Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (377) Pinch soft persimmons

"No! This matter must be thoroughly investigated! Otherwise, such an unexpected situation will happen, then it will be against us in the reverse direction!"

"Wow~wow~wow, da~da~da"

And after this giant rock dragon was transformed by Asuna's magic power, it regained its consciousness and body control power.

At the other end, Grut, who suddenly reached the news that it had broken off, felt very unacceptable as though his eyes were wide open!

After all~ the emergence of this incident is as scary as the disaster of the undead...

Once the 20 dragons, including the undead dragons, which fall from the ground for a while and cannot be reborn, are truly liberated or even become enemies, then ~ this terrifying force is comparable to the destructive power of 20 strategic-level magics, and that is like letting a tiger go. It’s an emergency to pack up...

"But having said that~ where do you start first?"

[I think the two on the ground that have not been reborn can just be our priority targets. After all, the others are still in mid-air waiting for instructions from the enemy, while the others are constrained by our lord’s companions. Now In fact, it is the best opportunity! 】

"That’s true~ Although the enemy can’t move, I’m afraid I can only rely on you if it becomes irritable! Ancient dragon, you only need to touch any part of the body for a long time, so that I can follow the nearest The location directly invades its magical circuit!"

[Lead! 】


‘Om~Om~Om, Zi~ Zi~ Zi, 咚哐~咚哐, 咚哐~嘭大’

And when Gruut on the other side was still trying to reconnect or even figure out the situation of the giant rock dragon, Asuna in his own body negotiated with him in this way.

After all~ Since we want to save all the dragons of the undead, we naturally have to pick soft persimmons, and these soft persimmons are also induced by the magical power of the rock dragon, and they are selected and placed in front of Asuna.

Although ~ At first, Asuna was still hesitating a bit, but after hearing the external situation reported by it, she changed her original uncertain target, locked directly on the ground and fell into complete silence. The state of the undead dragon rose up.

Similarly~ after receiving Asuna's command, the giant rock dragon roared like this, and first used a straight line attack magic that it had previously used to face several undead undead who were still flying in the direction of the designated position in mid-air. The dragon blasted away.

Then he pulled down quickly, and directly changed his direction to the enemies clustered in the position of the two fallen undead dragons, and minimized their interference in the next step...



‘咚~咚~咚, 喤~喤~喤’

Naturally, because of this sudden attack, not only was it hitting a few undead dragons that just hovered in mid-air just like they were stupid, and even swept away at least 1,000 undead sergeants on the ground. It suffered a huge loss...

(Sure enough! That dragon not only lifted the **** of the soul, but also slaughtered our air and ground troops in a devastating manner, causing a huge devastating blow! What are you really afraid of!)

"Cut~Cut! The defensive measures and preparatory measures have not been completed. I did not expect that when I was relieved to go underground, the personnel on the other side who invaded the undead dragon actually grasped the weakness between the magic circles and turned them into Killed the enemy unit! It's disgusting!"

"Wow~wow~wow, dick~di~di"

Grut, who was also in the middle of the investigation, immediately received dual on-site feedback from the mid-air and ground forces. The thing that worries him the most has happened, and he has to grit his teeth with hatred again.

However, anger and regret did not have any effect on the current situation, so it was the first time to stabilize the negative emotions that almost broke out, and began to make various ways to respond to the current situation...



(They seem to have received an order from the other side, so even if they don't fully restore their bodies to their best condition, they have to prepare to escape directly before we get closer!)

"Ancient dragons! They directly smashed their wings and limbs, completely blocked their follow-up actions, and even smashed their mandibles to prevent them from using self-destructive magic with their faces facing upwards!"

【understand! 】

‘Om~Om~Om, Om~Om~Om, 咚哐~咚哐’

That is to say, on the other side, Gruut is still actively using long-distance control to order the two wounded undead dragons to escape if they can escape, and when they can't escape, they will self-destruct.

Asuna, who expanded the detection magic effect by connecting the body of the rock dragon, saw through their thoughts at a glance, and then let the rock dragon use the most ruthless way to completely stop their stupid behavior.

The innumerable scattered fireballs and rock throwing objects provoked from the mouth of his blood basin, without a slight deviation, slammed through the throat, mandible, dragon wings, limbs and other directions of the struggling undead dragon directly below.

It can almost be said that it prevents the opponent's actions and the application of large-scale destruction magic in all directions. After all, no matter how powerful the self-destructive magic is, if it is fragile or blocked the magic circuit, it will lose its effect like a circuit...

Even this will increase the burden on Asuna’s invasion, but it is better than letting it self-destruct, even if it is destroyed directly, the enemy will not be able to control but it is ultimately for It's a pity for Asuna!



‘Om~Om~Om, Boom~Boom~Boom, Gada~ Gada, 噌~噌~噌’

Also before these undead dragons had other reactions, the rock dragons used their short front claws, combined with the sturdy hind legs and claws, to press them very **** the ground. Rebellious behavior.

Not only that~ In order to guard against the "Summon Magic Circle" in their bodies, they released a large number of miscellaneous soldiers, and touched their body with 4 claws of the giant rock dragon.

They immediately released a large amount of earth-brown magic halo, followed their body magic circuit, directly produced a large range of petrification and powerful thorn-like range attack magic, and penetrated all the existence in their body except the magic circle.

And for the first time, he stopped the ‘necromancy technique’ on the two undead dragons, and even forcibly swallowed them and turned them into a huge magic resonance...

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