Green Tea Tipping Guide

Vol 2 Chapter 50: Teacher she likes excellent 5

System 666 took advantage of this opportunity to investigate System 8567, and Nan Feng also asked the students in the class to carry this guy to the infirmary.

"What's wrong with him?" Mu Yang followed Nan Feng and asked in a low voice, watching Cheng Zhou who was lifted by several students.

Nan Feng replied casually: "You are angered, it's okay, don't take it to your heart."

"Can you take it to your heart!" Mu Yang frowned and gave her a blank look, worrying: "The first day you came to work, something happened to the students in the class..."

"It's okay." Nan Feng patted her on the shoulder and asked with a smiley face: "Teacher Mu, you said so much, do you have a crush on me?"

Mu Yang's face turned red in an instant, she patted Nan Feng's paws away, and hid away, and said angrily: "Who has a crush on you! I have someone I like."

"I know I know, isn't that me!" Nan Feng said shamelessly.

"Here it is!" Mu Yang glanced at her: "I remember someone who seems to have issued a military order in front of a leader? He said he would take the third squad from the bottom of the ranks." Mu Yangyi pointed out: "You Don't lose the chain, you won't look good on the face of the liberal arts champion by then."

"I don't care about so much!" Nan Feng snorted and said, "My mission is not this."

"Then what are you doing back?" Mu Yang was taken aback and asked immediately. She has always been confused about Nan Feng's decision to return to school.

She didn't know why Nan Feng chose to come back. She couldn't understand Nan Feng's approach, although in her heart, she hoped so.

Nan Feng thought that of course I came back to pursue you, but she thought that even if she said that, Mu Yang would not believe it, so she straightforwardly said: "Of course I came back to pursue Teacher Mu."

The student in front looked back in shock.

Mu Yang stared: "What are you watching, haven't you seen the jokes between your girlfriends?" Then, she turned her head, looked at Nan Feng seriously, and said, "Don't say anything like this in the future."

Nan Feng nodded honestly: "Okay."

Nan Feng, don't do this anymore—don't do this anymore—I'm afraid I will miss you uncontrollably, and I'm afraid I won't be able to control my own feelings.

A group of people came to the infirmary in a mighty manner. Mr. Wu in the infirmary was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him, and hurriedly stood up: "What?

What's wrong! "

Nan Feng squeezed in and said with a grin: "Teacher Wu! I'm sorry! The student in the class fainted, it should be heat stroke."

Teacher Wu glanced at Nan Feng and said angrily: "Oh, it's you!" Then, she raised her head and glanced out of the window, and said with no anger: "You fool me? This weather? In the morning? Twenty degrees Celsius? "

"Hey hey! Teacher Wu, everyone's physique is different!" Nan Feng still had a hippy smile, but Mu Yang couldn't stand it anymore. He poked her and signaled to see the students quickly.

"Teacher Wu... can you show it?" Nan Feng looked up. "This young man was late this morning, didn't wear school uniform, and even dyed his hair to hit the teacher. I was training him, and he fainted." Nan Feng took a look. The information of System 666 said that it has been scanned and that Cheng Zhou should wake up. Nan Feng continued: "Let's see, is there any problem with this child?"

Then, Nan Feng looked at the other students and said, "Thank you, everyone, I will invite everyone to lunch later." She took out her meal card and handed it to the leading student: "Go, go, swipe my card. "

This student is the monitor of the Muyang class. Seeing Nan Feng being so polite, he subconsciously refused: "No teacher, this is what we should do. Besides, you give us the meal card, you noon How to eat?"

"Hold it." Nan Feng smiled and leaned on Mu Yang's body: "I will have dinner with your teacher Mu at noon." She looked at Mu Yang pitifully and said, "Right, teacher Mu~"

Mu Yang gritted his teeth and said to the monitor of his class: "You have to do it, you don't have to save money for Teacher Nan."

The monitor's eyes lit up and he bowed: "Thank you Teacher Nan, thank you Teacher Mu! I wish the two teachers a hundred years!"

Mu Yang's eyes widened, and he hurriedly denied: "Who told you that we are—that kind of relationship?"

"Good, good!" Nan Feng said with a smile: "If you are married, please have a wedding candy!"

Squad leader of the fourth class, it's hitting it, it's hitting it! From today I am Mu Yang and Nan Feng’s CP fan! Who would dare to say that Mu Yang and Nan Feng are not-yes I am anxious to him!

When the students left, Mu Yang calmly said, "When can you correct this unobstructed problem?"

Nan Feng narrowed her mouth aggrievedly, she took a deep breath and asked, "Mu Yang, do you really not like me?"

"Even if it's... a little bit, haven't you had it?"

