Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (388) Varudo's Good Luck Day?

After all, compared to the guarding and defensive task of defending the main characters like this! It is their favorite to go to the forefront, but... they have no choice~ they can only do their own tasks by following orders and stick to their posts...

  ‘Zi~Zi~Zi, quack~quack'

   (Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Where did the weird noise come from? Could it be that it was not a coincidence before? xN)

   "You guys guard here and I will go and see!"

   "Understand! xN"


And that’s how weird noises sounded again, and they immediately attracted their attention. For this reason~ This time it is still a squad leader like the Rock Knight. After putting down these words, he went out to explore the truth in person... …

   (coming! But this equipment feels ~ I am afraid this guy is the strongest in this team? Then let the simple bait play more with it!)

  ‘Om~Om~Om, Tap~Da~Da’

It is also using some kind of very weak magic power, hiding as big as a thumb, and there is a simple self-discipline movement inscription technique in the body, especially small bone doll, just let it go out to do the domineering Varudo. .

   looked at the rock knight who was seduce and gradually left here, and then used the digging magic above to start digging diagonally and longitudinally...


   (You can feel it! The enemy should be below, and there seem to be several more! But ~ I am afraid there are not many who are the strongest! _(:з」∠)_)

   "Then~ what should I do now? Just dig through it and hit it hard?"

   is also like this. After less than 1 to 2 minutes of the journey, after being able to detect the situation directly underneath through the subtle ‘magic perception’, it actually makes it more difficult in turn...

   After all, look at it with the current magic power feedback! There should be only about 4 people inside, aside from the relatively low average existence of the three magic power values!

   What really cares about it the most is another single position. Now it seems that the magic value is from a relatively low level. It is still slowly recovering like a weak existence.

   I don’t know why~ Its sense of existence, a sense of sight that cannot be erased, makes Varudo as it has ever been before, falling into a state of confusion and hesitation...

   (Intuition tells me! Only one person should take it seriously. As for the other three~ Well, even if the magic power is not high, it is better to assume the presence of force!)

   (After all, to be able to co-exist in the same room as a high-level guardian, naturally it takes a certain degree of strength!)

   "...It is better to admit some counseling, after all~ For me now, I am afraid it can be safer~ count some!"

  ‘Om~Om~Om, pap~ta’

   And after all this tangled in his mind for a long time, he decided for the first time that he wanted to leave such room for Varudo.

  Using subtle hole-opening magic, I opened a needle-like hole in the position directly below, and carefully observed the inside to collect information...


  ‘Wow~wow, Zi~ Zi~ Zi'

   "It seems that the transformation and application of excessive magic power has brought a certain degree of burden to Kirito-chan, who is almost the center of magic control. This time, the whole body has been caught in an overload-like high heat situation, which is one of them..."

   "Well~ well! After all, according to our magic skills, there really is no special response or auxiliary method! But the most basic physical cooling is still possible!"


   In the rough-cut room below a hundred square meters and slightly rounded squares, apart from a few torches and the relatively simple stone furniture surrounding it.

   Lying on a nice wide stone bed for two people, Kirito Pingyi rock knights, who seemed to be burning, were surrounded by Lisbeth who didn't have much help.

   Seeing that they have a little stronger magical ability, Aisha, desperately using water magic, so wrapped in the comatose Kirito's whole body cooling situation, overall there is still not much improvement at all...

   Especially when it was still flushed all over, it made all the liquid continue to boil from the inside to the outside. It is enough to understand how bad Kirito's situation is now...

   (Eh yo? Did I come here by a coincidence! It was a good time when I came up! And the most troublesome thing is like a guy with a red stone! Take down all three of them in one breath now!)

   "Hehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! God helps me too, I can't stop it with luck!"

  ‘Zi~Zi~Zi, Wow~Da, Wow~Wow’

   "Who~who? Where did you come in from! x3"

   "Huh~huh (ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻! Go to hell!!!"

  ‘Om~Om~Om, Om~ Om~ Om, Om~ Om~ Om, Om~ Om~ Om~

  , that is, Lisbet and the others are still below, with their backs facing the direction of the cave where Varudo was observing, it immediately digs through the ground under its feet, feeling indispensable.

   After landing in a timely manner, it attracted the attention of Lisbet and the others inside at the same time, but it was a pity ~ Varudo didn't answer the words of the three of them too much.

   Instead, he attacked the closest with the trend of ruthlessness regardless of the three-seven-one, and then let them fight together in a very passive manner...

   (Damn it! Where did the existence of this undead come from? Could it be that the commotion just now was actually caused by it? x2)

   "Sister Aisha will continue to maintain Kirito-chan's cooling magic! I will help Lisa-chan!"

   "Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please

  ‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Da~Da~Da’

   And just in this situation, Lisbeth personally charged up again like a self-recommended!

  【Howling Tyrant Wolf, Attack of Flying Shadow Ghost】


  ‘Hu~hu~hu, da~da~da, li~pala, dingding~boom, boom~boom~boom’

   And that is to say, facing the situation of Varudo attacking the death place again and again, Lisa who has been forced to have no choice but to start with a combination of continuous left and right hooks, swings, and straight punches with magical power!

   abruptly reduced its advantage in a surprise attack at the beginning and temporarily reduced it a lot! Secondly, she also connected the left and right legs with whip kicks, side kicks, straight kicks, round kicks, chain kicks, etc., with a high-speed combination of fists and legs intersecting. She gradually brought her into a forced five-five opening situation...

   But that's it~ Lisa didn't weaken her offensive because of such a temporary advantage. She did the opposite, and continued to fight and dodge in the middle of the opponent.

   With a more rapid and violent combination of continuous punches and legs, it even bombarded Varudo's weak points in 16 violent attacks, trying to suppress it to the maximum!

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