Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 281: Go to the door

In an unknown place in the human race, in a small yard that looks very quiet and elegant, a middle-aged man is painting a picture with a paintbrush in his hand.

The scroll in front of him is about two meters wide and more than ten meters in length. Most of the content has been painted, but there is still a blank space that he needs to paint carefully.

Behind the middle-aged man, a tall and handsome young man stood with his hand in his hand, quietly watching the middle-aged man in front of him painting, without disturbing him.

Gou Sun carefully looked at the huge picture in front of him, looked at the hideous ghosts and charms on the picture, looked at the distorted faces, and his eyes revealed an inexplicable look.

Since he rescued Liu Mei, Liu Mei has often painted in this small courtyard. As a well-known master of painting and calligraphy, Liu Mei’s painting is not a problem in itself, but the problem lies in the content of Liu Mei’s paintings. It's all depressing ghosts.

As of today, Liu Mei has not drawn a painting that satisfies him. He will burn all the ghosts and demons he painted before. Today this is the first painting he painted again after he burned the previous painting. One picture.

Gougong felt that Liu Mei's actions must be meaningful. He was not mad or stupid. After being rescued, he had many suggestions to make them, the former forces who raised their troops, do a lot even during the period of hiding. That’s why he came here specially today, wanting to see what kind of paintings Liu Mei has painted for so long.

Gou Sundial waited for a long time, seeing that the piece of paper was finally filled up completely, and Liu Mei's movements became slower and slower. He was about to finish the painting. He was also very careful and didn't want to be here. What went wrong at the last minute.

Finally, Liu Mei made the last stroke on the paper. At the moment when he carefully closed the pen, his whole figure shook, his steps staggered, and he fell to the ground.

"Haha, it's done!"

Sitting on the ground, Liu Mei's face was a little pale. It seemed that the completion of this painting was not an easy task for him, but even so, he still had a smile on his face, and he smiled very happily.

"Mr. Liu." Gou Sun stepped forward, helped Liu Cheng who was sitting on the ground, and helped him to sit at a table not far away.

"Haha, how does your Highness look at this painting of mine?" Liu Mei said to him with a big smile looking at the hook, and as he spoke, the whole person seemed to be getting more and more excited. He reached out and patted the table twice. The kind of elegance that is not at all back in the past, but like a madman.

Hadial had been admiring this painting for a long time, but now the painting was completely completed, the feeling of Hadial had completely changed, and his eyes fell on the scroll.

In fact, there are not only ghosts in this painting. There are also people with sinister faces that fall on the drawing paper, but the expressions of these people seem to be more evil than those ghosts. Coudal felt as if he was really facing thousands of ghosts and charms, and all kinds of complicated emotions surged into his heart in an instant, and a kind of irritability immediately rose in his heart, an urge to destroy everything in front of him.

Gou Sun looked away from him, and at the same time suppressed the irritability in his heart, turned his head to Liu Mei and said, "Mister's painting is so amazing."

Gougong didn't praise Liu Mei's painting skills because he didn't need to say, Liu Mei's accomplishments in painting and calligraphy, Gougong felt that he was not qualified to comment, so he answered like this.

"This "Ghost Picture of All Living Beings" has gone through several failures, and today I finally have this work that satisfies me." Liu Mei looked at the painting she had just painted, and the paleness on her face gradually became bloody. , The posture of a madman on his body was also restrained by him, and his original temperament was restored.

"Congratulations, sir!" Gougong said congratulations to Liu Mei. Such a painting, in Liu Mei's hands, will soon become a powerful treasure.

Now this painting has only just been completed, and it has already affected the mood of Goudi a little. When it becomes a treasure suitable for students of hundreds of schools, the power is absolutely beyond doubt.

Hearing the words, Liu Cheng stretched out his hand and waved it gently, and the scroll that had just been completed automatically rolled up, and then fell into his hands.

"When I left Xia Xian, I gave Xia Xian a "Ghost Image". I don't know if Xia Xian is collecting it. I hope that one day, Xia Xian can appreciate it. Click." Liu Mei said to Gawdaw while putting away the scroll in his hand.

"Mister's wish will definitely come true." Gougong nodded and replied firmly.

Since the ghost repair forces of the previous dynasty were completely wiped out, Liu Cheng replaced the layout of the small courtyard he lived in with the same environment as the small courtyard he lived in when he was imprisoned by Xia Xian. I live here almost all the time, and I rarely step out of this small courtyard.

Gou Sun felt that Liu Mei was always reminding himself that he should not forget the humiliation under the order.

