Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 238: God of rain

Regardless of Ren Yunteng's yelling at the bottom of the mountain, Mo He looked at the worry-free little supernatural power, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In Mohe's previous life, there was a magical power called Xingyunbuyu. The dragons in this world also knew the same name, but the effect was unknown.

"Try to control the amount of rain." Mo He said from the side.

After hearing this, Wuyou immediately followed Mohe's instructions and began to control the amount of rainfall.

Ren Yunteng at the bottom of the mountain, now only feels that the heavy rain above his head has become bigger in an instant. Just now, it was dense raindrops like soybeans, but now it suddenly turned into a pouring rain, with almost no gaps in sight.

"Senior, don't change your tricks. The younger ones won't leave without seeing you." Ren Yunteng stood in the heavy rain, his clothes were completely soaked, and the heavy rain on his head made him almost open his eyes. Not open, but still shouting unconvinced.

"Try again to see if it can condense water into ice and turn the raindrops into hail." Qingmei watched, Mo He continued to command Wuyou.

After Mo He's orders, Wuyou immediately tried hard to do it, and then Ren Yunteng at the foot of Wangyue Mountain was immediately miserable.

"Oh, how come it turns into hail, senior, you are too bad." Looking at the original heavy rain above your head, it suddenly turned into hail, making a crackling sound on the ground, let alone Speaking of hitting someone on the body, he directly caused Ren Yunteng to have two more bags on his head, causing him to cry out in pain.

At this moment, he couldn't stay in place anymore. He immediately ran into the bamboo forest. He grinned with pain against the hail on his head, and put the straw mat on the ground just now between the bamboos to form it for himself. A occlusion.

Soon, the straw mat that was not too strong was damaged by the hail falling from the top of his head, and Ren Yunteng's expression immediately became bitter. Fortunately, at this moment, the hail on top of his head suddenly stopped.

"Try again now to see if you can achieve a thunderstorm." After discovering that Wuyou can really control the way and the nature of his rainfall, Mo He said in a deep voice again.

But this time, Wuyou did not directly drop a thunderstorm as Mo He expected, because Wuyou didn't know how to make a thunderstorm.

Looking at the worry-free look, Mo He patted his back lightly, and then said: "Don't worry, take your time, your little magical power has great potential. Practice a lot and believe that you can do it. To."

Wuyou nodded lightly. After just a while, the spiritual power in his body was actually not consumed much, mainly because he didn't know how to do it. After all, he had just broken through to the realm of Soul and Soul, and this was his first real meaning. To use your own little supernatural powers, you still need to slowly become familiar.

Next, Mo He briefly told Wuyou how to tap the potential of his little supernatural powers.

The worry-free little magical power is indeed not very powerful at this stage, but the future development potential is huge. It is not a simple rainfall, but the power that can affect the celestial phenomenon.

If Wuyou can unearth the potential of the little supernatural powers as soon as possible, then it is possible for him to use the power of his little supernatural powers to control the power of the sky thunder in the realm of spirits. This is also an alternative thunder method.

And this is only one application direction of his little supernatural powers, there can be other development directions, the real broad road is able to show the power of the sky.

After Mo He's guidance, Wuyou also knew that his little supernatural powers were not a tasteless one. The potential for development was huge, but he needed to dig it out.

Worry-free went back to the room to recover the spiritual power he had consumed, and at the same time, he carefully considered Mo He’s instructions just now, so as to let his little magical powers show some power as soon as possible. At this time, under the mountain, Ren Yunteng, who was smashed all over his head, looked at him. Looking at the mountain firmly, he shouted again.

"Junior Ren Yunteng, please see me from seniors!"

After shouting this sentence, Ren Yunteng took off his wet coat and tidyed up his wet hair. He originally wanted to go into the bamboo forest and change clothes, but looking at the sun above his head, he simply didn't go anywhere. Now, just stand here to bask.

"Let's keep this embarrassing look. Maybe the seniors on the mountain will see me like this, they will be moved by my sincerity, and they will go down the mountain and accept me as a disciple." Ren Yunteng thought in his heart.

His growth experience tells him that most of the time people rely on themselves, but the old man is so hard-spirited, and in many cases it is sold properly and some things are easier to do.

Mo He really saw him like this now. After giving the worry-free advice, Mo He looked into the distance and saw Ren Yunteng who was completely embarrassed but still standing under the mountain.

"Worry-free used his little supernatural powers just now, but I ignored him." Seeing Ren Yunteng's embarrassed look, Mo He immediately realized what was going on, and he also felt a little sorry.

However, seeing Ren Yunteng's slightly embarrassed figure, Mo He had a slight change in his heart. Whether he wanted to win sympathy or not, he was able to stay here for so long, indicating that his temperament has escaped a bit. , After all, there is still a bit of persistence in doing things.

