Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 266: Black chain

In the face of Mo He's attack, Gou Yu didn't have the slightest worry now, because the environment he was in now was very favorable for him, but Mo He was somewhat suppressed.

He had already confirmed this in a brief encounter between the two before coming here.

Originally, his cultivation base was higher than Mo He, but the means and experience were not as good as Mo He, and the magic weapon in his hand was only the small black cloth bag, so he fell into a disadvantage when facing Mo He. Now he is not afraid.

And, even if you can't beat it, what can you do? In the end it just died.

The black mist escalated from Gouyu's body, and the mist directly met the moyu bamboo stick that fell down. At the same time, his small black cloth bag flew over his head. The mouth of the bag opened quickly, gently The void shuddered twice, but the black wind rolled out again.

"Little supernatural power-Shuimu Tsinghua!"

This time, Mo He had a murderous heart, so naturally he wouldn't have the slightest hold on his hand, and he directly used his little magical powers.

Among the stronger ghosts, Mo He's strength was slightly suppressed. When he unfolded his little magical powers, in a burst of light and shadow, Mo He immediately felt the pressure on his body loosened, the kind of slight The sense of suppression, with the display of Mohe's little magical powers, could not affect him at all.

Seeing Mo He using his little supernatural powers, Gou Yu immediately turned into smoke and retreated backwards.

In that small black cloth bag, a light black gust was still blowing out. After entering the range of Mohe's little magical power, countless leaves and petals were rolled up by the gust and flying around.

These flying leaves and petals were floating in the violent wind, and they were not torn apart by the pale black wind, but as the violent wind continued to blow, these leaves and petals seemed to have no end, and they continued to fall towards the surroundings, in a blink of an eye. Within a kilometer of the surrounding area, all petals and leaves are fluttering.

Being in the range of his little magical powers, Mo He pinched a seal in his hand, and then the petals and leaves that fluttered all over the sky were covered with a layer of blue light in an instant, and then the speed of their dancing in the air became even greater. Soon, it seems to have become a rotating green light beam, quickly walking around.

There was a black mist around Gouyu, which firmly blocked the leaves and petals, but the number of these leaves and petals was so large that he had to block it from all sides and was a little tired of coping.

And Mo He’s attack has just begun at this time. Within the scope of his little magical powers, Mo He’s tactics changed, and the streams of water condensed and turned into dense lines of water, spreading out towards the surroundings. With strong penetrating power, it shoots towards the hook.

Gouyu didn't notice for a while, and the black mist that enveloped his body was pierced by a thin waterline, and then a series of waterlines stretched in.

Gouyu's body was penetrated by water lines, but his methods were extraordinary, his body quickly turned into smoke, he did not suffer much serious injury, and he immediately launched a counterattack.

"Yinyou ghost fire!"

Gouyu also pinched a magic trick with both hands, a group of forest green flames condensed on his chest, and then was quickly shot out by it. The flames fell on the thin water lines, and it seemed to have fallen on flammable. It quickly clung to the surface of the waterline and burned violently.

When Mo He saw this scene, he immediately dissipated the water lines, and then the tactics in his hands changed slightly, and the remaining water lines quickly intertwined and gathered into a dense large net, shrouded in the engulf. .

Gou Yu sent out a ghost fire again in his hand, attempting to break the big net, and then get out, but before the big net fell, the nets formed by the condensation of water lines suddenly gathered into ice, and the ghost fire fell on. On the web that has frozen into ice, the flame spreads very slowly.

Gou Yu was not trapped in this way, just a layer of ice net, although the strength was good, but it was not yet able to control him.

"Broken!" Gou Yu gave a soft yell, and his right palm protruded forward, his hand was quickly covered with a layer of black mist, which condensed into a ghost claw about ten meters, and slapped it heavily on the ice net.

As the ghost claw fell, the ice net was immediately shattered, but at this moment, Gou Yu felt a kind of dangerous palpitations coming, and this feeling was very strong, which he had never seen before.

Before he could think about where this feeling came from, Gou Yu saw the purple light in front of him constantly magnifying in his sight. The distance and the speed made him too late to react. The purple light had already reached the center of his brow.

But Gou Yu could still see clearly, that purple light was a drop of purple water, like an infinite cluster of stars, beautiful and dangerous.

This drop of purple water is of course Mohe’s Starlight Divine Water. At the moment when this drop of Starlight Divine Water is about to fall to the center of the eyebrows, Mohe still does not relax at all. The water has condensed and is ready to be used.

