Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (396) 7 traps

They cooperated with the long-distance support magic of their companions to a certain extent, and they were bold enough to cross each other and flick towards Varudo!

This good tacit cooperation and airtight tight connection effect made it a little serious for a while to deal with it, after all, their initial actions were somewhat mechanized.

However, his follow-up gradually became flexible, imaginary formations and moves, and he had to let him fight one after another like twelve points ahead of schedule!

(Top left, bottom left, front right, diagonal bottom right, center, horizontal right, vertical left...)

‘Hu~hu~hu, blada~blada, bang~bang~bang, bang~click~


‘咻~咻~咻, 嘭哐~嘭哐’

Although the enemy is indeed becoming smarter and more flexible, it is inevitable to be used to use the magical hatchet in his hand to slap again and again from the enemy's use of flying objects with magic effects.

Let it use an unexpected angle and speed to directly knock down some of the flame orc puppets that will continue to attack Varudo in a series.

It made them ruthlessly ruined about half of them in such a clever way of changing their attack trajectory.

It can be seen that Varudo’s current "magic perception" and his use of his brain have gradually become broader and more powerful, so he has made such a move full of precision calculations to kill the unsuspecting flame orcs in the opposite direction. Puppets!

(Then~ it should be over!!!)

【Twenty-Four Strikes with Flying Axes】

‘Om~Om~Om, huh~huh, 咣~咣~咣, papa~pada’


Moreover, Varudo didn't stop just because he used the opponent's attack trajectory to change his attack. Instead, he followed a situation where he was already relaxed and the offensive weakened significantly.

After rolling forward several times in midair, he used the 24 more enhanced short axe sword throwing skills with magical powers to directly click off the remaining flame orc puppets that had not fully reacted.

They left their minds blank, and they all fell to the ground together, falling into burnt lime chips, directly losing signs of magic...

(I thought it was so powerful, in the end it was just a little thing to delay time!)

"But~ the strength of the defense has indeed increased a lot as it goes up to the sky, I don’t know~ what else will surprise me... Well~ Well! Soldiers will cover the water and the earth, and the only ones who block me are You need to be stepped under your feet and step over!"

‘Boom~ boom~ boom, hum~ hum~ hum’

After confirming that these defensive flame orc puppets were completely silent, Varudo paused for a while, then subconsciously raised his head to look at the crimson sky like the Red Sea, and continued to rush upwards like a lot of arrogance!


(The Jiuzhongtian was directly dropped by 2 levels. Sure enough, this kind of slightly upper-middle defensive ability is useless in front of it! But let us buy another time for the recovery of Tongrenchan! x2)

"Support Liz sauce again!"

"Ahhhhhhh! Continue to increase the output of magic power, and then strengthen the follow-up 5 defenses, should be able to barely support until Kirito-chan's body improves!"


‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~咣~咣’

The magical connection in the entire small world is completely connected with Lisbet and the others, so the intelligence that Varudo directly broke through the two defensive nets in a short time has already been transmitted to the two people's minds.

It is true that the two of them are also very clear that the result of this defense is their best effort, but after thinking of changing directions and buying a lot of time, they increase the final output of magic in their bodies, trying to continue to make things difficult for Varudo below. stand up……

‘Om~Om~Om, Om~ Om~ Om, Om~ Om~ Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om

(Sure enough, it's here again! But this time it's Earth Element? I didn't expect that some of them have more than two magic attributes. This is also a very rare phenomenon!)

"But~ Generally speaking, I am afraid they will be second only to their fire and ice elements. After all, I can feel the immaturity of these earth element magic attacks! Sure enough~ they still cannot cover up their shortcomings in the use of magic! "

【Cracking Boom】

‘Om~Om~Om, uh~ uh~ uh, ding-ding~dangdang, uh~ uh~ uh, uh uh~ uh uh"

"Ah~ah giaa~aaa...xN"

Although this magical attribute was indeed a little surprised, it was not as good as the time of ice and fire to know the strength of its attack through the ‘magic perception’.

Varudo, who didn't have much thoughts, just rotated his huge body suddenly, and then desperately accelerated the rotation with a continuous double hatchet.

And with a large amount of explosive power and speed, just like this one after another slashed to the surrounding rock warriors and rock dragoons who also took the opportunity to sneak attacks!

Let him and his mount or his surrounding companions explode like a sudden burst from his body, and suddenly let the ambush soldiers that appeared to die from this brutality ~ but under direct attack.

Then it was like roaming in the sky, stepping on top of the falling stones, breaking through the third defensive net along the way, and once again assaulted into the sky!

‘Hh~hh~hh, hh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

(I'm going... there is no end? This time I changed to the wind element? Are you all proficient in magic? And this attack strength is probably second only to the degree of ice and fire magic!)

"Cut~Cut! The enemy's attack came from an invisible distance in that Is it possible to calculate the speed at which I broke through the first 3 floors, and then send it out in advance? Really? Too sinister and vicious..."

"Huh~hu~hu, boom~ boom~ boom"

It was at Varudo that he passed through the third defensive net, and when he vacated about 200-300 meters, he suddenly broke out the invisible multiple wind blade attacks from the left front of his moving trajectory.

But fortunately, its ‘magic perception’ and ‘danger perception’ were captured in advance, otherwise ~ now it will be chopped off any part of its limbs to perform a gecko’s tail docking to avoid subsequent critical attacks!

Also after it escaped these swift and violent attacks, it subconsciously reminded the direction of the crisis along the previous height, squinting its eyes and exploring the location of the opponent's attack like ‘magic perception’!



But just like this, when he paused and vigilantly searched for the exact location of the attacker, two different dragons suddenly sounded in the approximate direction...

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