Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (349) Multiple Purposes

Now with a loss of about one-third, he barely stood at a position less than 100,200 meters away from the Void Fault, and was still panting with his subordinates.

I subconsciously sighed and looked at the situation of the people around me so much, it can be said that it is really too embarrassing and a lot of sense of sight...

‘Clap clap clap’

"But all of this is not worthless! At least now we can invade it! Jill! There is no time for you and the team to rest this minute! Join me through the enemy's defensive net and directly attack the formation. Right!"

"Oh oh oh! But wait until you, my lovely Tiya sauce! Then destroy the other party's supply point!"

"Ah ah ah quack!!! xn"

"Swish, buzz, buzz"

And when Jill felt that they were ready to be exposed, Tiya, who hadn't spoken for a long time, spoke to him like this!

Also knowing that the hard days are barely coming to an end, it just yelled to the two remaining teams behind it, and without hesitation, it rushed into front of it without much hesitation, in the void of the fault that hasn't changed much...

However, this time it was not as good as before. They were not sublimated and extinct collectively, but as if stepping into a general two-way portal, they came into an ordinary tunnel full of magical power!

From the current situation, it seems that Tiya has connected the hidden internal passage, which directly evaded the defensive net of the undead characteristics, and how can he rush in with integrity!

‘Di di di di’

"The detected enemy is still alive!"

"Not only that, the opponent has successfully broken the effect of the defensive net, and now we are driving straight into our square from the position where we used strategic magic before!"

And that is the time when Tiya and the others invaded the Void Fault, it seemed that the magic feedback from Asia and the others, which was slightly delayed, came one after another. Therefore, Silica and Xing, who were in return, were so sweaty and stunned to Asia Check and report again.

(Sure enough, it is difficult to destroy them directly like reaching the sky compared to the same period? After all, it is predicted that the opponent should have a high-level magician, plus the ability to fight or even decompose the spell... I am afraid it will be much stronger than us! )

"There is no way! Notify the personnel who can resume the inscription spell in the position, use the strong concealment magic to evacuate, and then let all the idle teams return to the position as quickly as possible to get more time to come back!"

"Hey? Aishachan! Just give up such a big position?"

"Hmm! Isn't it too sloppy? xn"

From the results of the current intelligence summary, Aisha, who felt that it was almost time to stop, directly issued the double-insurance feint instruction, and Silica and the others, who didn't understand it for a while, asked them like this!

After all, according to the current overall form, the size of the enemy's team is not as strong as their garrison. It can be completely encircled and annihilated, and then re-armed! Naturally, there is no way to understand why Aisha gave up such a good advantage and chose to change positions!

"Haha! You guys! Don't forget the lessons we learned on the battlefield before? Although the strength and quality are not necessarily inferior to the other side, we are missing the commander directly over there!"

"Even if we can now use such long-distance control to give unified orders to all teams on the other side, don't forget that there is a fatal disadvantage for us on such a chaotic battlefield now! That is communication delay!"

After seeing Silica and the others have good power on their side, and gradually become too arrogant and even blinded, Asia shook her head like this and reminded them with a sigh!

(In other words, it’s just such a short-term information barrier. In turn, will the great advantage be turned into a disadvantage? It seems that Aishajiang has confirmed that the opposing commander is truly extraordinary. Get ready! xn)

"So it seems to understand something! xn"

"No, no! I am afraid that this move has a purpose, right?? (ˊwˋ)??, for example, even if it is unexpectedly guarded here, you can also use these personnel in unexpected places, Another reinforcement point, right? Am I right????????!"

And it was after hearing Aisha's thoughtful explanation, that Silica and the others, who were indeed so, suddenly realized that they were nodding their heads like this.

Not only that, as if he saw other possibilities in Hexiangjang, he pinched his chin with his jade hand, and then smiled again and again to confirm to Aisha!

(As expected, Hexiangjang who often mixes with Bishi and Tongrenjang, I didn’t expect to see my other arrangements so quickly! I really have a pair of insights!)

"Hahaha! Who knows! What if one is nothing more than xiangjiang? After all, I am not the kind of person who knows everything or even strategizes to win a thousand miles!"

Suddenly, Kazuka pierced her back with this Aisha stuck her tongue out as if she had become very naughty and cute, and then slapped her with sloppy eyes!

"Well! Just treat it like this! Let's take action! After all, the quicker this kind of action is, the better!"

"Understood! xn"

‘Di, di, da da da’

And just looking at Aisha with such a flat smile, and feeling that there is no need to expose it, he called Silica and the others, and manipulated the magic screen in front of him so quickly!


(Can all the people who can describe the formation here move to point a at full speed? It's a strange command, but even so, we can just do it! xn)

"I really don't understand what the young masters want to do!"

"It's nothing to care about, we just need to know that they must be thoughtful about it?"

"Well! The following personnel will also be transferred with us, and all the other personnel will participate in full offensive and defensive operations!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!! xn"

And that is, at this point of time when the enemy was invaded, the rock knights who were still preparing to defend this supply point suddenly felt a lot of inexplicable after this double instruction.

But even if they really don’t know the overall intentions of Aisha and the others, they still believe that there is nothing wrong with them.

‘Ding Ding Dang Dang, 唰唰唰, 嘭嘭嘭’

Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

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