Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 286: Feel like backing

Mo He was thinking about Dao Master Qingmei, and Tu You, who was far away in the blood line, was rubbing a letter in his hand into a mass of ashes, and then shouted to the door.

"Come here, let the military censor come and see me."

The sergeant guarding the gate heard the words, and someone immediately went to pass the message. Not long after, a young man dressed as a scribe walked into the big tent and saluted Tu You.

"Master Hou!"

Tu You looked at the young scribe in front of him, and said blankly: "There is a junior in this school who was bullied by the remnants of the early days. You draft a document on behalf of this school and warn those people, if they dare to treat this school again. The younger generation makes a move, and Benhou doesn’t mind doing the elder’s responsibility."

When the young scribe heard this, he was immediately shocked. He had never heard of Tu You's descendants in "Blood Youhou". This was the first time that he heard Tu You order him to do something for his descendants.

"Subordinates understand." The young scribe did not ask much, and directly agreed.

"Well, do it as soon as possible!" Tu You nodded, said Mo He's name again, and let the young scribe leave.

Looking at the green plum in Mochizuki Mountain, a few days have passed since Mohe and Goudi met, and the news that Mohe broke through to the realm of Pure Yang has also spread throughout Qiongzhou.

As a pure-yang realm master who was born and raised in Qiongzhou and grew extremely fast, Mo He's name has long been known by most of Qiongzhou's casual cultivators, and this time everyone is paying attention.

Regarding Mo He's deeds, there have also been some random rumors. The more reliable ones are about Mo He's inheritance and the well-known facts that Mo He was born in Zi'an County, Yuhe Fu.

This incident did not bring any substantial benefits to Mohe, but it made the incense in the Qingmei Daochang Temple flourish a lot during this time.

Everyone knows that Dao Qingmei is the master of Mohe, and now he is named a deity by the emperor. If he can teach a disciple like Mohe, the master must also be an expert, so some people from the surrounding counties also come to worship in Zi'an County.

Just after the morning class, Mo He was teaching Ren Yunteng. Suddenly, a cloud of smoke floated in front of Mo He, and then a piece of paper floated out of it and fell into Mo He's hands.

"Did something big happen again?" Mo He thought to himself as he looked at the letter paper in his hand.

The news from Baijia School just arrived yesterday. Generally, if nothing major happens, the next news will definitely be a few days apart, and the news will be delivered immediately only when major events happen.

Mo He waved his hand at Ren Yunteng, indicating that he could take a break first, and then looked down at the contents of the letter paper, wanting to see what major event happened.

Looking across the text on the paper, Mo He was taken aback for a moment, and then the expression on his face became a little weird, and then he showed a smile but a smile.

Ren Yunteng, who looked curiously at the letter paper in Mo He's hand, noticed the expression on Mo He's face, and immediately became more curious about the content on that piece of paper.

"Hey, what kind of news is this necessary to make the expression on the master's face so wonderful?" Ren Yunteng thought so in his heart, and moved his feet in small steps, leaning towards Mo He's side.

Mo He just finished reading the content of the letter, and then he saw Ren Yunteng, who was approaching Xiaobu, and seeing him staring at the paper in his hand, he immediately understood what his disciple was thinking.

Mo He forwarded the letter paper in his hand and delivered it to Ren Yunteng's hand, and then looked in one direction with a somewhat complicated expression in his eyes.

After a few breaths, Mo He whispered: "Unexpectedly, I can also feel the feeling of backing!"

Hearing Mo He’s words, Ren Yunteng also just finished reading the content on the paper. He looked up at Mo He in disbelief, then lowered his head and carefully read the content on the paper to confirm that he hadn’t just read it. After reading it wrong, a silly smile suddenly appeared.

"Master, your old man is a descendant of Xue Youhou?" Ren Yunteng asked Mo He while smiling smirkly.

"Xueyouhou is a close friend of your master and his elders. I only saw Xueyouhou when I went to Xuelieguan a few years ago as a teacher. At the beginning, he gave me a lot of benefits as a teacher. When Xue Youhou knew about it, he even gave a special voice to warn the previous forces." Mo He looked at Ren Yunteng who was smirking, and did not hide it from him.

The news in this letter came from the Baijia School just now, from Xuelieguan Xueyouhou. Of course, the content goes without saying, it is Xueyouhou who specifically warned the remnants of the former forces for his junior.

The generals on the front line of the Human Race are all the soldiers of the Human Race, especially the generals like Xue Youhou who guard the border all the year round. They have a very high reputation in the Human Race. The families of the guards of the border will also receive a lot of preferential treatment.

This warning from Xue Youhou is equivalent to standing up to Mo He as a backer. Even if the remnants of the former forces are ignited, they must pay attention to the warning from Xue Youhou.