Looking at Nan Feng's watery eyes, Mu Yang felt that her heart seemed to be severely hit in an instant, just like—the shock and the escape again and again, she couldn't resist, couldn't resist.

This is the person she has liked for many years, and this is a feeling she can't say. If you say it, then it's risking the world's bad faith and violating the teacher's ethics. She had thought about it for a long time before, so let's do it-or one by one, she can't be with Nan Feng anymore. It's good to live alone like this.

As long as Nan Feng has a good life, everything is good, it will be the best.

But Nan Feng came back, stood in the place closest to her, smiled at her, and said to her: "Mu Yang, do you really dislike me? Even a little bit, don't you?"

Mu Yang was at a loss.

She didn't know what she was going to do. Fortunately, at this moment, Teacher Wu in the infirmary gave Cheng Zhou a checkup, raised her head and greeted Nan Feng, and interrupted the conversation between the two: "Nan Feng! Your students are all right! I'm already awake!"

Teacher Wu-took off his gloves while grumbling: "Will you play with me? The student woke up as soon as I entered."

The conversation was interrupted, and the original aggressive atmosphere disappeared in an instant. Mu Yang felt a little grateful, but a little disappointed. She couldn't tell where her loss came from, just looking at Nan Feng's profile, she didn't know what to say.

"Really?" Nan Feng had a certain number in her heart. She pretended to be surprised at this moment, and then laughed again and again: "Ms. Wu has a wonderful hand to rejuvenate, and he is healed at first sight!"

"Cheng Chengcheng, don't buckle my top hat!" Teacher Wu scolded with a smile, "The students are fine, and they will be able to go back in a while." She said, looking at Mu Yang and Nan Feng, and said with a smirk: " But you two are really together?"



The two spoke at the same time, Nan Feng turned his head to look at Mu Yang, and said with a smile: "It's a fake, I just said it for fun." Mu Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, you two have such a tacit understanding. It's a shame not to be a couple!" Teacher Wu sighed, suddenly remembering something, and then asked: "Right! You two are the only two remaining teachers in the school. Single dog?"

Mu Yang and Teacher Wu are usually familiar with each other, and said in a bad mood: "What single dog, you can't shudder both of us just because you got out of the order!"

"Thank you, my fault!" Teacher Wu touched her chin, and swept his eyes between the two for a long time.

Mu Yang said uncomfortably: "Teacher Wu, if my students are okay, I will take them away." Nan Feng also echoed: "Right, yes, trouble teacher Wu!"

"Do it well. Throw it away when you use it up." Teacher Wu rolled her eyes and said in a bad tone: "I have seen you thoroughly. Go, go, remember to let the students observe again, and don't exercise vigorously."

"Okay, okay." Nan Feng repeatedly agreed, and then said to Mu Yang: "Teacher Mu, you wait for me here for a while. I'll see how he is doing. If there is nothing serious, let him go back to the class."

"Okay, let me have a few words with Teacher Wu, you go." Mu Yang nodded.

Nan Feng opened the door and saw Cheng Zhouyi's face unlovable. She chuckled lightly, sat next to him, and asked, "Didn't you just be tough? J confronted Teacher Renmu. Why is this happening? Are you afraid again?"

Cheng Zhouyi was stunned, he was still outside the situation. From the moment he met this woman, he discovered that things were starting to go wrong. His original smooth life seemed to be greatly reduced after meeting this woman.

Even just now—he actually fainted in front of so many classmates! What a shame!

In fact, after all, Cheng Zhou is just a high school student. Even if the system forced his thoughts to mature, it would be tantamount to facilitating growth, and it would not help his own growth in the slightest.

"What happened to me just now?" Cheng Zhou struggled to sit up from the hospital bed. He felt soreness in his limbs, and he seemed to have lost most of his strength. Reading this, he looked at Nan Feng with killing intent in his eyes—

What did this woman do? What did she do? How could my body faint after undergoing system transformation?

Cheng Zhou couldn't understand it, but this didn't affect Nan Feng's education to him: "Your physique is not good, classmate Cheng Zhou. Have you been so imaginary before?"

Hearing Nan Feng's straightforward sarcasm, Cheng Zhou's eyes widened, and he cursed: "You bastard—"

"Shhh-once I persuade you, think about it and talk again." Nan Feng said with a smile: "Otherwise, I won't know what happens later...but -" Her eyes were on Cheng Zhou's body. After a glance, he sarcastically said, "Anyway, you are still in the infirmary now. Even if you faint again, it's convenient, isn't it?"

If Nan Feng's tone was ridiculous at first, it is now a complete warning.

"What the **** do you want to do?" Cheng Zhou took a deep breath and looked at Nan Feng a little bit more and stayed away. This woman is not simple, he doesn't know what Nan Feng wants to do to him.

