Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (434) The first touch of 2 parties

Then he hid behind a sarcoma like a dexterous movement, and slowly released the subtle exploration magic to the inside!

This magical contour image should be a giant existence, not only that, its magical power content is much higher than the two big guys I saw before...Kiqi novels are first published on the whole network.

"It's really a problem now! How can I let him directly kill or knock him down without notifying the two outside companions? And given this ability gap, I'm probably only right once. , It's really difficult to start a lot..."

Also after confirming the approximate strength of this guardian, Asuna, who had a slight headache, hid behind the obstacle in this way, and began to plan her assassination plan in detail...

I don't know why... Ever since I first detected that peculiar magic reaction, I have been particularly disturbed. It is obviously difficult for the enemy to sneak into this place, but I have to be alert to the surrounding situation!

"Well! Be careful to make the Wannian Ship! How could I be a little swayed, then it is understandable to rely on this thing!"

Boom, buzz, buzz, buzz

Naturally, it was the one-eyed giant who had slightly probed Asuna's magic power before, and after looking around and wondering for a long time, it still relied on its own intuition to come to the side of the summoning magic circle where it was originally waiting.

And also quickly manipulated this inscription technique interface, so I made some kind of backhand preparations.


Shadowless step, backstab

Buzzing, clanging

"Hmm!!! Go to hell! Intruder!!!"

"Cut it! It's so hard, it's still not easy and unaccustomed to change to a dagger or something!"

Shadowless Walk

Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz

And at the moment when the opponent turned her back to her and almost her whole body was flawed, Asuna took the courage to visualize two daggers from her inventory, accompanied by a more common and stealthy assassination magic power. Sword skills.

In this way, a purple-black magic sword skill that is difficult to be detected was wrapped up and down, and then suddenly disappeared in his original hidden position like a puff of black smoke.

After that, in less than ten seconds, she maintained the previous magical sword skills and halo, so that suddenly appeared on the right rear of this cyclops and could see the direction of its huge shoulder blade.

Then he whirled his body so quickly and accompanied by continuous forward somersaults, he directly pierced the opponent's suspected heart on his back, but when he touched it and was directly repelled by the undead clan's rigid skin, he bounced off the recoil.

He had to use continuous backflips to retreat like this, but the other party was suddenly alert to her in mid-air with additional slashing and stabbing effects of the wild Nagata sword several times in a row.

However, Asuna, who is still in the assassination system, used this good concealed figure footwork several times, and directly disappeared out of thin air without whereabouts.

Let this cyclops leave behind what he hadn't done before, survey the surrounding terrain and find her location!

Damn... Sure enough, there is no problem with my first time. It is obvious that someone has used a certain kind of strong concealing ability to invade so simply! Those two guys are just a bunch of rice buckets!

"But... where will she be?"

Hu Hu Hu, bang bang bang, bang bang bang, bang bang bang, bang bang bang bang

Also after experiencing such a mysterious surprise, the cyclops began to curse how blind his companion was!

After all, being able to let Asuna reach this important place with such an understatement, combined with such a subtle way of being able to touch it behind it.

He had to think of Asuna as an extremely troublesome assassin at the first impression, otherwise he could not find more reasons to explain why she was able to infiltrate or even assassinate her, so naturally he would look around and look forward to the next time Asuna. Appeared...

Damn it... After all, can't break through the opponent's undead Gangpi? Moreover, this feel is obviously much tougher than most enemies before, and it seems to have miscalculated too much...

"Then what to do next? Judging from its current normal reaction, I'm afraid I haven't fully seen my combat identity. In a sense, it is a bad start but a good start, right?"


And also in the next second when the cyclops began to explore and search for Asuna, Asuna once again cleverly returned to the hidden place where she started at the and used good subtle detection magic. , Can gradually grasp the opponent's action status, and then begin to carefully analyze the gains and losses of the current situation.

To be honest, she wanted to see if the sword skills she learned secretly could be assassinated on the spot when she was unsuspecting!

But in the end, the compatibility and proficiency of sword skills and weapons are not very good, so that it can only temporarily retreat to the dark to avoid its edge.

But that is, the opponent’s first impression of herself is the first to be fixed. In fact, it also brought another breakthrough point for Asuna’s follow-up attack. It is a pity that it was another key opportunity for her. I am afraid that she will not make a hasty shot like this time. Up!


Sure enough... this is the place that hiders hate the most. People like me who are not specialized in exploring abilities will be confused by their ability to hide themselves almost completely!

And it is best not to use a particularly rough attack method in this place, otherwise it is likely to damage the effect of the advanced summoning magic circle!

That way, my guard mission will fail completely. Naturally, it is very likely that I will be obliterated from a long distance by the superiors in an instant...

"That's why I hate these hidden pests, but I still met this place! It's really bad for eight lifetimes!"

Pattering, buzzing

It was also when the Cyclops wanted to use what he had learned to detect magic in an easy-to-understand manner, trying to capture the time when Asuna was, and the apparent awkwardness of the magic level was immediately revealed. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

Although it shows that Hina's assassination ability is only at an elementary level, it can be said that it is just right to use other magic to make up for it.

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