Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (200) The enemy's desperate strike and Ai Jiang's "Li..

But even if Aijiang has almost endless magic power content, and even in terms of quality and concentration, it should be at least comparable!

But I don't know why~ the magic caused by these natural magical powers seems to be a vain appearance under the protection of Fritia's own magical aura, and looks fragile like an egg touching a stone.

In the collision of less than a minute, they turned into necessity as if they were disintegrating from the inside, so why did Aichan plant such a huge trap, even with such a good inscription technique, but still can't stop her at all. There is no threat at all...

(Why? Why? Obviously I should have the upper hand in the quality and total amount of magic power, and according to my dear theory, I don't have too many reasons to be restrained! What's wrong?)

"Damn...I can't do this trick, and the high-level magic that has been prepared for a long time can't cure you! "Meteor Type-Great Flame Array"! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

‘Om~Om~Om, bang~bang, bang~bang, hoo~hoo~hoo’

But Aichan, who has not yet understood the principle, is also gnawing his teeth like a huge natural magic power obtained through magic absorption, and then using this good high-level magic killer that has been charged for a long time!

For a while, a large amount of orange-red magic power was like an ignorant fire, instantly covering and sweeping Flydia, who was still rushing in mid-air at high speed.

Suddenly it fell into a very violent flame vortex, and was burned by the flames that are comparable to the temperature of magma all the time, and all the surrounding existence could not withstand the gradual and endless melting of such high temperatures. stand up……

(Okay! I'm quite bored!)

" what I just said did you avoid listening? You are really a stubborn donkey who can't teach! Hey~hey~hey!!!"

‘Buzz~Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz

" is it possible? The good offensive just now was shattered by a magical cyclone so easily... It's a lie? How can I fight this..."

"Da~Da~Da, Pa~Da"

And just as Fritia was burned all over but unscathed, she felt like she was overly disappointed after watching a good monkey show, how after drinking it once, it burst out with a small amount of magic power, and it was destroyed all at once. All the high-level flame magic energy of Ai-chan is around.

This situation seemed to win more with less, directly like a hammer hitting Aijiang's heart, it was a heavy attack, so she, who was a little frightened and even sweating, shook her very much. He leaned back on the wall behind him as if shaking his head, and may not be able to return to his senses for a while...

(Is this only a beginner level in the end? Sure enough, I was really expecting her to be able to awaken her own magic power or even possess magic characteristics...Is it really an excessive expectation?)

"It doesn't matter! It's already like this after all, so let's start to end it! Little girl! "One sword breaks dust"!!!"

‘Om~Om~Om, huh~唰~唰, 噌~噌~噌, 咚~哐’

When I saw that the current Aichan was nothing more than the expression of an incompetent person, I knew the magic that was dominated by high-level natural magic just now...

Feeling that there was no value to expect from Flydia, she picked up the one-handed sword in her hand that hadn't been swung for a long time, and directly wrapped it with a good degree of black and purple magical sword skill halo.

Facing the godless love sauce in front, it is a homeopathic slash that expands the magic position along the sword tip, and completely cuts the space on the slashing trajectory!


('Danger perception' enemy's attack is coming! I have to avoid it! But the body feels so heavy that she doesn't listen at all, and her sword looks so big! It's big enough to cover all my escape routes! Can't escape! Fall...I not only have no chance of winning with this appearance, I have lost the ability to even simply escape...)

"Are you finished?"

"Shoo~hoo~hoo, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Falling into this state of overwhelming helplessness or even feeling desperate for survival, Ai Chan can only see the blade that cuts through time and space, splitting her vision in two without a slight deviation, and finally being cracked by the huge space. The storm swept in, and then closed it directly so that everything around was calm again...

(There is no problem in the hand, and there is no special magical reaction around it. It seems that it is indeed the deity of the smelly girl! do you always feel that it is too easy? Is it possible~ because of the thing that looks like a hole card, Was it really due to excessive rationality in the process of being defeated in such a simple way, losing the will to fight and then beheading?)

"Um~hmm...Is it because I'm so worried?"

‘Shu~唰~唰, pa~pa, pa~pa~pa’

After this Zhan understood the very ugly Ai-chan situation in front of him, although the magic feedback from the one-handed sword, it really felt like killing him.

But... I don’t know when~ Fritia felt that all of this... is too logical, so I slowly closed the scabbard and kept a slightly suspicious look.

I looked at this place where the natural magic power was over-transformed by Ai Jiang, but I still can’t see why it is so~ Along with all its remaining magical aura traces, walk around bit by bit to confirm again...

(Very dangerous...If it weren't for the life-saving sword skill of "Li Dai Tao Zang" that can be linked with the "Shadow Warrior", it would be impossible to escape from such a terrible magic sword skill!)

(And this situation as if the King Kong is not broken is really puzzling...what is wrong with me or where is there a mistake in my dear theory? I really don't understand a lot at all. ...)

"Haha~haha...haha~haha... the heart almost stopped... it's really tough..."

And just like Fritia’s premonition, using her more real situation "Shadow Warrior" to replace the Aichan of her death, she is now hiding in a hidden area outside the cave far away from her, almost full of sweat on her body. She was dripping, leaning against the wall and breathing the fresh air around her panting.

After all, facing the enemy's helpless situation directly, with the feeling of experiencing that deadly sword skill for almost a short time, then the situation of escape is very rigorous like a big escape magic!

It’s like a lingering continual feedback of memories along the upper and lower nerves of my body, and it’s constantly responding to the strong premonition reminding effect of the previous ‘dangerous perception’...

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