Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (283) Mixed Climate Zone


"Eh~ Eh? Whoa ah~ ah!!!"

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, wow~ wow, bang~bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang~

But what I expected was that at this moment when Yun was still complaining, he suddenly stepped on and slipped slightly, and then he didn't react in time like this, and rolled down quickly, bumping him around. Everywhere is a loud noise like'ding ding ~ dong dong'...

"Hoo~hoo~hoo, p~ta"

"Woo Woo ...... hurt ~ ~ ~ pain hurts ...... I really too hard, right? Such moments have the gall to make such a stupid mistake ...... really enough! Ah ah ~? ~ Here is where ah?"

‘Guru~guru, wah~wah, wah~wah~wah, wah~wah~wah’

And when I fell to a soft lawn-like ground like a ‘jili~guru’, some people thought that they had rolled outside, so they sat up straight and looked around quickly.

But ~ some people are unexpectedly this incredible and weird scenery in front of them! Unexpectedly, it would be so magical, I just let it look at it...

The first is the large amount of red-red moist soil around the cloud, and the green grass a few centimeters high, and the second is about tens of meters directly opposite it.

There is a turbulent river that is very blue, as if an underground river is converging downwards, and is clear to the bottom. On the other side of the river, there are indeed countless cold and transparent glacial snowfields, as if the whole river makes it clear in spring and winter in front of the clouds... …

(My God, this is as interesting as the two heavens of ice and fire, and it is a zone that is contrary to common sense, but if it were not for the different kinds of magical powers, I am afraid I would really be more emotional!)

"At first glance, it seems that there are no traps, but under such an overly calm appearance, there are always unexpected and terrible traps. After all, the first agency in front has already proved this fact. In the second level, luck was very good and there was no problem..."

After passing through the magical feeling that continued to operate in this wide and oblong underground space, Yun quickly recovered from a hint of surprise.

Then he thought about it and came to such a conclusion, even slowly stepping on the grass, while vigilantly realizing a metal rod, he lowered his body forward like a tentative knock in the front.

On the one hand, he constantly senses the magical changes around him, in case there is another trap with the ability to approach silently, turning it into the same cold corpse as the previous \'Shadow Warrior\'...

(Is it a mixture of water system, light system, wood system, ice system, wind system, fire system, etc., and it belongs to the large-scale maintenance of landform magic? What kind of intention is this? Although I don’t know how it will change to invaders , But you still have to be fully prepared and vigilant!)

‘Om~Om~Om, 喤~ 喤~ 喤, 喤~ 喤~ 喤'

In the same way, Zhong Yun has been constantly on his body, desperately stacking a lot of defensive magic, after all ~ according to common sense! The more you get to the back, the stronger the defense is, so he doesn't dare to be a little negligent, just like this, doing the same for his safety...

‘Hu~hu~hu, hiss~his~his"

(Wait~Wait! The pile of broken grass just flew into the river and it melted? Does this mean that the beautiful river water is highly corrosive?)

"A closer look~ There seems to be no impurities or organisms in the water. It turns out that there is no organisms in the water, so it is so clear and beautiful? Fortunately, there is a breeze! Although~ I didn't intend to directly enter the river. ..."

When it was moving forward so nervously, it was such a gentle breeze that slightly rolled up some broken grass and fell into this terrible river and turned into nothingness directly.

Only then did Yun see that this beautiful, but terrifying, true appearance existed underneath the beautiful appearance, so let him sweat as much as possible to stay away from this moving river...

(Since the water is so deadly! Then the severe cold on the opposite side is not as easy as it seems, right? And ~ I also didn't see any creatures there, of course, only a few evergreen pine Except for signs of life, nothing else is seen!)

"Couldn't it be... that side is not so good, right? The only normal thing is that this side looks like a small prairie location at the beginning?"

After slightly guessing the cloud based on the existing intelligence, he subconsciously looked at whether there were any specific changes in the wet grassland where he was.

For fear that the only place that may be temporarily safe, there will be such a troublesome situation, forcing him to either bite the bullet and go forward, or return to the original point obediently, and then waste this good time of two options for vain! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

(There is no problem for the time being! So~ how can I confirm the situation there?)

"Yes! Although I don't know how it turns out, I can only try it!"

‘Om~Om~Om, Wow~ Wow~ Wow, Squeak~ Squeak~ Squeak’

After seeing that there was no dangerous change in the place where he was, he slowly came to the cloud less than 50 meters from the shore, so he sat on the ground again and squinted his eyes to think.

After all, he didn't dare to cross this dangerous river at will, and even ran into the icy and snowy area on the opposite side where he didn't know what the situation would be...

But suddenly thinking of something like a cloud, he suddenly gathered his own good magical powers, and instantly concretized a pentagram magical circle right in front of him.

Then he grabbed a small creature with such a sharp cry from it, so tightly squeezed it in his hand and didn't dare to loosen the gap between the fingers too as if I was afraid that this little alive thing would escape.

(Then~ my cute little white mouse! The next step is to see how much information you can give me! After all~ I also exert a lot of auxiliary magic full of heat preservation and protection on your body, as long as you can succeed Leading out a lot of things, it will be more beneficial to my passage!)

"Go! Number 1!"




When it was confirmed that the little thing in his hand was still jumping and wanting to escape, Yun applied multiple protection magic on it, and then accompanied him with a good throwing action.

Just cross the terrible river at the bottom, and let it land on the ground with its head, so that a little white mouse with almost the same snow color plunged into a thick pile of snow!

Among them, it is still swinging its very small hind paws and a long and slender tail...

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