"I came to see Mr. Mr. today. First, I heard that Mr.'s painting is about to be completed, so I came to have a look. For the second purpose, I would like to ask Mr. Mr. by the way. Do we have any new actions next?" Watching Liu Mei put away the painting, Gou Xong turned the topic to the topic.

When Liu Mei heard the words, he looked straight and looked at Goudi and said, "According to the previous strategy, I have spread the power in my hands in remote places in order to develop and grow. Now it has begun to be effective. In order to avoid being discovered by Xia Xian too early, The next thing that needs to be done is to divert the attention of the dynasty, and I don’t need to elaborate on how to do it."

"I understand what the husband said." Goudi nodded lightly, fully understanding what Liu Mei meant.

He hopes that he can make some noise, but he can't make too much noise, so that the dynasty can find some plausible clues and attract their attention, so as to cover his true purpose and strive for development and growth. time.

No matter what Gougong does next, the important thing is to grasp a degree. This needs to be measured by himself. Liu Mei did not highlight this point, nor did he need to point it out.

If you can't even do this thing well, then there is really little hope for the restoration of the Second Dynasty.

After Gougong left Liu Mei, he thought about it for a while and knew what he was going to do next.

When I came to a palace, I found Wen Ruo who was cultivating, and then said blankly, "The last time you suffered a lot from Mo He, I have found out where he is, you go with me once."

Wenruo heard the words of Gondial, and a flash of joy flashed in her eyes. She thought Gondial had finally calmed down on this matter, and she was ready to help her out.

But before she was happy for a long time, she heard Goudi continue to say, "According to the information found, Na Mohe is only a monk at the realm of Yin God. Although he has some skills, he has also been to Xuelieguan, but his After all, your cultivation base is lower than yours by a big level. You will suffer in his hands. It seems that you have too little experience with others. This time you go with me, and I will help you take the battle. You kill this person with your own hands."

The tone of the hook was very blunt, and there was a hint of dissatisfaction in the words. Hearing it in her ears immediately extinguished all her joy, and at the same time reminded her of the worry-free following Mo He.

"I'm not going, go by yourself!" Wen Ruo said with a cold expression.

Looking at Wen Ruo's appearance, Goudial frowned slightly, his eyes fixed on her face, as if wanting to see something from her face, but in the end, Goudial turned around and left.

When he was about to walk out of the door, the sound of the shackle came from afar, "I will get rid of that Mohe, and also cut the grass and roots by the way. You don't want to go this time, I forgive you, but I hope this is you Rebelled against my wishes one last time."

Hearing the voice from the hook, Wenruo bit her vermilion lips lightly, and a trace of sadness rose in her heart.

In the view of Qingmei, Mo He is teaching Wuyou some experience of the Yinshen realm alone. As for Ren Yunteng, with his current cultivation level and the speed of his cultivation, he has no need to touch these things for the time being.

"You have just broken through the Yinshen realm. From now on, the benefits you had before will no longer have. Then you will need to practice steady and steady. It is impossible to improve as fast as the Shenshun realm."

"This is also a good thing for you. It just allows you to have time to make up the accumulation that you should have in the two realms of Shenhun and Yinshen. The things that you need to pay attention to when practicing in the Yinshen realm have been taught to you by the teacher. You don't need to rush to improve your cultivation level, you only need to practice steady and steady."

Mo He looked at the worry-free in front of him, and told him earnestly.

"The disciple understands." Wuyou nodded when he heard the words.

Mo He was about to continue to say something, but suddenly, Mo He felt inexplicably trembling in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen to At this moment, not only Mo He, including Wuyou in front of him, also felt this way.

The master and apprentice looked at each other, and Mo He immediately became vigilant, "It shouldn't be the trouble behind Wuyou, I'm finally looking for it!"

Thinking like this in his heart, Mo He immediately released his divine consciousness, spreading to the surrounding place as far as possible.

At the same time, Gou Sun had just quietly stepped into the territory of Qiongzhou and was coming towards Yuhe Mansion.

For him, this trip was a two-eyed thing. Not only could he make some small movements and attract the attention of the dynasty, as Liu Mei said, but he could also cut the roots of the grass and kill a possible trouble in the bud. Among.

"Before you were fortune-telling, you can survive that state, now I will take your life personally to see if you, the innate god, can continue to survive." Gou Sun approached Zi'an County, thinking While thinking.

To him, Mo He was actually just an object to be cleaned up by the way. The goal he really wanted to kill was worry-free not knowing how to survive.

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