Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (461) Infiltrate the love sauce

(Then where should I start the destruction now? Or should I give priority to setting up traps that can destroy all important positions before the Rock Flying Dragon returns to normal?)

"Well~Well! It's really not possible. Let's just jump out and see the situation!"

The same is true when Ai-chan fumbled all the way in, while using his own detection magic to confirm the time point of the enemy, he immediately found a blind spot in his field of vision.

Wrapped and attached to the fabric of ‘flavored orchid’, quietly circumventing all guards, slowly searching for ‘summoning magic circles’ at all levels! After all, if it is to prevent its advancement and the ability to produce troops.

Then, first set up the direct destruction magic in such an important existence zone, then in the end, Ai Jiang only needs to find a chance to escape and activate, and he can completely disintegrate everything about this undead dragon from the inside!



"Gah~gah~gah! (Maybe! At least the superiors asked us to pay more attention and vigilance, now it is still sloppy! After all, another such zone has been annihilated!)


And just as Ai-chan touched a passageway, she immediately spotted the undead sergeant patrolling here.

Naturally, in order not to be discovered by these troublesome things, it immediately kept the ‘masking orchid’ attached to it, and at the same time, it hid in a blind spot on the side of the road with its concealment effect, and waited for them to leave.

However, these undead stuff seemed to be communicating something, but they sounded like howling, so I didn't understand that they were exchanging the information they wanted, so they kept frowning and watching them away.

(Damn...Why don't I have some undead words similar to them, or else I should be able to understand what they are saying!)

(After all, in their habitual gossip, sometimes there will be extraordinary clues!)

"Oh~hhhhhhhh! I'm afraid this is the kind that my dear always talked about before. Sure enough, learning a foreign language will have a lot of advantages... Well, it's useless to regret it. After all, this is also a luxury. s things!"


And even after these undead sergeants passed by, Ai-chan actually understood that they should talk about what is very important to him.

But after all, he suffered a big loss because of a bad foreign language, so he could only laugh at himself like this, and then continue to go back and investigate in the direction where these undead sergeants came...

(It's so deep, it feels that the internal structure and organization of the rock dragon's body are much larger than that of the rock dragon before!)

"This is also normal. After all, the giant rock dragons have said before that this dragon form can be said to be the standard appearance of its evolutionary type! Fortunately, the overall internal structure has not changed much, otherwise it is not necessarily true. Find the key location, right?"


The deep and winding paths of various tissues can be said to extend in all directions so that people who are not familiar with the tissues of the organism will get lost as soon as they come in.

It’s just that I love it because I have entered the body of the giant rock dragon, so I looked at some small changes in the organizational structure and slowly understood where each fork road would lead.

Naturally, he chose a key location where the enemy was most likely to be hidden, and continued to work hard like this. Xuan Xuan Book Bar


(Hmm~hmm? Did you encounter a defender zone so soon? It looks like you have won the prize!)


‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~咣~咣’

And that is, she only went deep into one of them, probably less than 15 minutes away, and the foundation she had already set was a detection magic with a radius of 100 meters from the center of her.

At this moment, he yelled and reminded him, it was obvious~ this was the first place where the other party had been garrisoned, and it was a good reminder. For a while, it seemed to be interested in Aijiang, and let him strengthen the detection magic. Strength, check it further!

(That's it~ This is a production zone with a simple hardened meat door, and then there should be a space inside and one of the various levels of ‘Summon Magic Array’ is placed!)

(Moreover, it can be said that there are two corps of personnel stationed in place at the door, and a basic mode of patrolling back and forth about 50 meters to the left and right of the door!)

(Although there is a certain degree of magical reaction vaguely inside, it is a pity that there is a rough concealment magic of the enemy, and there is no way to fully grasp the specific internal situation!)

"Hmm~hmm...this is a bit troublesome! In case I make these gatekeepers unconscious, I will most likely let them inform internal or other personnel in the middle... It seems that I have to find another way!"


Also, after learning about the situation of this place for the first time, Aichan immediately looked a lot more serious.

After all, she is alone now, without any reinforcements to complete this mission of infiltrating and destroying the undead giant dragon.

So I felt that after diving directly into it was not very reliable, it slowly maintained the sneaky appearance of the ‘flavored orchid’ fabric, and with good hiding characteristics, it slowly moved to the reentry position about 100 meters away from them.

Blinking that beautiful jeweled eyelid like a melon seed with a little head out of it! Begin to look around at the current patrol situation of the opponent.

Even if she did pass the detection magic at the beginning, roughly planned their distribution and patrol route, but did not carefully observe the real terrain, in fact, she would not be good to make good countermeasures! This is also one of the actions that must be taken sometimes.

(That's it~ It seems that the fleshy walls around here are hardened ~ Almost physical resistance such as blows is relatively high, and it is also resistant to magic to a certain degree, and can reach the point of immunity or the worst reduction!)

"Anyway, the front entrance is mostly useless. After rushing through, it seems that I can only start from this wall or floor!"

[Hole through]

‘Om~Om~Om, Boom~Boom~Boom, Da~Da~Da;

Similarly, after poking out his small head, and confirming the current terrain outside and the patrol situation of the enemy team in this way, Ai-chan began to stab the building next to him as if he was hiding again.

Seeing her jade hand gently lifted, a blue magic halo suddenly hit the flesh wall in front of her, and then it formed a two-person parallel cave on the flesh wall.

Then after she walked in gently, the entrance and exit seemed to disappear again and returned to the original state of nothing...

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