Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (281) Online Q&A or explain Miyou...

But~ Judging from the many existing words and numbers, just regular splicing is enough to make Yun a headache, let alone find something like the password to open the door here.

It's even more terrible than it's difficult to climb to the sky, so some clouds who don't have a clue just clasp their arms and complain like this...

‘Da~Da~Da, Gada~Gada, 嗵~嗵~嗵’

(Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he got to do? But this time I did nothing!)

"It doesn't matter, let's step back and talk!"

‘Sw~tah, tah~tah~tah’

Not long after the cloud complained, it seemed as if something had been triggered here, causing the next violent noise to be heard around, and not only that~ there were also a lot of shakes in this space to varying degrees!

So Yun, who felt that there might be some danger, retreated subconsciously to the vicinity of the passage when he came, and just watched the specific changes around him nervously...

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, 喤~嘡, Ga~ga~ga, 嗵~嗵~嗵’

(Yes! It seems that something appears above these two large modules... which is a... sentence?)

"Or ~ hint?"

‘Boom~ boom~ boom, hoo~ hoo~ hoo’

After being vigilant for a while, I saw that only the two large plates were directly above the position, suddenly a long strip of position was sunken, and then a few squares were quickly highlighted from left to right from the middle, and the text sentence was quickly formed after the hour.

In order to see what is written on the cloud more clearly, I just used a floating auxiliary flying magic to hover directly in front of it and watch it from a close distance...

(Uh~Uh...probably it means~ ‘what academy did I enter?’ I should mean the priest, right?)

"Well~Well! If I hadn't read that diary when I came here! I am afraid I would never know it? Although there may be tampered content, I hope it is the correct answer!"

"Boom~boom~boom, da~da~da, boom~bang"

At close range, after Yun frowned and slowly read the content shown above, he concretized a few ‘Shadow Warriors’ as if they were suspicious.

Then move the text and digital library-like squares on the left together in the following division, let it spell a new sentence on the single-sentence module on the right!

(Uh~Uh... I remember it seems to be "Leonria School of Magic"!)

"OK! See how it reacts!"


With the joint efforts of several "Shadow Warriors", the text module that seemed to be nothing but heavy, was directly combined in a right-to-left manner, and the text was slowly spelled from the end.

Yun, full of anxiety, took a distance from the "Shadow Warriors" again, fearing that the unfortunate thing that happened in the first place before will happen again!

‘Da~Da~Da, Gada~Gada, Boom~Boom~Boom, P~Da’

(Did nothing special happen? Is it right or wrong?)

"Cut~Cut...I really like selling off! Can't it be a little bit more refreshing? Hmm~hmm! This is!!! Hey~hey~hey! Is there an online Q&A? There is actually another new question!"

But~ In fact, except for the place where the problem occurred at the beginning, it suddenly sank and the sound of a large number of magical organs inside, there was actually nothing terrible in the entire area where the cloud was.

But that is, when Yunwei Differential God went to look at other positions, the second problem position that was sunken for the second time, the next problem appeared like a new problem!

(What~what... ‘what’s my name’? I’ll go, there’s no mention of it in your entire diary, okay? Are you trying to kill me, just give me a very legitimate reason?)

"One more move! Why don't you just send me a lethal organ? It's not right! If you look at it based on the previous question!"

"It's obviously asking what I should know! Otherwise, it's too clueless and there is no need to play it like this! Or ~ hidden in the content of the diary?"

"It's really an organ that tests people's memory! It also looks for hidden information inside like a riddle! It's really disgusting!"

"Om~Om~Om, 喤~喤~喤, 嗉~嗉~嗉'

Having said that, the cloud who probably knew the clues immediately sat on the ground and closed his eyes, and then used the memory stored in his brain in this way to work with magic calculations, reproduction, and screening methods to desperately search for hidden answers...

(No...this is not! Damn it~ Most of the diaries are not the work diaries of the priest during his lifetime, but also a lot of trivial and ordinary trivial things. No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t seem to have such clues about its name...Is it impossible? ~ Is it really a trap to tease me and eliminate the intruder?)

"Heh~he~he... It looks like Wance really stopped..."

After reviewing all the stored diary fragments 134 times in his head, Yun, who seemed to be clueless, immediately opened his eyes, and then shook his head in such a desperate manner while holding his forehead.

After all, no matter how subtle and inconspicuous the fragments and other things, he tried to use various whimsical ways to combine as useful information as possible, but it is a pity~ the obtained are all unruly and non-formed, so let it be. Suffering like this for a long time...

"Xxx year x month Today’s weather is really too cold, not as warm as my hometown. To be honest, I still think of the warm and lively feeling at home from time to time, whether it is for Suramy Textiles, or the delicious winter delicacies, are things to linger on for me! 》

"At the same time, it made me look at the appearance of that little Hill from time to time, and then sat alone in the room to study the knowledge of magic that I love, but ~ but? Am I really alone? 》

(This is... it seems that the priest looked out the window in winter and wrote with his hand pen when he was alive, right? But~but...why does the magic calculation jump out of this chapter at this time?)

(No~no! It should be one of the most incomprehensible content fragments that appeared in the screening! Otherwise, it won't be broadcast to me like this automatically!)

"Winter, special textiles for Xiurami, winter delicacies, and Xiao Xier? Is it possible~ this is the possible clue! Wait for me to cut and combine it and see! It is better than nothing! "

When suddenly such an article from the priest's diary popped out of my mind, in fact, the cloud was confused and didn't know what it meant...

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