearts of the local women waiting to be married in Zi'an County.

He had an extraordinary background, talented, handsome face, and personable, and he was already a county lord at a young age. Looking at the entire Yuhe Mansion, he couldn't find a second person better than Su Bai.

In the past few days, the newly appointed county lord of Zi'an County has arrived. After handing over some things, Su Bai almost arrived, and it was time to leave.

The newly appointed Zian Xian Zun is an old man who is not too young. He was originally an official in a county seat of Qionghua Mansion. He has worked diligently for so many years. Finally, at this age, he can take the position of the county. The official career has almost come to an end. If nothing special happens, he should stay in this position until he returns home.

Su Bai is about to leave. In the past few days, he has packed his belongings and is going to leave today.

The best thing about this world is that it's very convenient to travel. You don't need to bring so many cumbersome luggage. As long as you put it in the storage device, you can go on the road lightly.

This time he is going to Haizhou to take office. The route that Su Bai traveled is similar to the route that Mohe traveled last time. They all traveled through Yuhe to Cangzhou first, and then went down Wanjiang all the way to Haizhou.

Su Bai was followed by Uncle Zhou, and dozens of guards. Among these dozens of guards, there were the original military equipment and officials of Zi'an County. They were originally from the Su clan of Jin Hou, and Su Bai could be in Zi'an County. A quick foothold and peace of mind in governance require the help of these two people. Now that he is leaving, he will naturally bring these two right-hand men with him.

"Master Su is going to Haizhou. The journey is far away. I hope you can take care of yourself. At this age, you can become a master of a government and you will definitely stand on the court in the future. The officer is fortunate to be able to take over the position of the master of Zi'an County. I feel honored.” The newly appointed Zian Xianzun was accompanied by Su Bai, and he smiled and said to Su Bai while walking towards the Yuhe Wharf, his tone very respectful.

He also knows that his official career has come to an end here, and the young man in front of him has just begun his official career. If there is no accident, this should be the biggest person he can see in his life, even though he has reached his own. Age, there is no need to fawn on anyone, and he doesn't expect to be able to rise further, but the habit for many years has kept him respectful to Shangguan.

Su Bai still maintained his good self-cultivation. Facing the newly appointed Zian Xianzun, he was still polite, walking and talking with the other party, without neglecting the other party.

Soon, Su Bai arrived at Yuhe Wharf. After arriving here, the sight he saw was a sea of ​​people on the wharf.

Local wealthy families, ordinary people in the city, and even many villagers in towns and villages, all came here today, and everyone came to see Su Bai off.

On the surface of Yuhe, there was a small boat, and Mohe was standing on this small boat, watching Su Bai walking towards the dock.

Today Su Bai is leaving. As a friend, he will naturally not be late, and Mo He still wants to send Su Bai off.

Seeing the crowded scene before him, a touch of envy flashed in the eyes of the newcomer Zi'an Xianzun. He has been in officialdom for so many years. Of course he understands that as an official, when he is leaving, there can be so many people seeing off. This is local. How popular it is, and it will be a good story in the dynasty system in the future.

Seeing so many people in front of him bid farewell to him, Su Bai was slightly moved in his heart. Before he walked to the crowd, he bowed far and bowed to the crowd.

Seeing this, all the people present, no matter what their identities, rich family members, or local traffickers and pawns, all followed Su Bai's appearance and bowed back.

When Mo He saw this scene on the boat, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This is the charm of Su Bai himself. The good education from childhood has allowed him to engrave these etiquettes in his bones, and it will also unconsciously affect others, even if He is a vulgar person, and when communicating with Su Bai, he will unconsciously put away some unreasonable actions.

"Thank you, everyone!" At the end of the ceremony, Su Bai stood up straight and said to the dark crowd with a smile on his face.

This time, the answer to him was a loud noise. All the people present were talking different things, but they all expressed the same meaning.

"My lord, we are reluctant to leave you!"

"Master County, take care all the way!"

"Stay, my lord!"


The voices of so many people were mixed together, and the scene seemed a little chaotic. Su Bai could only stretch his hand down and make a downward gesture, signalling everyone to be quiet, so that all the people present could silence.

The newly appointed county prince of Zi'an County saw that Su Bai had only made one move, and everyone present was silent, and couldn't help but sigh. He has such prestige in one place, and in his life, he has not seen many officials able to reach it. .

"Thank you, everyone, and I can't bear everyone, I can't bear to Zi'an County, but the appointment of the dynasty has been down, and I really have to leave, thank you again for sending me away!" Su Bai said loudly to everyone present, while moving, step by step Walked towards the dock.

Wherever he went, from time to time, some people would send something, which was not very valuable, but it represented a simple friendship.

Of course, there are also some different things, that is, handkerchiefs, sachets and the like handed out by some young women around those rich and powerful.

Standing on the boat, Mo He couldn't help but raised his mouth slightly when he saw Su Bai's expression facing these things. No one was perfect. Su Bai really seemed a little awkward when facing the issue of men and women.

Finally, Su Bai finally passed through the crowd, and it felt like he had passed through a layer of encirclement of the enemy. In the face of these enthusiastic people who came to see off, Su Bai was moved in his heart, but still felt a little overwhelmed by the enthusiasm for everyone .

Uncle Zhou and the many guards who followed Su Bai were also a little embarrassed at this time, because there were a lot of things hanging on them, and the people worried that Su Bai would not say what they gave out, so they all pushed them. In his arms.

After passing through the crowd, these guards found that not only were their bodies covered with things, but they were also stuffed into the collar of their sleeves.

But everyone was not upset, especially Uncle Zhou, who rarely showed a smile on his face.

As the retainer of the Su clan of Jin Hou, he only felt proud to see that Su Bai was so loved by the people.

"Brother Mo!" Su Bai looked at Mo He who was standing on the boat and smiling at and also showed a smile.

Su Bai felt that the biggest gain in Zi'an County was that he made a real friend like Mohe. When he left, he had a good friend to see him off. At the same time, there were so many people seeing off, which shows that he has not been in trouble in the past two years in Zi'an County. .

"On the occasion of parting, I have a gift for you!" Looking at Su Bai who walked in front of him, Mo He smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand to pat the storage bag, took out something from it, and handed it to Su Bai's before.

"What is it?" Su Bai took the thing in Mo He's hand and looked down. It seems to be a big umbrella, but there are many names on the surface, and many of the words are crookedly written, look. It looks like a baby doodle.

However, from the big umbrella in his hand, Su Bai felt a familiar power. This power is no stranger to him as a student of Hundred Schools. It is the power of the people’s will and the power of the incense faith of the gods. thing.

"This is a Wanmin umbrella, with autographs of more than half of hundreds of people in Zi'an County. Brother Su is going to Haizhou here, hoping that this umbrella can protect one or two!" Mo He said with a smile.


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