Although his heart has changed a bit, Mo He didn't want to change his mind just because of this, and accept Yunteng as his disciple. He just thought this guy under the mountain was still a bit interesting.

"If it doesn't work, don't let him spend it here. Give him a little benefit and send him away. Otherwise, it will be a waste of time here and will eventually delay his cultivation." Mo He looked at Ren Yunteng and thought. Dao, I don't want to accept him as a disciple, but I don't want him to delay his cultivation. Since he is so persistent, and if he is so persistent, it is estimated that he can hold on for a while, so it is better to make it clear.

As soon as he started thinking about this, Mo He saw Ren Yunteng at the foot of the mountain suddenly turned around and left quickly.

Then he ran two steps forward. He stopped again and shouted at the mountain: "Senior, this junior should go out and buy something first, and come back soon. I hope senior can see you soon!"

After speaking, he stepped again and entered the bamboo forest below the mountain.

Looking at Ren Yunteng's back, Mo He felt extremely speechless in his heart. This guy seemed to be a living treasure, so let's make it clear to him as soon as possible, otherwise he might settle his home down the mountain.

Sure enough, after about two hours, Ren Yunteng, who had just fallen dark, changed into new clothes, and possibly took a bath by the way, appeared again under Mochizuki Mountain.

This time he also brought a lot of things, not only straw mats, but also tents, umbrellas, and the like, all available.

"Junior Ren Yunteng, please see you from seniors!"

"Hey, let this treasure leave!" Mo He shook his head gently, preparing to go down the mountain to let Ren Yunteng leave, but just as his footsteps started, Mo He suddenly stopped again, turned his head quickly, and looked towards Wu. Worry room.

Following Mo He’s sight, I saw Wuyou opening the door of the room and slowly stepping out from the door. There was no change in clothes, including people, but his temperament had changed. At the same time, Mo He The sadness once felt reappeared in Wuyou.

"Master!" Wuyou also looked at Mo He, with a faint smile on his face, and he whispered.

Seeing this smile, Mo He only felt extremely strange, and at the same time, a sense of sadness that seemed to emerge from his heart lingered in Mo He's heart.

Fortunately, in Mo He's current state, the mood swings are basically relatively smooth, and all kinds of emotions are gathered in Dao Xin, and the embryo is being bred. This kind of sadness rising from the heart is weakened in Mo He's body. Mostly.

"Who are you?" Mo He said in a cold voice, looking at the strange worry-free in front of him.

"I don't have any bad intentions, and don't need to worry about Wuyou. I am afraid you know very well what my situation is now, and I can't do anything." "Worry" still said with a smile.

"My existence has become a hidden danger for the current worry-free, so I want to eliminate this hidden danger, but at the end I still feel a little unwilling, and I want to find someone to talk about it, so I came out. Seeing fellow Daoists also gave them peace of mind. "Worry-free" did not continue to be called a master, but was directly commensurate with fellow Daoists.

Hearing the words "Worry-free", Mo He's voice softened slightly and said, "Since fellow Daoist has this plan, that would be great. I am also a little curious about fellow Daoist. It happens to be right at this time. Sit down and talk Right."

"Worry-free" nodded lightly, and the two came under the two green plum trees and sat facing each other.

"Speaking of it as good fortune, if I hadn't met fellow Daoists in Cangzhou, I'm afraid I would have been wiped out now, and even my true spirit has disappeared. Thank you fellow Daoists in advance!" After sitting down, "Worry-free" immediately spoke to him. Mohe said.

"Since Wuyou worships me as a teacher, this is what I as a master should do, no need to say thank you." Mo He took out two teacups while talking and put some from the cloud. The Hundred Flower Tea brought back by the state, with a thought, the surrounding water vapor gathered and quickly made two cups of tea.

Mo He reached out and put a cup of tea in front of "Worry-free", and said.

"Friend Daoist hasn't introduced myself yet. I have been curious about the identity of fellow Daoist for a long time. I am fortunate to be able to meet today. Can fellow Daoist help me out."

"It's all right, but I'm also very curious about the identity of fellow Daoist. I don't know which old friend is the reincarnation of fellow Daoist?" "Worry-free" took a sip of the hundred-flower tea in front of him, and then Said to Mohe.

It seemed that Mo He's repairing Wuyou body's damage to the moisturizing aura was also an innate method, so he guessed that Mo He's identity may be the reincarnation of an innate god.

To a certain extent, there is nothing wrong with his guess.

"The God of Compassion on the Tianjiang River, I have seen fellow Taoists." After saying just now, "Worry-free" directly indicated his identity.

. Steal fragrance

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