Of course, Mo He is very confident about the power of the Starlight Divine Water, but when I was in Yunzhou last time, when the Starlight Divine Water faced Wen Ruo, he was unable to kill the opponent, but was stopped by her life-saving objects. And let the other party escape.

Gouyu's identity is also very noble, and Mo He felt that he should have such a life-saving thing on him, so he learned his lesson and prepared to make another blow this time.

Facts proved that there was nothing wrong with Mo He's worries. At the moment when the Starlight Divine Water fell to the center of the eyebrows, a purple-golden light appeared on his body, which blocked the power of the Starlight Divine Water.

"Sure enough, it's this kind of life-saving thing again!" Mo He's thoughts flashed quickly, and another drop of Starlight Divine Water that was already ready to be sent out immediately.

The power of Starlight Divine Water does not need to be questioned. It’s just because Mo He’s cultivation base and his mastery of this power are still shallow, so the power of Starlight Divine Water has not been fully utilized, but compared to Mo When He had just mastered this magical power, now the power of Starlight Shenshui had been greatly strengthened, and the reason why he was blocked by others was simply because the opponent he faced was also stronger.

The Gou, who had just escaped from the dead, hadn't completely escaped from the danger, and saw that Mohe shot another drop of starlight divine water, completely not giving himself a chance to escape, and couldn't help feeling a little desperate in his heart.

He didn't expect that Mo He would still have such a powerful attack method, a drop of purple water drop, if it weren't a life-saving thing on his body, I am afraid that his true spirit would not exist.

Gou Yu is not afraid of death, and even prepares his soul to disperse, but the power of Starlight Divine Water is the power that can directly obliterate the true spirit, which is equivalent to completely obliterating his existence. For this complete death, he A trace of fear inevitably rises in his heart.

Seeing another drop of starlight divine water approaching, Gou Yu really felt the great horror at the time of death, and at the same time a sense of relief was raised.

At this moment, in front of Gou Yu, a black chain suddenly stretched out of the space, blocking the drop of starlight divine water, and saved Gou Yu at the most dangerous time.

The starlight divine water fell on this dark chain and turned into a purple light. It could not spread five rings on the chain, and then the purple light disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the pitch-black chain flicked in the air, like a black lightning, directly at Mohe.

not good! Mo He was taken aback. He already felt the threat of the black chain, and the speed of the chain was too fast for him to react.

Mo He only felt a strong force smashed into his chest, and his body involuntarily flew out. At the same time, the little supernatural power he had displayed was completely broken up abruptly.

Mo He flew backwards several tens of meters, and felt a tingling pain in his chest. When he looked down, Mo He saw a long blood mark on his chest, and there was still some black air around the wound. Sen-cold ghost energy continued to spread from the wound to his body.

"Shuirun Aura!" Without any hesitation, Mo He immediately displayed the Shuirun Aura, the aqua-blue light enveloped the wound on his chest, and the black energy lingering in the wound was soon in the Shuirun Aura. It was dispelled by the action, and the wound on Mo He's chest quickly recovered and healed.

During this process, the black chain did not launch a second attack on Mo He. Perhaps the people behind it felt that a small character like Mo He did not need him to do it twice in a row.

"Thanks to the power of my little magical power to block it, and the defense of the vestment on my body, I took this attack. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will have to peel off if I am not dead. It is a pity that this vestment has not been practiced for long. , Was completely scrapped." Mo He now thought somewhat fortunately.

Being able to block the blow just now On the one hand, Mo He used all his strength to resist the power of his little supernatural powers, and on the other hand, it was really thanks to this vestment.

However, after the blow just now, this vestment, also known as magic treasure potential, on his body was completely abolished. The seven spiritual bans of the internal sacrifices all collapsed, and the chest was torn by a long opening. , The possibility of repair is very slim.

Fortunately, there are still several vestments refined by Yun Su. After going back and spending some time, Mo He will be able to refining such vestments again, without being too distressed.

After the pitch-black chain drew Mohe away, it paused for a while, then rolled up Gouyu's whole person, and then pulled him into the void.

"Where to go, leave it to me!" The pitch-black chain pulled Gou Yu just as soon as he sank into the void, a voice sounded, and then the figures of the two former true spirits appeared in Mo He's sight.

One of the Yuanshen Zhenxian chased after him without hesitation, while the other stopped beside Mo He, looking at Su Bai and the others in the black mist with complicated eyes.

. Steal fragrance

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