She treats herself this way, is it premeditated? Is someone looking at yourself?

Nan Feng didn't know his inner brain replenishment, but even if he knew it, he wouldn't care too much. She chuckled her lips and said, "You just scolded Teacher Mu."

Cheng Zhou was stunned.

"Don't understand?" Nan Feng tilted his head and looked at him with a smile.

"What the **** are you going to do!" When Nan Feng saw that, Cheng Zhou felt like being stared at by a lone wolf. He shuddered unconsciously, trembling in his tone, and asked again.

"What should I do if I did something wrong?" Nan Feng frowned and looked at him: "You don't even know this, do you?"

"Isn't it just apologizing to Mu-teacher Mu!" Cheng Zhou's voice was a little trembling: "I-I apologize!"

Nan Feng straightened up and said with a smile: "You have been so good, so I don't need to spend any more words."

Cheng Zhou thought tremblingly, who knew that you worked so hard to do so much to make me apologize to Mu Yang! Can't you say something straight? Must it be so scary?

"Okay, you're fine, now go back to class." Nan Feng said calmly: "Ms. Mu Yang is outside, remember to apologize to her." Then Nan Feng added: "You remember yourself What to do and what not to do, I will always-" She pointed her eyes, smiled and said, "I will always follow you."

Cheng Zhou only felt cold all over, he jumped out of bed, and when he opened the door, he saw Mu Yang standing next to Teacher Wu. He was stunned. But after a breath, he lowered his head and whispered, "Teacher Mu, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that to you just now."

Nan Feng walked out from the door behind him.

Mu Yang looked at Nan Feng for help, but the latter just nodded and smiled at her.

Mu Yang calmed down and nodded to Cheng Zhou: "Well, it's okay, go back to class as soon as possible."

Cheng Zhou turned his head and met Nan Feng directly. He was covered in hair and left as if he had fled.

"Huo, it's okay!" Teacher Wu stared at the scene in front of her, and said in shock: "Yes, Nan Feng, can you actually stop this kid?"

"What's wrong with him, Teacher Wu knows?" The surprised person became Nan Feng, and she looked at Teacher Wu in surprise.

Teacher Wu replied: "Who doesn't know this young man, there is a famous thorn in the school." She thought about it, and then added: "Can you make Teacher Han so angry with high blood pressure, can it be terrible?"

"Ms. Han?" Nan Feng didn't quite understand this, she looked at Mu Yang.

Mu Yang understood clearly, and explained to her: "Ms. Han teaches politics. He is a politics teacher in Class 3 and Class 4." She sighed: "Mr. Han is so good-tempered. I haven't seen her for so many years. I got angry. Just a month ago, I was so angry that I was guilty of high blood pressure. I almost passed by. No, I just came back from the hospital."

Nan Feng nodded, scratched his head, and thought: "It seems that there are too many people who want to apologize to this kid?"

"Let me just say, the wicked have to be grinded by the wicked." Teacher Wu jokingly said: "You, the school bully back then, are suitable for dealing with the current school bully."

"Hey hey! Teacher Wu, can we not expose the old bottom?" Nan Feng's eyes widened, wishing to stop Teacher Wu's mouth.

"What to do!" Teacher Wu smiled: "I'm complimenting you!"

"Yes, stop it." Nan Feng sipped her lips and sighed: "I'm going to eat. It's been a whole morning, I haven't eaten yet!" She leaned on Mu Yang again, and sighed. On her shoulder, she said coquettishly: "Teacher Mu~Teacher Mu~You do well, and take your poor colleague to dinner~"

Mu Yang trembled all over, and quickly said to Teacher Wu: "The two of us are leaving first, you are busy!"

"Good, good." Teacher Wu smiled and watched the two walk away, touching his chin and exclaimed: "It's a pity that these two are not a couple."

"Nan Feng, I want to tell you something seriously." Walking out of the door of the infirmary, Mu Yang took a deep breath and planned to have a good talk with Nan Feng.

"What's the matter?" Nan Feng was taken aback.

"Be careful when you speak later, we have nothing to do." Mu Yang avoided Nan Feng's gaze. She looked at the towering sycamore tree by the roadside and whispered: "So, please don't say anything else that is misleading. That's it."

Nan Feng also noticed that Mu Yang deliberately avoided her eyes. She lowered her head and lowered her voice, "So, don't you like me?"

Mu Yang was startled. Her heart is clamoring-I like you! I love you! How could I not love you, for so many years, you are my midnight dream, my tossing and turning, I miss you all the time, I love you all the time. But I can't say, I can't tell you my feelings, because it cannot be said.

Mu Yang didn't know how to speak, so she chose to escape.

"I don't like you." Mu Yang dropped such a sentence, and immediately, she took a step forward and left.