"I am afraid that this matter must be done by the master and his old man, otherwise I am an ordinary casual cultivator, and although I have a certain level of cultivation now, it is impossible to be known by Xue Youhou so quickly about my affairs." Mo He thought. His thoughts turned sharply, and he quickly guessed what happened.

While feeling a little moved in his heart, Mo He also felt a little dark and refreshing. This feeling of backing was really quite good.

"As expected to be the master of the master, the master is indeed a great old man, and there are friends like Xueyouhou, haha!" The smirk on Ren Yunteng's face finally stopped, but he couldn't help laughing while talking.

Inexplicably, he has a big backing. How could this make him unhappy? He thought in his heart that he would go out and travel around the world when he was successful in his studies. The original dangerous place like Xuelieguan was equivalent to his cultivation. In order to at least reach the level of his own master, but now it seems that I may go to see in advance.

After speaking to Mo He, Ren Yunteng took the letter in his hand and rushed to find Wuyou excitedly, ready to share the good news with his senior brother.

At the same time when Mo He received the news, Goudi, an unknown place in the human race, also received the news.

"Xue Youhou, Tu You!" Gou Sun said Tu You's name, but his intention to kill Mo He became stronger.

He had already thought that after a while, after the Dynasty had nothing to lose in Qiongzhou, he made another move and completely killed Mohe with the momentum of thunder, but at this time, suddenly a "blood waiting" appeared. Tu You, as the elder of the casual repair, publicly warned himself.

Gou Sun was actually not very jealous of Tu You in "Xueyouhou", but the identity of the other party was one of the commanders of the Xuelieguan, which made him a little worried.

The second dynasty wants to restore, then the frontier soldiers of the human race are the power they must fight for, and as the remnants of the second dynasty, they also need a good reputation for management now, if you add a reputation for ruining the frontier commander of the human race , Then their already very difficult task of restoration, it is even more difficult.

"Damn it!" Gou Sundial patted the table with a very ugly expression, because the sudden appearance of "Blood Youhou" Tu You, he knew that leaving Mohe was a scourge, but now he could not get rid of this scourge for a while. It made him very unhappy.

Standing up, Gou Sun came to Liu Mei's small yard. He wanted to ask Liu Mei to see if there is any way to get the best of both worlds, which can get rid of troubles without offending Tu You.

As soon as he entered the small courtyard where Liu Wei lived, the hook immediately felt the gusts of wind around him, mixed with the howling of ghosts, and some other harsh sounds.

However, after just a few breaths, the surrounding wind gusts and ghost sounds disappeared. Gougong saw that Liu Mei was holding a rolled up picture scroll, and looked at himself with a smile.

"Mr. Liu's painting is getting stronger and stronger." Gou Sun praised and explained his intention at the same time.

After listening to Gou Sun's words, Liu Mei pondered for a while and said: "The Mo He that the Highness dealt with, I also had a fate before, but I didn't expect that he would break through to the Pure Sun realm so quickly, and could still be supported by His Highness. For a moment, it is indeed a hidden danger."

"However, if you want to remove this hidden danger now, there is no good way for a while. Even if you want to borrow the hands of others, I am afraid it will be difficult to find a suitable object. Your Royal Highness may as well pay attention to him first and check him carefully. His experience, let’s bear it for a while, and give him a thunderous blow afterwards to erase this hidden danger."

"So, I understand." Gou Sundial nodded lightly.

Before Goudial came to, he also thought about borrowing the hand of others, but after he fought with Mo He himself, Goudial also knew Mo He's strength very well, not an ordinary pure-yang realm master. Deal with.

And Mo He practiced in Wangyue Mountain all the year round, seldom grudges against people, and indeed there is no suitable person, let him use his hand to get rid of Mohe.

"It seems that he can only live for a while!" Gou Sun thought in his heart.

"This is a minor problem. Your Majesty should still focus on major issues and pay close attention to its trends. If a minor suffering becomes a major problem and needs to be cut off, Your Royal Highness does not need to hesitate to kill it."

"There is no decision to make decisions, to adapt to the circumstances of the time, to solve the problems, to dismantle the sorrows, to break when the time comes, not to be afraid of left and right!" Liu Mei looked at the hook that was about to get up and left, and seemed to see his mind. Before the sundial was about to leave, he spoke again.

"Thank you, Mr. for pointing!" Gou Sun nodded slightly with a slight smile when he heard the words, and then walked out of Liu Mei's courtyard.

Liu Mei looked back at the swan that had left the gate, and then reopened the scroll in his hand. A yin breeze, mixed with the roar and strange laughter of various ghosts and demons, sounded again in the courtyard.

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