Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (476) Proposal from the Rock Dragon

"Sure enough, I still can't believe all the words of my superiors, or else I have been sold to people for money and I don't know what's going on! I also have to make some small preparations!"

Naturally, after hearing this Gurut's overly perfunctory and intentional feeling, the survival instincts of this undead giant dragon were so highly alert to it a lot.

Let him gradually understand that Gurut's words and actions are very unreliable, so he quietly made his own small plans...

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom!"

(No! The situation of my team seems to have become a mess. Many always feel that its purpose is very impure, as if it is using such other scheming methods to disrupt my formation and attack strength and efficiency. !)

"Damn... it's in the plan! It is adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, and at the same time, it does not deny whether it has arranged important meanings in it. It always feels like it is a plan, and it keeps teasing us to react passively. ..."

[Then what to do? Will not continue to maintain this way? Obviously, our team formation started to collapse completely, and it seemed as if some new exits were gradually formed, which made the enemy take advantage of the gaps! 】

And that is, Asuna, who is controlling the entire battlefield like a continuous distraction, suddenly sees some clues at this point in time, but after all, it is still too late to beat her chest a lot...

After hearing Asuna's words of introspection, the Rock Dragon gave feedback on the current battlefield situation and asked him for further instructions.

"There is no particularly good way. You can only say that you can create more small and medium-sized rock dragoons through the ‘Summon Magic Array at all levels’ on your body of the rock dragon, to urgently send out to make up for these locations!"

"It would be better to let other various rock dragon knights lead their subordinates to fight separately! After all, even if I can be distracted to fight, after all, I still have limited energy and can't take care of myself... That's why the change of direction has led to the formation and encirclement of all the current teams. The situation of the Internet gradually crashing!"

[That being the case~ Then I will do it, and if my lord wants to find someone to share some of it, why not first collect the rest of the broken recovery state and speed up the treatment of my siblings, and then let them participate in the battle? I think how can it be much better! 】

And after hearing the rock dragon's question, Asuna immediately calculated a very simple and quick suggestion for him with such frowning brows.

Also after hearing that Asuna's proposal was a temporary response strategy, she made such suggestions and generally proposed to her again.

(It means to get me out of the command of the entire battlefield, and temporarily expand the squadron level or above to be able to use tactical units, and then transfer the command here to it temporarily?)

"Um~hmm... it's not impossible, but~ the rock dragon! Do you think you can buy more time in the hands of this old fox, and don't let him escape as he pleases?"

Naturally, she understood that the rock giant’s proposal was much better than her temporary countermeasure. In order to let the rock giant understand where the most unstable point of this plan was, she once again challenged the rock giant. Long asked.

[Ah~Ah! I understand! Although it is impossible to completely prevent the opponent's many unexpected countermeasures, but only to contain and maintain the basic countermeasures to keep the net! I should have done it! 】

[After all~ Under this situation of continuous fighting of wits and courage, my lord has also accumulated a lot of mental fatigue. Although retiring to the logistics and participating in the recovery of combatants' work will not give you a good rest, it is better than It’s a lot better to rack your brains here! 】

The giant rock dragon who also understood what Asuna was worried about, so full of seriousness, he gave back his thoughts one by one. 19th floor literature

It can be seen that in these consecutive battles, it also understands that Asuna has accumulated a lot of fatigue in her body and mind, so she feels even more that it is necessary to let her recover.

(It looks like~ it really has eaten the weight of the weight! But this is also a very good condition of tempering. At least looking at the thoughts and coping of the rock dragon on my side, it is still very calm. Tendency with plastic talents!)

"Well then! Wait for me to come back! If you let any one go! I will never spare you lightly!"

[Lead! 】



‘Papa~Pada, hoo~hoo~ hoo, hoo~ hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!

And after confirming the will of the giant rock dragon in this way, Asuna, who was slightly relieved, put a word on it, and immediately rushed to the area in its body as a temporary recovery point to help!

At the same time, after confirming that Asuna had entrusted the acting command to it, it seemed to feel full of power and responsibility, and with a roar from the sky, it released more new medium and small rock dragoons and began to execute the original Asuna's The remedy...


(Oh~ yeah? Did you actually use the most inferior method to use all your power to stop me? Is it possible that some self-deprecation is already overwhelming?)

"Well~Well~ Well! It is not ruled out that the other party is making a performance, and then using a more troublesome way to fully relax the morale of the personnel on my side, and finally give us a major destructive effect! In this case~ I won't be soft-hearted!"

"Wow~wow~wow, dick~di~di"

Also after confirming the information after the feedback, it was discovered that Asuna had dispatched more teams to demolish the eastern wall and supplement the western wall, while still maintaining the separate actions of other teams.

There were also some guessing whether the opaque Hina gave up thinking and went to choose the most impatient way of coping with Gurut. After moving his hands, he began to mobilize the undead giant dragon people to take further action.


(What's the matter? Let me prepare to go directly with the next wave of people? Isn't that going out and getting shot?)

"Damn... I didn't expect the boss to be so awesome. In the next attack, he only left me with a'high-level summoning magic circle', and the rest was distributed to the other flying dragons. Obviously, he was prepared to treat me as The biggest bait, to attract more firepower!"

"Then take advantage of the trend to allow other companions who have things to reduce the biggest burden. In a sense, I really can’t get used to this approach! But~but! You have your countermeasures, and I have my own ideas! Waiting Look! I will use external forces to help me get rid of your torture!"

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