Nan Feng stood there, looking at her back innocently.

Mu Yang said that she didn't like herself. But-didn't she say that she has someone she likes? For the first time in so many worlds, Mu Yang said that she didn't like herself.

Standing under the sun, Nan Feng staggered and almost fell.

She was wrong, she was too sure, sure that Mu Yang would not leave herself, sure that Mu Yang must love herself. After all, they have spent so many worlds together, and they have grown old hand in hand so many times.

But now, in this world, Mu Yang said that she didn't like herself.

Nan Feng wanted to cry aggrieved, but she couldn't. She took a deep breath, but it was only a breathing time, and she made a decision.

She wants to pursue Mu Yang, just like the previous worlds—she wants to be with Mu Yang.

Mu Yang seemed to leave without mercy, but in fact his eyes were already red. She was afraid that she would lose control if she stayed with Nan Feng again, and she was afraid that she would not be able to control herself. Her heart has been in Nan Feng, but she would rather put this feeling in her heart.

Don't announce it to the public, don't announce it to the public.

Mu Yang took a few steps, and suddenly remembered that Nan Feng had just given her meal card to the student, and she didn't have a meal card to eat now.

It's not my business! Mu Yang took another two steps in anger, but Nan Feng's grievances appeared in her mind again. She could no longer deceive herself, her throat rolled, and her head turned away.

Nan Feng stood in place, tears still flashing in his eyes.

Seeing Mu Yang turned her head, her grievance could no longer be restrained. Nan Feng rushed forward, hugged Mu Yang, and said with tears, "Sister! You don't want me!"

Mu Yang froze. She wanted to push Nan Feng away, but she wanted to hold her tighter. And she did follow her heart to do so.

She hugged Nan Feng tightly, coaxing her and said, "Okay, stop crying."

Nan Feng sniffed and felt even more aggrieved: "Aren't you wanting me anymore!"

Mu Yang smiled helplessly. Who would have thought that Nan Feng, the original school boss, and Teacher Nan, the current head teacher, would actually be a little crying bag?

"Okay, don't cry," Mu Yang patted her on the back: "You are obedient, I will invite you to dinner." After that, she snorted again:

"Little crying bag."

Nan Feng's eyes widened, and then he realized that his world was determined to be fierce! She sniffed, wiped her face, puffed her cheeks and said, "I'm not a little crying bag!"

Mu Yang half-opened her mouth and looked at her blankly, "Huh?"

Teacher Nan snorted proudly: "Eat!"

After Mu Yang realized, he coaxed her and said, "Well, you're not a little crying bag, okay?"

"If you do this, I will tell others that you will let me watch Bunny!"

"Tutu? What tutu?" Mu Yang recalled, her eyes widened, her face blushed, and angrily said: "You are not allowed to tell others! Such a shameful thing! I want a face!"

"Do you want a face?"


"Then do you want me?"

"Crap—" Mu Yang almost bit her tongue. She rubbed her face and tried to make her cheeks look less red. Unfortunately, it was counterproductive and her face turned red: "Do you have a crush on me?"

Mu Yang originally said this sentence because he wanted Nan Feng to reflect on himself, but it was a pity that Teacher Nan was not only extremely unclear about his self-awareness, but even had a thick skin to a certain extent.

Seeing that Nan Feng didn't change her face and her heart was not beating, she nodded and said seriously: "Yes, I have a crush on you." After saying these words, Nan Feng was not enough. She broke her fingers and added: "Not only that, but I came back here to be the head teacher of the first and third class of high school, it is also for you."

Mu Yang thought, even though she knew that Nan Feng's words were all jokes, she was still very happy to hear her say so.

Nanfeng is wronged; I am clearly telling the truth!

"Are you hungry?" Mu Yang didn't answer her words, just changed the topic and asked.

Nan Feng touched her belly. She only drank a cup of coffee in the morning to stop the whole week and didn't eat anything else. At the moment, her belly was groaning with hunger. She grieved: "Ms. Mu didn't call me for dinner in the morning, I'm so hungry."

"Let you give the meal card to the students." Mu Yang lightly tapped on her forehead, and said, "I will ask you to eat together in the morning, okay?"

"Okay!" Nan Feng replied loudly. Then, looking at Mu Yang's uncontrollable smile, she suddenly realized something was wrong: "What time do you get up in the morning?"

"Five o'clock!" Mu Yang replied as expected.

"But it's not until six ten ten to punch in?" Nan Feng was even more dazed.

"Yeah, don't you want to get up in the morning to exercise?" Mu Yang patted her shoulder: "I will get up in the morning and ask you to run together so that I can have breakfast together!"

Nan Feng: Ai Ru Ai? I just want to eat with my wife, not to get up early for a run!

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