Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (297) Dive into the clouds of state

Then he kept surging his own magic power subconsciously into the surrounding large area, exploring the reason for this very unnatural abnormality!

But it is a pity that this special magic channel connection, unless there is a special magic calculation interpretation, or the operator actively contacts with the other party, otherwise it is generally difficult to find anything unusual!

After all, this is a wonderful combination that produces a wonderful fusion with his original magic, and then goes the other way and feeds its main situation back to the investigation magic! So no matter how hard he works, it's just useless...

(It seems to be an illusion, right? But ~ what should I do next? However, the terrain advantage may be completely gone after the next intersection, and according to the intelligence feedback from the magic power... it is a silence and countless bones. A place like a burial mound? The most towering type of building is probably the remains of huge creatures or something!)

(But the only direction that can look like a road is to lead to this undead army wandering around, as if it were a peculiar place where it thrived!)

"It turns out that the pit you dug for me is here! There is still a way out. Obviously, it is for me to follow this only road to the place where the tiger's den is even more dragon lake..."

"But~ I am afraid that the reason for such a large number of gatherings is probably something important at the end of the road? Otherwise, how could it be so dense and excessive!"

"Da~Da~Da, Whoo~Woo~Woo"

And after Yun really couldn't analyze the magic lock of Kirito and the others, he automatically ignored the weird feeling, and then slowly leaned out, just stretched out his head and began to observe the bottom of the last hidden place. specific situation.

To be honest~ He is now even more murmured about the priest's very relaxed tone, at least the same as his budget, it is not that simple from the beginning!

Even so~ Yun still followed a route that he thought was safe, and quickly stepped down the mountain with the "Shadow Walk", and then walked around the bone decorations that could cover his body, little by little. The undead army not far away slowly moved towards the end of the road...

(So... Yun dear Brother Yun, Brother Yun! What is the purpose of coming to such a place? But it doesn't look like our outside situation in any way! xN)

"It's weird...Is it possible~ It is because of the space magic that the two sisters sensed before, but in fact, now that Yun is in this world, has he been sent to other worlds?"

"'s very possible. After all, haven't we confirmed it before? You can directly enter the world of the'Space Ring' under certain limited circumstances or with the enemy's inherent enchantment magic!"

"Then naturally this possibility is not a problem!"

When Kirito and the others kept tracking the cloud, they also slowly felt that this area was obviously not the inherent barrier of Delphi outside, so Kirito would confirm each other with the original lord mother and daughter on the side in this way.

(So ​​it seems...)

"It means ~ even if we can see and even communicate with the cloud! In fact, it is just a verbal and ideological aid, right? It always feels very troublesome to look at the internal organs..."

"Hmm~hmm! xN"

After hearing that Kirito was negotiating with the mother and daughter of the original lord, Asuna, who slightly understood Yun's current situation, analyzed this way, and aroused the approval of Ai-chan and the rest of the staff...


(So... shall we just stand by and be like a crowd of people eating melons?)

"No~No! If you can get in touch with Yun! Then it will naturally change! Then please two sisters and everyone! Work harder!"

"Oh~hhhhh! We know what you will do! After all, you are Kirito-chan, how could you stare at such a situation so stupidly and do nothing~ Well!"

"Hmm~Hmm! Leave it to us! xN"

‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~咣~咣, 嘀~嘀~嘀’

Similarly, after Kirito looked at the cloud as if he was moving alone, he subconsciously squeezed a few jade fists, and after a period of deep thought, he pleaded like this to everyone!

Of course~ Aijiang and the others never thought about giving up on this, and they also knew that Tongrao’s temperament was impossible to give up easily, so in this state of heart-to-heart again, they began to make their own efforts again. !

(There are about 1,000 meters away to reach the building that looks like a huge pile of bones. I didn't expect ~ the end of this road will be a straight line leading to the inside!)

"However, the situation in this completely scattered wilderness outside, I am afraid that no matter how strong the concealment ability is, it may eventually hit one of the teams and then fight directly. It is not an exaggeration!"

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Gada~ Gada, Zi~ Zi~ Zi, Huata~ Huata’

And that is, while Kirito and the others were still trying to contact Yun, Yun himself followed such a winding circuit, after finally touching a bone at the end of the road.

But when the probe went out and saw the scene of almost five steps, one sentry and ten steps, and with the patrol and garrison of the undead army that rarely existed too much distance, it made him sweat a lot for a while!

(In that case~ you can only simulate the opponent's actions as much as possible to find the strategy that minimizes the chance of being discovered!)

"Then try it!"

‘Om~Om~Om, 喤~喤~喤’

Therefore, Yun can only hide using his own detective magic, and start to face the only 1,000-meter terrain and the reasonable distribution of the surrounding undead army, and then re-present it in his mind. Magic calculations such as estimation and prediction...

(A straight line runs along the regular gap of the opponent's patrol and then rushes directly in?)

"No~ After all, under the observation of investigative magic during this period of time, their patrol rules are a bit too random. It is difficult to fully predict the opponent's actions and reactions in reality in the first time! Once that happens! Exposure will be surrounded by all the undead, trapped into wheels and war of attrition!"

(Then ~ in the way of sounding the east, within the range of 1000 meters or extending 2000 meters, how about playing a multi-point sounding?)

"It's fairly pertinent, but just when I issue a decoy attack, it is possible to break the concealment effect of the'flavor orchid'. I don't know if it will be changed by the existence of some high-level and intelligent undead. Lock it in! After all, their defensive circle configuration does not seem to be carried out autonomously..."

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