Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (424) Asuna is the leader

"Return to the little lord, the three giant rock dragons originally sent out have come to accompany them, please give further instructions next!"

"Very good! Inform all personnel, now we are jointly marching to the following locations. As for the specific combat content, I will arrange them in detail in the middle of the move!"

"Understand! Let's pass it on!"


And after about 3 minutes, Asuna's personnel detected that, in addition, they sent out 3 giant rock dragons, and they had returned to the team to accompany each other at the time point, and they responded to Asuna in time. .

Also after confirming that the team was assembled, Asuna issued a new target point to all the personnel, so that they would maintain the herringbone column like a wild goose moving south, and speed up together without any complaints...

‘咻~咻~咻, 咚哐~咚哐’

"Damn... **** it! You enemies are too cunning, you have always been as annoying as a swarm of quick-moving flies!"

‘Zi~Zi~Zi, Boom~Boom~Boom, 咚哐~咚哐’

And that is to say, Asuna was still at the time of their secret operations. The undead dragons on the battlefield B, seemed to be very tired of the rock dragons flying around like this, and it may not be able to be defeated, but it is infinite. The situation of harassment.

So while scolding the rock dragons so badly, I continued to increase the attack power with both hands and mouth, and further spread all the attacks within its range, making the three rock dragons at this place seem to be unable to dodge. Has been flying indiscriminately along an unpredictable attack trajectory.

[It's a bit bad now. It seems that this giant dragonman is a little unbearable, and wants to increase his magic output, and kill us together? x3】

‘Hu~hu~hu, 噌~噌~噌, 咚~咚~咚"

The same three giant rock dragons also found that their patience had been exhausted, and they had lost their temper and consumed their magic power too much!

They are more patient and even cautiously evade enemy attacks, and then continue to attack magic with destructive bursts of magic projectiles.

Not only did it cleverly penetrate the enemy's attack trajectory, but it also continued to point on the enemy's body in a solid manner, making it more irritable and a lot of waste of his magic power!


【this is! ! ! Heh~hhhhhh! Sure enough, in the case of multiple commanders and teams, for those of us who rushed to the front line, it was just as wonderful as a tiger! 】


‘Zi~Zi~Zi, 咚~咚~咚, bang~ bang~ bang"

And that is, at the time when they continued to consume the undead dragon people's physical and magical powers patiently, they immediately sensed that there was a large number of reinforcements for their own people a certain distance away.

Not only that~ they were still receiving magic feedback, they also received direct orders from Asuna, making them seem more aggressive and brave, sending out a large number of rock knights, and performing carpet bombing attacks on the enemy instead of being more comprehensive and extensive. stand up!

(Very good! The enemy's attention has been completely attracted by the members of the vanguard, the next step is to hit him off guard with a huge surprise!)

"The whole team listened to the order and cooperated with the vanguard's attack. We were divided into two parts to take on the reinforcements and the assault team. The assault team was served by the giant rock dragon on my side. Mainly unlimited output from every corner!"

[Lead! xN】

‘Hu~hu~hu, sho-ta~sho-ta"

Also under the feedback of the three split screens in the B area, it is clear that these personnel are very obedient and increase the hatred of the undead giants towards themselves, and then ignore the wonderful opportunity of "magic induction" around them. .

She immediately allocated the positions of the personnel in her hands in this way, and then let the giant rock dragon she was living in immediately rushed out of the team.

Let the personnel who have been pulled a distance behind them, before they reach the prescribed distance, must not start fire in advance like a stunner, so the undead giant dragon people who are too irritable now do not know that they are in danger and remain blinded. In the embarrassing situation...

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!

(There is still a distance of about 200~300 meters, and the designated airspace position is reached! But ~ under this close observation, I really understand what is the most magnificent battlefield situation!)

"But even in such a fierce situation, I won't let it go! The order is passed on, and the long-range artillery cover will begin immediately! Let's just take advantage of the trend and charge in!"

【understand! 】

Whenever he approached Yifen's enemy, the effects and scenes of mutual artillery cover-ups from the surrounding guerrillas and even attracting hatred made Asuna understand that this air battle was so terrifying and full of shock and shock with five senses.

If she was the old lady who didn’t know the world and was silly and sweet, she would have been shocked by such a loud noise and the surrounding corpses of a large number of people on both sides who were shot and fallen. Correct.

Therefore, she is very grateful to the scenes of several large-scale battles that she has participated in before, so that she did not show ugliness like timidly.

Instead, it caused the continuous boiling of the blood in the jade body to the maximum extent, and then, with this deadly and later realization, and this rock giant dragon carrying her, braving a barrage comparable to each other with multiple anti-aircraft guns. The effect, assault on it as a containment attack...

"Die~Die! Then in a group of bugs!"

‘Boom~ boom~ boom, boom boom~ boom boom, boom~ boom~ boom'


‘Om~Om~Om, Om~ Om~ Om, Om~ Om~ Om~

It is also on this battlefield B, as if standing undefeated and about to gradually chase the 3 rock dragons here.

This sudden long-range attack from multiple directions around him made him feel like an angry warrior. He turned around so quickly and roughly investigated what was brought by Asuna. The number of reinforcements.

Then I was very dissatisfied as if activating his whole body up and down, able to release a large number of undead dragoons to cooperate with the artillery effect.

To all the surrounding existence and being locked by it, the Rock Dragoons and the Rock Dragon, it was a group of indiscriminate attacks like a peacock, and attacked all the existences against it! !

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