Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (3 Hundred and Thirty-nine) A stunning blow, some people do not know...

"Cut~Cut...This is a lot of headache..."

The same ~ also when Asuna's Rangers fell into such a desperate situation, it seemed to have some kind of love sauce with Asuna!

The two dragoons who were commanded for containment tasks took care of each other, and even brought a group of attracted undead dragons behind them, constantly flying around in snakeskin trajectories.

She just avoided a lot of magical attacks like this with great worry, and then subconsciously raised her head to look to the other side, a little far away, but the undead dragon that was furious and swaying wildly at one of them stood up.

But no matter how much she wants to help Asuna, but now she is suffering a lot like a doppelganger. If she is to rescue Asuna, it would be better for her to go out in person and it will be much better.

But it's a pity that she couldn't put these dragoons to fight each other with the undead dragon army, which is more than ten stronger! So what is feasible now is to send out one or several more independent combat capability dragoons to assist the alternative plan...

[Did the dragoon captains of the 7th to 9th teams hear my call? 】

[Yes, Lord! Are there any separate tasks assigned to our three teams? x3】

However, under the circumstances, there was little time for Aichan, who had no time to make a careful plan. In the end, she used the ‘troop command’ to talk to the three named teams...

[That's it! Then this task will be jointly taken over by our three teams! We will do our best to accomplish the goal! x3】

[Then I wish you a prosperous martial arts! 】

‘Shoo~hoo~hoo, bang~patter, hoo~hoo~hoo’

And just after obtaining Ai-chan's rangers' instructions, the three Wulong cavalry on Ai-chan's side suddenly escaped the enemy's magical attack.

Together, they speeded up to Ai Jiang's side to stay with him for a short time, and paid a military salute to him! After that, they all moved to the left and right to side the dragon body gently, so that the team could part ways...

(I hope to be able to cover Asuna, after all, this is the only thing I can do now! So the next step is how to knock down these big things behind me as much as possible!)

"Oh oh~ oh oh!"



It was also confirmed that these three Rangers successfully avoided the enemy's follow-up attacks, and gradually flew towards Asuna, where they were, and the undead dragon flew back.

It immediately accelerated the flying and attacking rhythms of all dragoon teams on this side, and in turn, when evading the enemy's insatiable pursuit of offensives, all the chasing undead dragon teams directly changed their directions and attacked!

It seemed like a sudden change in the fighting style, and I was very focused on evading the counterattack. I was afraid that it was indeed possible that the Undead Army, which had to be transferred from the team to support the ground units, was forced to be unable to leave the airspace and even died. There is a lot of sense of sight like being tied to a rope...

"Boom~Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom"

(The wind direction has changed drastically again! Now in the uppermost air battle, there are two areas of different degrees of magical reaction, which means that the second wave of Gruut’s previous strategic-level magic attacks is almost as if nothing. It's just empty and meaningless!)

(Not only that~ Even just being on the ground next to it was such a terrifying aura that suddenly changed, is it possible~ Are these invaders really immortal than our undead?)

"Oh~h~hh! It's really crazy! Except for this holy place, what is the reason why they don't abandon or give up and fight for their lives like this! Obviously there is no special effect on other races. That's it..."

At the same time, after sensing the sky and the ground from Kirito and the others' surprise attack, Jill, who had not been forced out, sighed a lot as if it had nothing to do with him!

After all~ it seems to understand what is placed in this holy land of the undead, so in turn, it can't understand why Kirito and the others are so desperately launching a Jedi counterattack...

【Heaven's Fury and Flames】

‘Om~Om~Om, dim~di~di’

(The sound of this double reminder is!!! Crazy, they are really completely mad! At the same time, all of us and the direction of the decoy are launched to cover a large range of magic attacks like a high magic reaction!)

"No! The fact that this magical power keeps rising and even exceeds the threshold of ordinary high-level magic, it seems that it is a direct strategic-level magic attack on us! Damn! All members are ready for new magical defense, fast~fast!"


‘Hey~ 咣~ 咣, 喤~喤~喤, Zi~ Zi~ Zi, bang~ bang, bang~ bang~ bang"

And that is, when Jill quickly discovered and even analyzed the possibility of Aisha and their magic for the first time, his first reaction was to actively increase his defense against magic.

And that is, when it is already in action, it comes from such a terrifying scene that is like a huge ball of raging fire falling from the sky, directly pressing on the ground and causing an extraordinary explosion.

Let it have to be broken by the concealed magic from Tiya before, completely using multiple composite magic barriers to welcome its series of destruction.

I'm afraid that this situation falls on any person with some magic skills, it will be a dumb bitter like eating coptis and can't tell the situation...


"What's the situation? Why do they directly use such high-level strategic magic on the edge of their Is it possible~ Is it the two guys who have not seen the shadow that they were discovered in a sneak attack?"

"What a stupid thing! Tiya, Jill! After all, even my strategic magic can't affect me at all. Is it possible that you can solve it by changing it?"

The same~ After all, the aftermath of such an attack magic and even the magic reaction is too strong, even Gruut, who is hiding in the dark, is shocked by this behavior!

After all, it had hit the Kirito and the others in such a good way of fighting like this, and they were caught off guard in the state of demolishing the east wall and repairing the west wall, but now this Aisha and the others are starting to face the situation like a big surprise.

Let them understand at once who they are dealing with, and use such terrible methods as mobilizing the crowd, to be honest~ When they knew the existence of the other two who were supposed to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight and then reap the benefits of the fishermen, they were attacked like this.

It doesn't know whether it should say that they deserve to die, or whether it should be sad and weakened their strong defense capabilities that should be united. After all, the pros and cons of this matter are for their undead defenders, so It looks like a huge loss!

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