Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (four hundred and sixty-three) prayers and blessings from the sisters

However, among the undead sergeants, it seemed that there were people who had been in the magical area, so they gave a more realistic answer to the other people who had never seen it like this. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

After making him feel that it was a little rare but no major problem, he watched the excitement so that he gradually left from around it and returned to his post!

This is the fact that Ai-chan uses simpler fire magic, through the guided space correction ability, to slowly adjust and present additional results...

(OK, after looking at it, probably the space has been adjusted, and nothing was noticed by it! Then let's find the next place before they notice it!). ??。. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


"Old buddy~ old buddy! Our mission has been completed a little bit! The next step is to see if you can recover in time!"

‘Om~Om~Om, Da~Da~Da’

Also after completing all the guided settings for this location, Ai Jiang immediately continued to dig forward from the side position.

After all, this is just one of her goals. Her infiltration will not be over if all is not resolved. The threats from the sky units and the ground units are still desperately encircling the situation, are inseparable from her current follow-up. s help.

So while releasing good detection magic, he looked for the most hidden and heavily guarded place...

‘Om~Om~Om, Gada~ Gada, Hu~hu~hu, papa~pada’


"Call - Call ...... finally finished! Dragon on the rock! Love it how they like butter side up? Can you and your partner get over there with us?"

On the other side, Asuna, almost completely peeled off the soul of the giant rock dragon stored on that big piece of flesh, and completely petrified it and implanted it into a good rock body, so that it got a good liberation.

It seemed that Asuna, who had some energy to care about other things, breathed a sigh of relief and checked the situation on Ai-chan's side again with the lodged Rock Dragon.

[How to put it...My lord, I am afraid that the situation is not so good. I can't get in touch with the other compatriots in the airspace, but the only one who can have intermittent magical feedback is the rock flying dragon that should be sent to Master Xiao Ai. ! 】

[But because its magic power and condition seem to be not very good, I am afraid that the battlefield on the other side is still very fierce! 】

"Papa~Papa, hu~hu~hu"

It was also after welcoming the compatriots back, and then being asked by Asuna in such a vague way.

The rock dragon also tried to contact the people on Aijiang's side for the first time, but ~ the only magic loop feedback it could sense was the recovering rock dragon in the Aijiang bag.

And the most troublesome thing is that its aura and magical power are very subtle, and the rock dragon can only respond to it like this for a time.

(Only one rock flying dragon can get in touch? Hmm~hmm...I’m afraid the Aijiang side is really bad, right? And how do you see that there is a connection on this side, most of it is injured and very weak! Is it possible~ Aijiangjiang After it was contained in the bag, did it start acting on its own?)


[My lord ~ ​​my lord? 】Love e-books

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ let's deal with the undead dragon who was stopped by the heavy flying units first!"

"After all, Ai Jiang should have a way to solve the difficulties! We should choose the most basic situation now that there is no staff to contain the existence!"

[Lead! All staff turn! 】


"Shoo~hoo~hoo, hoota~hoota"

Hearing what the rock giant said like this, the thoughtful Asuna was restored to his senses by his continuous calling, and only then did he decide on their next destination to adjust the course of all crews!

(But... love sauce! You have to be careful! After all, the opponents we have encountered here seem to belong to the owners of very distressing coping styles, I hope you can overcome it!)

"May Yui be able to protect and bless you! My good sister!"

Although Asuna said so, in fact, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy about the situation she just encountered, so when the rock dragons adjusted their channels, they prayed silently with their hands together like this...

(That warm feeling just now!)

"Oh~hhhhhhh! It seems that someone is thinking about or wishing me a blessing? I always feel a warm feeling all over! Well~well! In that case~ then I have to work harder!"


"No? So fast? And it seems that there are still two or ~ everywhere? It's exactly 4 directions that are not adjacent but slightly apart from each other! This is exciting good news!"

The same is also true when Ai-chan is still using magic to hollow out the meat wall, so he has probably confirmed the direction before moving slowly at the time point.

The sudden feeling of being filled with a warm current in her heart gave her a feeling of indescribable happiness. She understood very well~ it should be the blessing of one of the sisters on the battlefield, so it made Aichan full of power. Squeeze a lot of jade fists.

But who would have thought that at the time when she was cheering for herself, as if she was favored by the **** of luck, she received multiple feedbacks from her for detecting magic around her!

The continuous loud reminding sound made him stare in the four directions around him as if he was a little unbelievable.

(It’s okay. I can feel it. All the places are full of defensive magic content like That is to say~ Each of them should be almost the same as the previous zone. Correct!)

"In that case~ I will first explore the side closest to me! Although the level of the garrison outside the door is like that, but the inside is still unable to be fully ascertained, it is likely to hit one or two intermediate level or higher.' Summon the magic circle' maybe!"

"In that case, we must be prepared to be discovered at any time! After all, it is impossible for the personnel in every location to be like a force!"

‘Om~Om~Om, Da~Da~Da’

Naturally, after a little bit of her excitement was calmed down, Ai-chan defined her original goal like this, and slowly moved to the nearest location, sending out a stronger and more concealed detection magic, and then as if walking on thin ice. Approach it quietly!


(This feeling is!!!)

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