Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 38: Dog bites a dog's mouth hair

(What happened to this? What happened today?)

Diss's brain is particularly chaotic now. His plan was disrupted by these three maddening conditions. This was something he hadn't expected.

"Report! The prisoner named Fick has been pressed out of the door! What should Yun Bairen do?"

At this time, a report from Yun Soldier came from outside the door.

(Are you here? One of the culprits who tortured my two sisters! This Diss word can be put aside for the time being! The guy on the other side will be more important!)

"Okay! Bring him in for me! I'll first see if someone else will come to recharge!"

Yun glanced at Diss, who had some brain downtime next to him, and then gave a loud order to the door, and the soldiers outside took the order and opened the door, and then the two men escorted a man with a disheveled hair and bracelets and ankles. He walked in, and when he came to the front of Yun, he kicked him to the back of his knee and forced him to kneel in front of Yun.

(O~O? This awkward guy is Fick who has harmed countless girls?)

"Put his head up for me and let me take a closer look!"

As soon as Yun waved his hand, the two people beside the man grabbed his hair and raised his jaw to force him to face Yun.

(Hmm~Hmm! The name displayed by the system is indeed Fick! It looks like this hapless guy is the scum of that **** woman!)

"Okay! I ask you if you can recruit from the ground up, or you will feel better!"

With the help of the still-existing game system, Yun confirmed the man's true identity, and put his hands together on the desk and began to question him.

"Yes, yes! The little one can say it! The little one can say it! But also ask Yun Bairen to tell me! What wrong did I commit? Why suddenly someone pressed me over?"

This Fick replied repeatedly and at the same time pretended to explain pitifully to the cloud.

(O~O? Could it be that Diss was the temporary substitute for the death? Didn't tell him to collude with a confession? Dis! Where did your confidence come from? Wouldn't you really be slapped with me? )

"O~O? You really didn't commit a crime?"

Seeing this situation, Yun looked at Diss, who hadn't regained consciousness beside him, and began to chase after victory.

"No! Really not! I didn't commit anything! Really!"

It's interesting to see Fick's total insensitivity. The cloud is ready to start spoiling it.

"You two go down first! Okay! Since you, the person in charge, don’t know! How can I say that Lord Diss made a mistake! Okay! Let’s let Lord Diss explain! Lord Diss! Don’t be in a daze. Up!"

Yun let all his people leave with a smile, and then woke up Lord Diss, who was a little dazed by the side.

"Ah~Ah? What's the matter with Yun Hundred General? What are you looking for?"

When Diss spoke, Fick realized that Diss was beside him, and then his eyes trembled with fear. No matter how stupid he was, he knew that what Diss was talking about with Yun was more or less. Knowing why he was arrested for no reason, he already felt a bad premonition in his own heart.

(Couldn't it be the thing we didn't send someone to help before? Or why did you get me over? Plus the boss's nature! It's over! I'm all over today!)

Fick now looks very ugly like a dead father at this minute. When Yun saw this situation, he already knew that something was happening.

"What do you do? Everyone brought you! Are you sleepwalking?"

Yun asked Gus somewhat unjokingly.

(People? Oh~ oh! Fick is here? That's easy! Let him confess his guilt! It's not a difficult thing!)

"No, no! How dare I! It's just that some are thinking about it! Please don't mind Yun Bairen!"

Diss waved his hand to Yun in a panic, proving that he had never deserted like Yun said!

"But! Your subordinate, Fick, said that you were the one who made the case! You just confessed! You just didn't hear it, did you?"

When Yun saw Diss’s present situation, he knew that he hadn’t listened at all. He just gave Yun a chance to provoke them with “drawing the ladder from the house”, and the two of them were a little dazed when they heard what Yun said. Reacted immediately.

"How is it possible? You, a white-eyed wolf, actually framed me! I even pleaded for you! You are a despicable villain who doesn't know how to repay me!"

"No~no! I didn't...I really didn't..."

The two began to squeeze each other, and now it became a cloud sitting on the mountain watching tigers fight.

"Say! Who instructed you to pour dirty water on me! Obviously you pretended to send my troops away and did not help Yun Bairenjiang in time! Are you still planning to plant the blame on me? You who eat inside and out, I Obviously, I have had a relationship with you for such a long time. I treat you not badly! Why did you stabbed me in the back! You said! Who instigated you!"

Diss himself pointed at Fick’s bridge of nose and yelled at him. He didn’t give him any chance to speak at all, for fear that Fick would have missed anything. After all, many things were done by his own hands. of.


"What are you! Tell me who sent you to provoke the relationship between me and Yun Bai Renjiang?"

Diss also glanced at the cloud with his eyes from time to time, and he could see that he was looking at the expression of the cloud to judge how to take these things on this hapless guy.

"Wait! Lord Diss! You keep talking like this! Even if he could say it, he was swallowed by your saliva! Come and come! Come here! Let's listen to what he says!"

Yun beckoned to Diss, which prevented him from covering Fick’s mouth, and this Fick was already trembling like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, looking at Yun and the glaring Diss, watching him. If you dare to say something wrong, you will be chewed and eaten.

"Go ahead! Your lord with me here won't choke you alive!"

Yun's smiling hands clasped together to assure Fick. And Fick nodded slightly.

"First I ask you! Has the army been mobilized by you?"


"What are you going to do?"

"Relocate some items to the warehouse of the mansion."

"How many people were transferred?"

"Almost half of the full force!"

"Do you know the content of the collaboration between Lord Diss and me?"

"This little one knows a thing or two!"

"Then why is it precisely at this juncture to mobilize troops and horses to do such meaningless things?"

"This... I'm afraid that wild monsters will break through the line of defense, so I can't prepare for a long time to defend them. In fact, I didn't think that Yun Bairenjiang's troops could block the huge crowds of attacks. The precedent of the sneak attack, I also did this just in case!"

In the case of this question and answer, what Fick said did not contain any moisture and in the process, he looked at the cloud and then answered the first reaction. It seems that there is no problem. What may be said is the truth, according to the original second-hand preparation under Diss, once the Glutton and Smiling Coffin succeed, they will not be prepared to fight attrition at the mansion of the guarding lord.

(Good guy! Wishful thinking is so loud! No matter whether it succeeds or not, it can be said that it has nothing to do with this Diss. No wonder he will hand over this right hand! It seems that this unlucky person is really very miserable. It’s just that I’m not acting here anymore! The rest will be given to the torturers!)

"Okay! Come here!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"Drag him there!"


After Yun obtained this information, he already knew that he could not ask the guy what was coming in front of Diss, so he called people in and made a special gesture to them, and the two slightly stunned soldiers shook hands. This noisy and noisy Fick is going to that place...Grey Wheel Dancer of Sword

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