Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 210: Charge (Part 2)

When the crisp sound of weapon blade impact sounded, although it was not so noticeable in the entire battlefield, it still attracted a lot of attention in an instant.

Whether it's a human race or a monster race, the two commanders will naturally pay attention.

"It's so insidious!" Mo He frowned when he saw Xia Yuan and Qiman who had already started to confront each other.

Mo He could see Qi Mang's actions just now. The opponent's shot was not very bright. At that moment, he wanted to take advantage of Xia Yuan's unpreparedness to directly seize the opportunity and even hurt Xia Yuan.

Fortunately, Xia Yuan was also very strong, and had rich combat experience, and he responded instantly without letting the opponent take advantage.

At the beginning of the first collision between Xia Yuan and Qiman’s weapons, a no-man’s land with a radius of several hundred meters was vacated by the two of them. No human or demon dared to approach here, unlike the original The inside was also directly rushed out by the impact generated by the weapon confrontation at that moment.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

A series of weapon impacts sounded, and in the blink of an eye, they rang into a series on the battlefield. The movements of the two of them had turned into two blood-colored shadows, and they continued to collide again and again.

"Dead!" The weapon in Qi Mang's hand was smashed fiercely. This blow was heavy, and the two figures who were fighting quickly froze at this moment.

Xia Yuan held Tiange's halberd in both hands and stubbornly carried the attack, but half of his body was smashed into the ground.

Mo He and all the pure-yang realm masters standing on the city wall saw this scene, and their hearts suddenly became tight. There was a quick attack just now, plus this scene, everyone can see something, that is Xia Yuan. In the hands of the match, it fell slightly into a disadvantage.

Now the battlefield is full of evil spirits and iron-blooded evil spirits. The rush and short confrontation just now was a competition between the two commanders, with complete strength and skill, without using any spells.

Xia Yuan was already regarded as the top group of martial artists among the human races, but the strong monsters of Qimeng seemed to be worse than each other.

Seeing Xia Yuan who was half of his body pressed into the ground, the corner of Qi Mang's mouth was slightly curved, and four words were spit out, "But so!"

As his voice uttered, the blood-red scales on his whole body became more bright red, as if blood was flowing in them, and the power in his hand became stronger.

Xia Yuan felt the power from the Tiange War Halberd, and took a deep breath. With a clever turn of the Tiange War Halberd in his hand, Xia Yuan broke away instantly. His half body moved forward abruptly in the ground, on the ground. Plowing out a gully, Tian Ge's halberd swung a semicircle in his hand, with a **** light, slammed to Qi Mang, his words also sounded.

"It's just the beginning!"

Qi Mang quickly turned sideways, his body suddenly turned over, and the weapon in his hand was like a long whip, slashing towards Xia Yuan, and his voice did not stop.

"Do you really think so?"

In the face of this blow, Xia Yuan did not take it hard, but retreated sharply and avoided.

Qiman's weapon slammed into the ground, and a dull loud noise sounded, and a deep gully appeared on the ground in front of him, spreading for thousands of meters.

Qi Mang's strength is very strong, even in this environment full of iron and blood, and there is no way to use black magic, the attacks he can issue are still very fierce.

Xia Yuan did not answer. As the commander of the human race, Xia Yuan himself was not a loser. Moreover, this was a battlefield where the two races were fighting. He would not be able to retreat for the courage of soldiers.

The Tiange war halberd in Xia Yuan's hands resembled a hovering dragon, tearing through the air and slashing directly towards Qiman's head.


A dull impact sounded, and the two swords collided together again, and the surrounding air seemed to burst, and violent air pressure spread to the side.

While blocking Xia Yuan’s attack, Qi Mang continued to speak, “Do you still want to wait for the human army to go around, flanking back and forth to start the flanking attack, and then win the battle, don’t be foolish, they won’t be able to come? At least before the **** barrier is breached, they will definitely not be able to catch up to the battlefield."

Xia Yuan's movements became more violent, his body was full of blood, the blue veins on his face violently, every blow became more vigorous, and his voice also sounded.

"Even if you can hold the human race's army, how long can you delay it? When the army is killed from the rear, you monster race will be over!"

The speed of the two fighting against each other became faster and faster. This was accompanied by the movements of the two, and the sound was surging in the air, and it seemed that they could not keep up with the speed of the two, plus the sound of weapons colliding, except for the two of them being fighting. Outside of people, others can't hear what they are saying.

"Wishful thinking, your tactics have long been seen through. In your human words, we are nothing more than tactics." Qi Mang's weapon was hooked upwards, and Xia Yuan was punched in the air, and Xia Yuan's figure After two steps back, the voice hasn't stopped, now he can do it with ease.

