Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (224) Greedy Little Badass

For a while, it made Aichan feel a lot more troublesome, not only that ~ even the'Magic Vine', who was able to solve this dilemma before, was not brought into this special environment, and let Aichan give priority to escape. stand up……

  (What to do? Now I can use the fusion of magic and sword skills as an auxiliary means! But how do I suppress this magical air mass first!)


  Also knowing what means currently possesses, Ai-chan is constantly using these two abilities to quickly evade the attacks brought by the magical air group, especially this offensive that seems to penetrate her magical barrier!

  Let him survive only by dodge and sneak away. After all, a hit may be as sloppy as the meat wall and floor being hit by the side! Such a very helpless situation directly put it into a dilemma!

  【Listen...Can you hear me? grown ups! 】

  (This voice! Could it be Gilly Field outside?)

【can hear! Any suggestions? Bang~bang~bang, bang~dong~dong]

  But in this situation, Ai-chan reluctantly responded to this sound like a sound!

  But it was because she was disturbed by explosions everywhere, it was very difficult to reach the local mind as a juice... It can be seen that the communication situation between the two parties is really terrible...

  【Very good! I think you sir, you should have encountered your magic power. After listening to this action, it is true that you are too nervous because of the sudden meeting, and then you can't control yourself to release magic indiscriminately! This is also how it acted like a baby, so please don't mind! 】

  【This is called acting like a baby? I'm afraid I will wait for being hit! The whole person is muddy, right? Stop talking nonsense to me. (▼綠▼#) Quickly tell me how to subdue it! ! ! (ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻】

  When you hear the other party's lazy words that seem to be irrelevant to oneself! Aichan felt like her whole person was ill with almost black face, and then she called for help to this experienced existence!

  【Ha~ha~ha! It's okay~ It's okay! As long as you can call its name correctly! All this will naturally calm down and talk! But~ you have to let it tell you the name consciously! (≧▽≦) Then the guidance is over, goodbye! 】

  【Hey~Hey~Hey! do not……】


  And it’s an extremely unreliable reminder that for a while, the suffering Aijiang was stupid... after all, it was sent as if there was no help at all, making Aijiang confused...

  (If I have a way to know the name of the other party! What am I going to ask you for? But ~ can be regarded as the main clue! The question is... how to get the other party to hand over the name obediently! (=_=))

  (Are you acting like a baby and can't control your emotions? It looks like a full child's reaction! Wait...a child? Could it really be...)

   "I can only try! Go!"

  ‘Om~Om~Om, hu~hu~hu’

   itself does have some headaches. After a period of accidental analysis, it seems to have seen some good possibilities, so it should not be too late to realize something! Just sprinkle around so casually, but I continue to run away and get a distance...


  (This is sweet and delicious! Could it be something that you haven’t seen before (?ò?ó?)?)

  ‘Hu~hu~hu, huh~huh, bahu~bahu’

  After such a strange action, the magical air mass that attacked her suddenly seemed to be attracted by those scattered objects, and swept all of them into a tornado with a gust of wind!

  Not only that~ Located in the very center of the tornado, a very clever mouth appeared, exposing two rows of white teeth and desperately began to frantically send all those things to the center, and was chewed and swallowed by it!

  Similarly, this is the appearance of even more weird behavior, which makes the magical attack that has been chasing Ai-chan seem to stop suddenly, letting him breathe a sigh of relief...

   "It's delicious~ delicious, it's so delicious! (?????


  (Is it really a greedy ghost? In a sense, it was temporarily relieved by such a whimsical method! The next step is...)


  And after hearing this comfortable and nice chewing sound, Ai Jiang suddenly sat on the fleshy ground with a lot of peace of mind. Looking at this gluttonous magic tornado, I couldn’t help but relax a lot...


   "Is there any more? Humans! It feels like that is not enough to get stuck between teeth! In exchange, I can answer your question that does not violate your principles! (?°3°?)

And it was during this time that Ai Jiang was relieved, this magic tornado as if not eating enough, actually slowly floated in front of her, and then the mouth disappeared, revealing two big watery sapphire eyelids, blinking. Suggested to him in a very noble tone.

  It seems that he still likes this good food situation, and exchanges good terms for everything delicious in his hands!

  (It's really a cute existence like a cat, I didn't expect to be hooked by some instant food so soon! If you knew it, you wouldn't be chased by it!)

"Eh~ Eh! I have a lot of food of this level I accept your proposal! In exchange, you have to tell me your name! Otherwise, you don’t know anything. Get it again!"

  After confirming that the food has special effects on it, it seems that Ai Jiang, who has the first hand or even the advantage of negotiation, responded to it! After all, it would be a bargain to end it this way!

  (My name? Does he want to subdue me? Σ(っ°Д°;)っ is really an ambitious existence!)

  "No way (▼綠▼#) names seem to us like a kind of energy body, it is as precious as wealth and life, so let's change to a separate one!"

  It’s a pity that when the place heard the request, it refused without even thinking about it! It can be seen how the food that loves the subsequent realization of the food is now, but it seems to have touched its bottom line to make her move to other topics as soon as possible!

   (Sure enough, it's not as simple as you thought, it seems that you can only try from other directions!)

   "Okay! You just calm down and talk to me? I must have enough food here! (σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ”

  "Is it just a chat to get something delicious? That's good, as long as I can get back to you, just talk! (?ò?ó?

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