"Let your human race divide the troops, and then use the least cost to drag half of your soldiers and horses, and the army of my monster race is far more than you think. Look around you, Xue Lieguan, today It has become history!"

Hearing what Qi Man said, Xia Yuan paid close attention to the situation on the battlefield without affecting the battle.

It hasn’t been too long for the hand-to-hand combat, the Human Race and the Demon Race still seem to be evenly matched, but looking at the Demon Race’s rear, the army still seems to be endless, and there are even more and more Demon Race masters in the rear. The follow-up power is obviously not so much.

At this moment, Xia Yuan really felt a little pressure in his heart. The original plan was not very clever, and it was expected to be seen through by the monsters, but according to the current situation, it will soon be really difficult for the humans to resist the attacks of the monsters. Up.

At that time, even if you want to retreat to defense, as long as Xia Yuan retreats and defends, the monster army will immediately retreat. Then, the human force behind the monster army will be lost.

If the power of those human races is eliminated, it will only be a matter of time before the **** barrier is broken.

Seeing Xia Yuan's face turned a little ugly, Qi Mang's body was covered with red scales, and the brilliance of flowing blood became even more obvious, even covering the weapon in his hand.

"Now that you know the fate of your human race, then I don't want to play with you anymore. It is said that you are still a prince of the human race. I believe your head will definitely become one of my most valuable collections!" Qi Mang The aura on his body was completely released, just like an erupting volcano, the speed suddenly accelerated by a large amount, suddenly turned around, and the weapon in his hand slashed towards Xia Yuan's face.

This was anxious and fierce. Although Xia Yuan finally blocked him, he was rushed out by the powerful force from Tiange's Halberd.

Qi Mang did not leave his hands at all. The moment Xia Yuan flew out, his figure turned into a **** light, followed Xia Yuan, and launched a storm-like attack.

Every human race who pays attention to the fighting between these two people, this heart is mentioned in the throat, for fear that Xia Yuan will not be able to support it in this storm-like attack.

Xia Yuan was also very strong after all. Even if he was knocked out, he still stabilized his figure in the air, and then tried his best to resist it in a series of attacks.

However, Xia Yuan's strength was originally inferior to Qi Mang. In such a series of fierce assaults, even though he was able to sustain it, he still suffered some injuries, and the black armor on his body had already been damaged.

Under Qi Mang's stormy attack, Xia Yuan could only force the power in his body to erupt, and a **** light spread on his body, interrupting Qiman's stormy attack, and then regained the rhythm of the attack.

However, as a result, Xia Yuan's consumption will become greater and greater, which is very detrimental to the subsequent operations.

"Military Secret Technique-Gather the Crowd!"

After regaining the fighting rhythm, Xia Yuan launched the military secret technique almost immediately. A red light radiated from him and enveloped a large area of ​​battlefield around him. The red light flashed, Xia Yuan’s The figure suddenly rose up, incarnate into a giant with a height of 100 meters, and the Tiange war halberd in his hand swept away. A large area of ​​the monster race on the battlefield was instantly cleared, sweeping out a circular area.

Seeing Xia Yuan's growth in size, Qi Mang also burst out with a burst of red light, and his body shape changed rapidly in the light, turning into a tall monster with a humanoid upper body like a war horse with a lower body and a humanoid figure behind his head. The rounded corners, after he became like this, were also stained with blood.

"Jilin!" Seeing this monster, Mo He immediately recognized what it was. is half-human and half-animal, with tyrannical temperament and belligerent, but the number is relatively small, the talent is strong, and the blood is among the monster race, and it is definitely the top batch.

After Qi Mang revealed his true body, Xia Yuan clearly recognized his body.

"It's still more comfortable in this way. In fact, I don't like the appearance of the human race at all, and it will restrain my strength." Qi Mang said, suddenly turned into a red light, and attacked Xia Yuan again.


Accompanied by the clash of the weapon blades, the two groups of blood-colored rays of light merged into one, turning into a blood-colored beam of light rising into the sky, and the battle started again.

Mo He glanced over the entire battlefield, especially the monster camp on the opposite side, his brows frowned deeply. Until now, the follow-up force on the monster clan's side is still continuous, and on the human clan side, more than half of the troops have been Entering the battlefield to participate in the fight, the strength of the remaining Human Race is obviously not as good as the Monster Race, the situation is quite unfavorable for the Human Race.

If this continues, the final result of today's human race's turning war will probably be the loser.

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